View Full Version : at drs later...im worried hes not going to listen.

22-08-11, 08:26
im at my gps later and im worried he wont listen to me as he blames everything on anxiety..i want him to take my chest pains seriously...im sore still and in a state..its my usual dr maybe id be better seeing someone different but the appt is made.

22-08-11, 08:31
but how can he do more than you all reasy have had hun? you had the teses there clear you need to accept if there s nothing else wrong with you thats its anixety and tension and imflamation causeing the pains im sure he ll be able to give you some kind of muscle relaxer to help with the pain. are you taking regular pain killers paracetomlo and ibuprofen?

22-08-11, 09:03
Im taking cocodimal,ibuprofen ive not as i had imflammation of the stomach last year so dont want to risk it...ive only had ecgs and bloods,im worried as when i contacted the BHF for advice they said to ask for more tests but i know he wont listen..i know youve said you worry about your heart...what is it that makes you worry? x

22-08-11, 09:53
my dad dropped dead in my arms from a heart attack and thats why i panic i was 18 and devolped ptsd so all my panic has conme from there. ive had echos 24hr montior and a 2 month protable montior you could ask for them but we payed private to see my mums cardoiloigst. if your ecg hasnt picked anything up i dont think they will give you more teste but you can ask.

co codamol will not take away the pain as you need a antimflaty or a relaxer theres lost you can take when you have had stomach problems my oh had a stomach ulser and got a different one when he hurt his knee. i really do think you need to relax and maybe amatripalyne will then help with the pain. is it deep in your chest or high up like on the surface as that can be different things

make sure you tell the doctor how anixous and stressed about it you are as that all paints a bigger picture

22-08-11, 10:16
Sorry about your dad,my dad died of a heart attack when i was 16.My pains move..they can be high up on the surface or like just now its at the side of my left breast but earlier the pain was round my left side same level as my breast..my hearts beating fast i can feel it.x

22-08-11, 12:37
Your hearts beating fast because your body's residing adrenaline do you get pains anywhere else like your hips or any where tge pains you have are like what I had the gp thought fibro but i think it was anxiety.

How did you get on at the doctors?

22-08-11, 15:08
Hope it's gone well for you at the doctors Sandy and that you feel you are getting some resolution to the problem. It's horrible being worried about your heart.


22-08-11, 16:06
my appts not till 5.10 so not been yet..i dont know what im going to say that ive not said before plus he will talk over me anyway.

22-08-11, 16:10
Sandy he is not talking you over. Chest pains is a symtom of anxiety- a very common one. also anxiety can cause indgestion and that causes all these pains. youve had so many ecgs done- his not talking you over becaue he knows nothing is wrong.

22-08-11, 16:12
I read that ecgs are only good if youve had or are having a heart attack at the time,so i could have a problem but its not been picked up..im dreading going...i will start to cry and that will make me look silly.

22-08-11, 16:14
Ask about indigestion as well Sandy

22-08-11, 16:15
Thing is Sandy, that even if you do not have a heart problem as all your tests suggest, you DO have a anxiety problem that is severly affecting your life and that needs treatment too, he should be able to see that. Make sure you tell him how much this anxiety is crippling you at the moment. Good Luck x

22-08-11, 16:17
Im on meds for anxiety,i have to tell him i cant go on like this...i was walking uptown today and i had terrible pains so thats whats making me think its my heart...yes im going to mention indigestion..if i get a word in.Also when i reached out today to take a cup from my little boys hands it hurt my right arm near the top i got a pain...if i lift my left arm too it hurts.

22-08-11, 16:36
There may be a better anxiety treatment for you, meds or counselling. It is his job to help you with this. Hope you feel better soon. x

22-08-11, 16:48
thats wrong hun stop googling my mum has a heart probelm i wont tell you about it as you ll prob panic but her consultant said he can pick up a prob of any ecg if there is one so stop worrying

have you wrote a list to take with you that might help?

22-08-11, 16:49
ask about going on amatripalyne its used for pain and could really help it sounds like you have nerve pain from the imflamation x

22-08-11, 16:58
Sandy Sandy Sandy you are making yourself ill, if you do not put it aside you will end up with real problems such as a major nervous breakdown.
Look heart problems if they occur leave you in no doubt, not only do you get chest pains but you would suffer from shortness of breath, exercise intolerance, looking ashen and very unwell, cold clammy sweats, feeling very unwell with feelings of dread, nausea and vomiting. Just getting chest pains with nothing else is probably anxiety or costochondritis.
If you can get the tests then go for the non invasive ones such as echo cardiogram, exercise treadmill and if the results are normal then live your life.

