View Full Version : health anxiety

21-08-11, 17:52
Hey whats up my name is Greig just joined up with this site and i can already see there are a lot of folk out there who are like me. My story is i have developed an anxiety issue about my heart or iam told it is an anxiety issue although i personaly think there is a problem due to the physical symtoms that i get. im glad i found this site as everyone who i know thinks iam going crazy.anyway i am undergoing phsycology therapy i have a phsychiatrist a community nurse gp etc my problem is that i just dont beleive them when they tell me iam ok they tell me my heart is fine but its not because i can feel something and they tell me its in my head and they make me feel as if im going crazy. Anyway i just want to know that there someone out there in this small world who has the same issues as me i also suffer from depression and i have good days and bad days when i have a good day i can think on the same level as all the doctors and stuff and can just get on with things but when i have a bad day week month there is no reasoning with me iam utterly convinced. any way peace and love to you all and hold your head up high because one day we will all rise to the top again. G

21-08-11, 17:54
Hi bigG

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

21-08-11, 17:56
welcome aboard, im sure you will find alot of us on here has the same as you and you'll find your definatley not alone. x

21-08-11, 22:18
Hi big G, welcome and I can totally relate to what your going through. Inhipe you get lots of support from everyone on here

22-08-11, 01:33
ya and welcome to NMP I hope you find the help and advice here and maybe make a few friends in the process
