View Full Version : Feel a total mess :(

20-08-11, 21:28
Why is it that when everything is going well, my HA creeps in and messes it all up!!!!

My nervous system is totally messed up, i'm nervous, anxious, my body is doing crazy things!! its driving me mad! I keep getting these random chills/goosebumps, it doesnt happen all the time, but i'm always aware of it when it happens and almost waiting for it to happen again! I'm told this is all part of the fabulous world of HA, but part of my brain is telling me otherwise :( I feel so blue. I try soooo hard to keep my rational brain on the ground with my HA and not get carried away with it all, but lately its been playing up badly.

Am I going mad ???????

20-08-11, 22:10
Hi. being aware of things will make it happen again hun.
Try to have a warm bath, have a warm drink be calm. focus on deep breaaths and a good nights sleep x :)

20-08-11, 22:10
Hey I just typed a load of stuff then seem to have lost it somewhere so if it pops in the thread somewhere bonus...

I was reassuring you you're not going mad.
HA is my current nemesis and has me awake through the night till stupid o'clock. I'm permanently exhausted with 2 young kids to be normal for the next day.
Been trying progressive relaxation which has been helpful

I have found the key to avoiding HA is to relax and turn my attention away from it.
You're not going mad though. Promise.
Chris x

21-08-11, 11:15
Thanks guys for ur posts, I've had too much anxiety and stress and my body has over loaded. I feel as i'm getting older my body doesn't cope well with it all, and complains more. My tension is my neck is slowly calming down after 2 weeks, its taking its time to go fully. The goosebumps thing!! totally weird comes and goes, but if I think about it, it comes on!! Again maybe another weird and wonderful side effect to HA!!