View Full Version : I'm worried i have lymphoma and would like some help

21-08-11, 12:04
Ok so i have been worried about my jugulardigastric lymph node on my right hand side for about a year, i thought i had lymphoma as it was/ is a little bigger than 1cm, which i believe is due to having chiken pox about 2 years ago, at which point it became swollen to the sixe of a lemon.

It hasn't grown since i have been cheking it, for about a year.

about 1 month ago it responded to a gum infection by becoming painful and swollen.

but i'm worried about the texture, it's quite firm (rubbery not stone/rock hard), as is the digastric node on the other side, and my identicle twin brother has the same texture to his lymph node, and it is about the same size.

i'm 18
and have no other swollen nodes
i just want to know should i worry i have no swollen lymph nodes as even this one isn't big.

Also my mom has firm lymph nodes also as does my dad.

Also i think they have been this texture at least for 2 years but maybe longer as i have never checked. i have had a palpable lymph node under my chin for maybe 7 years and it hasn't grwon. it is also the same texture, so maybe it's normal for me.

i was premature and had several severe infections so maybe that could be the cause?

It moves freely in all directions
has clear boarders
hasn't grown

Ok so i'm really asking:

Can a malignant node respond to infection?

is it normal that it is not soft?

Should i see a doctor? it's about 1.2cm ish lond and 0.5cm wide therefore sausage like which apparently reduces the risk of malignacy.

21-08-11, 13:32
go to the doctors have a blood test
but if you had it a long times it would more than just be a lump
i think your ok god bless

Hazel B
21-08-11, 15:23
Someone I know had lymphoma and there were other symptoms apart from a lump.

See your GP for reassurance.