View Full Version : Day 4 of Citalopram and side effects are scaring me

21-08-11, 11:59
Hi I'm new on here so sorry if this has been posted a hundred times before!
I've just started 10mg Citalopram for depression and GAD. I took it about 7 years ago when I was a teenager without much trouble (just some increased anxiety in the first few weeks) So this time I knew to expect the anxiety to be worse at first but I'm having some physical side effects aswell.
I'm short of breath, palpitations, heavy limbs, exhausted, bad tummy, aching joints, generally feel weak, dry mouth with a funny taste, no appetite, dizzy, queasy ....

All of which I can stand and am trying to remain positive and as active as I can be, but today I've started my period 9 days early and it's very painful. For some reason this really scares me, I'm worried that it might affect my future fertility, that the drug might have long term effects on my health, all sorts of things are spinning around my head (I know that this is the anxiety talking to me but still, the worry is there).
Has anyone else had a reaction to it on only 10mg and only 4 days in? Especially the cycle changes, it seems so early on to have side effects like this?

Thanks :)

21-08-11, 21:56
Yes hun it does happen after a couple of days into taking your first dose .I felt dreadful and had every side effect going ..Periods will also cause you extra anxiety because of the hormones .Rest assured it will all settle down tho and will be worth it in the end .Try to just get through one day at a time and dont fear it .It will make it worse .Read the Sticky "Citalopram Guide ".at the top of the Citalopram Forum page .It will help you im sure ..BTW it wont affect your fertility ..Gd luck and keep posting for help and support .Luv Sue x:hugs:

21-08-11, 21:58
:welcome:Lola ..Luv Sue x

22-08-11, 11:36
Thank you so much! :)
Feeling much better today, I'm just glad that I know from previous experience how much better I will feel eventually or I'd be really struggling with these side effects.

Thanks again! :hugs:

23-08-11, 12:58
Hi lola
Im on week 3 of cit and am now on 15mg. YES i ve had all the start up symptoms you describe-heart palps chest tightness nausea feeling weird etc Im only just settling down to but still get symptoms but try to ignore it as I know the long term benefits will be worth it ( Ive suffered anxiety for months )
I found being on this forum more reassuring than anything the doctor said -as lets face it unless they ve been thru it how would they know what it feels like !!
Keep going it does get better x