View Full Version : Please help, this is really affecting my life! Ears/dizziness

21-08-11, 09:53
Hi all,

About 18 months ago I woke up and couldn't move with dizziness.. The room wasn't spinning but I felt like I was falling to one side. I could barely sit up an had to focus on something to try and stop the sensation.. It happened a few times and doc said I could be allergic to chocolate.
I cut chocolate put of my diet and was fine for alittle while, however now I keep having similar symptoms.. Not as bad but still really scary and debilitating!
My balance is a huge issue.. I can be sitting at work an suddenly feel like the world tipped, I struggle to stand still for ling periods of time because I sway an feel like I'm going to fall over. I sometimes feel like I'm on a boat when I'm walking. My ears block very easily (I work in hilly Derbyshire so when I'm driving around my ears block with the height of the hills). My ears and head sometimes feel pressurised. My ears feel full and I get pains down the side of them and in my glands.
Just yesterday, I tipped my head to the side, put it back up again and I got horribly dizzy.. The room wasn't spinning but I felt like I was falling to my left.. It completely sent me off balance, my ears struggled to focus and it got me into a huge panic attack.. I'm still nit feeling 100% this morning!

People have said it's anxiety.... Can this really be true?
I feel there's something wrong but I'm scared to go to the docs incase there is really something wrong with me! Or incase he dismisses it as anxiety without doing tests which he always does!
Does this sound similar to anyone?
What sort of tests have u had done on yours ears/balance?

It's affecting my life and I keep thinking itl get so bad that il end up in bed all day every day having to quit a job I love! (dramatic I know, it's just really scaaring me)

Thank you x

21-08-11, 21:04
Does anyone relate to this? Please, advice is much appreciated x

21-08-11, 21:37
Hi Fairy:)
havent had this like you are experiencing .......but have dizziness and had to hang onto the walls as floor came up to meet me ......anxiety the cause.
but you need to see your doctor and have your ears looked at .
Could be wax build up or congestion in the tubes that link ears ,nose and throat
all easily treated ............dont think for a minute it is anything serious Fairy .
but sympathise ..........it is horrible .
there are posts here with similar feelings I have read ...so not alone .:hugs:

22-08-11, 09:31
Thank you for your reply.
I'm trying to get a docs app for today but none left at the mo, got to ring again at 1.15pm. I hate going to the docs - I panic loads! But I do know I need my ears checked.
I kinda hope it is something that can be treated with anti-biotics so it goes away - don't want to be told it's just anxiety cos I really can't cope with this long-term.
Will let u know what they say.
Thanks again x

22-08-11, 19:42
Went to doc.. After waiting for over 1 hour an 15 mins for my appointment, id got myself into a horrendous panic attack an didn't say half of what I wanted too cos I just wanted to get out.. I'm so annoyed at myself! It takes so much to get an app in the first place so I really needed to make the most of it today.
She examined me, did balance checks.. Everything was fine.
She sed she didn't know what it was.. Sed it could be catarrh build up an gave me a nasal spray. She wants me to make a diary of my symptoms an go back in 4 weeks to do it all over again :weep:
Still no clearer an feeling quite fed up x

23-08-11, 12:53
Have had everything you have posted for 24 years.
Some times it has eased off a bit and sometimes it is real bad.
It has totally destroyed my life.
I have not been out of my house on my own for years because of all this.
I always fell like I am falling to the left as well.
Every doctor I have ever seen has told me it is anxiety

23-08-11, 18:18
I'm sorry to hear that x
But I can totally understand.. Iv forced myself to go out these last few days otherwise I'd end up hiding in my room! Iv got a job I need to hold down.. I'm back there tomorrow an dreading it!!
I just wana know what's up with me cos it feels different than anxiety.. My ears block an feel pressurised an ache... Maybe it is all anxiety, who knows! x