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View Full Version : New Mole!! HELP :(

21-08-11, 10:56
Hi everyone!!

so this morning I discovered a mole on the back of my neck, right up practically in my hair. I think it's new anyway because i haven't noticed it before...

It's really small, a perfect oval shape and dark brown all over, it doesn't have ragged edges or anything (according to my mum - i can't see it!) But it is slightly raised and I don't have any other raised moles on my body, only freckle type things.

I'm 22, is it normal to get random new moles occassionally?? I stupidly went on a sunbed 2 days ago (for the first time ever!) to top up my holiday tan and i'm scared that caused this!!

I'm mixed race (half jamaican) and i don't live in a sunny environment at all, and i've never burnt in my life...but i'm just so so scared that i have skin cancer now!! please help to reassure me, I don't have time to be freaking out yet again :weep:


21-08-11, 10:58
I get moles appearing all time, get them checked and they are fine, been told my gps they keep appearing most of your life. I have couple of raised ones too. If your really worried see your gp who will put your mind at rest x

21-08-11, 12:16
Thanks so much for your reply! Really helps to know other people get new moles and i know it's unlikely to be anything bad given that I have dark skin and have never been burnt, and because it's not in a sun exposed area...

I'm going to go and see my GP tomorrow though, he's really good and will hopefully be able to put my mind at ease! Just wish I could just stop poking at it! I really hate that I can get so irrationally afraid about something so small, anybody without HA would just be able to accept that people get new moles and get over it! stupid brain...:wacko:

Gemma T
21-08-11, 12:28
I have a new one on my little toe. Moles can come and go and change shape etc. All very normal. Only some changes are malignant x x x

22-08-11, 11:40
Hi! Just to let you guys know I've just been to my GP and he examined my mole, he said it's definitely not malignant in any way, but i knicked the edge of it which made it slightly inflamed, but it's a perfectly normal mole! So i am very happy :) Glad I managed to nip this in the bud before it got out of hand, so now I can relax and enjoy the rest of my week :D

Thanks so much for your replies though, this forum helps me no end when i get into my panics!

Love Kittenface xXx

22-08-11, 14:13
all that worry and you was fine
well done its nothing
god bless