View Full Version : Feel horrible

21-08-11, 10:42
Sorry to post again but I feel really scared. I'm pretty sure I have a virus (started feeling awful Friday night) as my hubby has it too, although he's managed to drag himself to work today, god knows how.
I just feel so poorly, v achy, dizzy, shaky, sick & hot & feel like I need to lay down a lot. However my anxiety has gone into overdrive & I'm trying so hard not to panic (on the verge).
I keep telling myself it's a virus & will pass, hubby has it too & doesn't get anxiety, but it just feels like when I started to get really ill with my anx/dep-I'm on my own which makes it worse-pls help, feel so scared

21-08-11, 10:57
It does sound like a virus to me, you both have it which Is a sign it's a virus! But i know how you feel the HA just takes over! Go and get yourself to bed and sleep it off if your able too of course x

21-08-11, 11:03
Well it's either a virus or your anxiety but neither will harm you :) x

21-08-11, 11:04
Thank you for your reply novemberangel, you're so right, the HA takes over! Will try to relax & rest-easier said than done! Hope it goes soon cos I hate feeling like this, as we all do, just so scared anxiety will completely engulf me again