View Full Version : bladder pain/pressure

22-08-11, 10:39
I have had a feeling of a full bladder for 2 weeks now. 2 urine tests came back negative for infection. Ive had 2 antibiotics, current one is ciplox, which have no affect. I feel like I need to go all the time, with very bad pressure 'down there'. When I go almost immediately I feel Ive to go again. The pain is quite bad. However there is no pain when I go or stinging etc. My abdomen swells a little before I need to go then goes down, then up again before i go to loo again. I have also pains at the tops of my legs (on my haunches) as though Ive been sitting on a hard chair for hours. I am going to the doctors today for a smear and internal and I am so so so scared that I have bladder or ovarian or some kind of cancer because I just cannot see how I can have this type of pain and pressure without a serious disease like cancer. I have had the pain in legs (or haunches) for about a year and put it down to standing a lot at work. Ive always been a person for running to the loo a lot since having a difficult birth 15years ago. However this constant pressure and pain for 2 weeks is absolutely terrible. Has anybody ever suffered this? I would be so grateful for any support or answers. I have been up all night with worry and pain. Thank you for reading.

22-08-11, 10:59
Hi Nikki, I have bladder pain on and off constantly. It is very debilitating. Often it feels like pain in my kidneys. Sometimes it is caused by a UTI, sometimes the test is negative. I have been diagnosed with overactive/irritable bladder which is linked to anxiety. Chances are you are more likely to have this than any sort of cancer. Ask your doc what could be causing the pain if you don't have a UTI. If he doesn't volunteer the info, I suggest you ask if he thinks overactive bladder - or possibly interstitial cystitis - is a possibility. There is medication to treat OAB (although mine doesn't currently seem to be working) although I don't think there is for IC. Hope the doc visit goes well x

22-08-11, 11:05
Thanks so much JaneC for your reply. I feel so alone in this. Right now I am exhausted as have been up most of the night with the pressure and pain and running to the loo and of course worrying. I am convinced I have some kind of tumour which is pressing on my bladder.

22-08-11, 11:23
You are not alone, believe me. Try remember that although it's horrible, chances are there is no sinister cause :hugs:

22-08-11, 14:13
Thanks for your reply again JaneC. I hope you are right. I just can't think that pain like this could not be anything but sinister. The pains at tops/backs of my legs is awful.

22-08-11, 21:23
I am back from the docs. She did a smear, and said I have cervical erosion. I am beginning a period and said that could explain blood in urine and also there was blood in cervix. She couldnt feel any mass or cysts or anything in abdomen. She is referring me to hospital for pelvic/ovarian scans and a gynae to examine my womb. she also said I may have a kidney stone that is moving down towards the bladder. She couldnt explain pelvic/pain on tops and backs of legs. It will be 2/3 weeks before results of smear. I am still worried but feel I am on the road to discovering what is wrong. Cancer is still a major worry. The pressure is awful as you know and sleepless nights are a nightmare. I have been put on something called diclofenac 50mg, 1 3 times a day. Not sure what for, think it is for the pain as she said solpadeine is not good to be taking for a long time and it doesnt help the pain anyway. she also said to finish the course of ciplox. So... seems I just have to wait and try not to worry.