View Full Version : Blood took

22-08-11, 11:12
i Was just wondering what could blood tests determine? I know he said its like a thryoid check and to check if im anemic. Could it determine any breathing problems?
Im glad the main doctor is on because he actually seemed like he took me seriously. I had to blow into this thing and he said i could do better than that type thing so i blew in it again and another two times and he said it seemed ok and that my chest and heart sounded fine.
I also asked him what are the chances of not been able to catch my breathe type thing.. my worst fear and he said if i had asthma maybe but he doesnt think i have.

Should i be reassure by this? I gotta get my blood took 2moro then make an appointment within 3-4 days and take it from there. Do you think if i had like a bad asthma or something and at risk at the moment then he would of known? I mean the chances of something bad happening to me within a week been asthma related are slim?

And can i ask does anyone else get short of breath just reading there kid a story or talking etc? Feel like they have to take a deep breath?


22-08-11, 11:31
Hi Sarah. My son had asthma when he was younger and I'd imagine the thing you blew into was a peak flow meter, which measures how your lungs are working. If you had asthma, this would have picked it up, as I understand it. Your breathing thing could well be anxiety-related - if you search around there are lots of similar threads around. Anaemia can cause shortness of breath but is easily treated if you happen to have that x

22-08-11, 21:54
Sounds like your Dr has done a full blood count which would show amongst other things if you were aneamic which can cause breathlessness and also your thryoid as this can cause bad anxiety if its over or under active. Asthma cannot be detected by a blood test as such but he has got you to blow into a peak flow meter and that would alert him to the possibility of asthma if it was wrong.

Have your read the symptom list as left had side as breathing problems are on it in detail and caused by anxiety.