22-08-11, 17:00
yes my arms hurt to lift things to- its tension from anxiety cauing this and the pains

22-08-11, 18:09
Thanks for all the replies once again.Well guess what he said..anxiety,no surprise there,he never let me get much of a word in,hes made his mind up,its all anxiety and i need to relax...hes lowered my betablocker as my heartrate was a bit too low (so that worried me) and told me to get intouch with my CPN,he sounded my chest and took my obs..i asked if it was maybe my stomach problem playing up..he said "no,its anxiety girl".Ive to go for a fasting cholestral (spelt wrong) test.So im home still in pain.Is he right or are they all missing something,i hope they are right.

22-08-11, 18:12
You are making the pain worse by worrying over it. youve had a docs opinion. its ok

22-08-11, 18:33
your making your self worse you need to relax glad hes lowered you beta blocker as that can make you feel tired if your pulse is to low.

i dont know if you can afford it but if you can how about trying accupuncture for the pain? i find it fab and they also treat anixety at the same time? or what about booking a massarge every few weeks that helps muslce tension to i have one everyweek when im bad. if you have a junior there usually really cheap

you really need to try your relaxation cd it wont work straight away it takes time and effort to learn to be able to clear your mind every time your mind wanders bring it back to your relaxation and clear your mind it will work after time i do mine at the exact same time everyday and it really helps

22-08-11, 19:08
I used to go for accupuncture for my back pain,it did help,can they do it for chest pain do you think? Ive a appt to try hypnotherapy on friday its my first one so it just to discuss what i want it for.

22-08-11, 19:12
yeh ive had it for mucle pain froma frozen shoulder and it works fab for anixety

good luck for fridday let us know how it goes

macc noodle
22-08-11, 20:11
Sandy, please speak to your CPN and please listen to everyone on here who is telling you that you are making yourself ill with all of this.

I know that you said that you have had CBT and it did not work - well here is the news - you have to want it to work in the first place and I am seriously beginning to think that nothing will stop you on this downward spiral and obsession over your heart.

I may sound harsh but the time has past now for everyone on here to continue to indulge your constant seeking reassurance and to keep telling you all is fine and that the numerous tests you have had confirm that your heart is fine.

The only person who can help you climb out of this hole you have dug for yourself is YOU - you need to want to get better and to acknowledge that it is health anxiety causing these perpetual symptoms - once you can accept that the physical problems are being caused by anxiety then you can begin on the path to recovery.

I know it is hard - I am part way there myself with my therapy for my HA but it is not easy and I have to be very focussed and strict with myself over keeping a grip on it all. But I know that in the long run it will be worth it and I fervently hope that one day very soon you will feel the same.

Macc Noodle


23-08-11, 07:24
My pains are real and vert frightening,they are becoming more frequent,i feel because i suffer from HA then the drs dont take me seriously,only last night i awoke with a pain shooting up the left side of my neck,i feel sick this morning and my heart feels weak...i shall stop coming on to this site as i dont want anyone thinking im not lsitening ot them as i am but i feel so ill that i dont believe its anxiety.

23-08-11, 08:00
Why dint you ring a osteopathic and book your self in today they have x ray machines and know all about muscles and nerves I'm sure it's all caused by tension but tension can cause nerve damage ect at least they can have a look and see if there'd any imflamtion

23-08-11, 08:16
ive jsut looked them up theres some where i stay,it lists all the stuff they can treat but nothing about the chest...do you think i should go?

macc noodle
23-08-11, 08:29
Foolish to see an osteopath without diagnosis first especially given your medical history.

They are fantastic if you have hurt your back, shoulders, etc and can give good relief but personally would not use one unless advised to by a medical practitioner who knew my medical history.

Sandy - you say that your pains are real which I am sure they are - that much is true and you may have costonchondiritis or not as the case may be - but it is not a heart condition as you imagine.

You can have real pain with anxiety not imagined and that is not what people in here are saying. We are saying YES you do have real pain BUT it is not heart related but ANXIETY generated.

Pains generated from being anxious all the time are absolutely awful and they appear in areas that suggest heart problems when they are not there - your reaction to the pain is understandable especially given family history but you have been tested and told there is nothing wrong - what more can the doctors do?

All everyone here is saying is that we understand your anxiety but that you need to accept that the pain is being caused by the anxiety and move on from there and get the appropriate help.

23-08-11, 09:57
Yes your right i cant go without a dx of something..i really just wanted the xray done anyway but the one i was looking at didnt mention xrays...when i press around the area that hurts on the left side around my left breast/centre its sore to touch...im scared to take a ibuprofen.

23-08-11, 12:03
course you can go with out a diganosis of something thats what they are there for they are medically tranied and wil be able to tell you if there something wrong with your muscles as oviosly the pain isnt related to your heart so it must be muslular and thats waht they are the experts in so i dont see why its foolish

macc noodle
23-08-11, 13:48

If you are worried about the ibuprofen tablets, it may be worthwhile getting some Voltarol cream and applying that to the aching area - I have found it a very effective remedy for my painful muscles (especially my intercostal muscles) and it does not affect my stomach in the same way that the tablets do.

Worth a try for some relief.

Macc Noodle