View Full Version : A new beginning

20-08-11, 21:27
After months of traumatic experiences. Suicidal at times. Anti-depressants on and off because I just couldn't be doing with the side effects.

I have had a wonderful day today and feel i have actually achieved something.

Long way to go, still taking half the dose of Sertraline prescribed but hey one day at a time:yesyes:

Went to pottery, had sort of feelings that panic attack was looming but just sat it out and managed to stay. First time in months.

Then went to lunch at the garden centre after. Not been able to do this for months neither:D

21-08-11, 18:18
Hi Jenny:)

What a lovely upbeat post .........so so pleased you overcame the fear ......and had a very happy day :yesyes:

it so helps to read this .......and know it is possible to one day smack that anxiety devil full on .
I dont underestimate how much courage it took you Jenny to do this .
be proud .........very proud and keep on going .


21-08-11, 18:23
I'm glad you had a brilliant day - I think it feels even better when you've coped with an impending panic attack. After the dark days you feel like this - :yahoo:

22-08-11, 21:57
Just want to say well done, I'm really pleased for you. May you have many more lovely days x

23-08-11, 17:16
Thank everybody:hugs: I think its important to post the good as well as the bad days.

Have had an up and down week since but I must remember that it takes time to recover.

23-08-11, 17:21
I totally agree about posting the good days, it's heartwarming to read & proves there is light at the end of the tunnel!

25-08-11, 19:13

Had a good day again today after Doc put me on my old anti-depressants.

Weaned off Sertraline now thank god.

Now on Amitrip and Fentazin. The panicky feelings are subsiding and feeling altogether uplifted:yesyes:

31-08-11, 17:53

Another very good day today. Went to Art Group and managed to stay and get a painting done. Then took dog to grooming parlour and then on to visit a friend:D

Head a lot clearer now and looking forward to more days like today:yahoo:

05-09-11, 12:06

Another very good day today. Went to Art Group and managed to stay and get a painting done. Then took dog to grooming parlour and then on to visit a friend:D

Head a lot clearer now and looking forward to more days like today:yahoo:

Great positive posts.
Made my day!!!

26-09-11, 14:42
Little update: Doing Great actually:yesyes::yesyes::yesyes:

Getting out, sold my house and looking forward to moving.
Grandson due on 24th November
Health improved 95%

Depression almost gone and stress levels reduced greatly.

Oh I still have my phobias and not been on bus, train or plane and would still panic in crowds but least I have more strength to deal wi those now

Bring it on world!!!!!:yahoo: