View Full Version : just back from gp's, don't know if i feel better or worse.

22-08-11, 12:19
i went to see my gp today because of my anxiety and bowel worries.

I was recently put up to 60mg from 40mg of citalopram by another gp, the gp i saw today said that she thinks this could be making my anxiety worse so has told me to cut back down to 40mg. She also mentioned me taking beta blockers for the anxiety as for the past week i've been taking diazepam and she's concerned about the risk of addiction.

I mentioned the problems with my bowels and she thinks ibs/anxiety and does'nt seem concerned.

i'm supposed to be going back to work after 8 weeks off, my gp does'nt think i should but i spoke to my manager and we've agreed that i'm gonna go back one day a week at first. I hope i'm doing the right thing.

22-08-11, 15:12
Hi there - I have just started taking a beta blocker alongside my anti depressent and I do think it is helping a bit so hope it works for you too.

I also have to face going back to work in a week's time - really dreading it but have also been offered phased return so let us know how it goes for you. I guess we will never know until we try and it could serve as a very good distraction from the anxiety.

Good luck x

22-08-11, 17:02
Rainbow have you discussed with your Gp downing your citalopram over a period of time to 10mg. I have heard that 10 mg is the optimum dose for anxiety, anymore can aggravate the anxiety, just a thought.

22-08-11, 18:59
hi kinny,

I'm going to try the beta blockers. How long have you been taking them for? I've decided not to go back to work this week as my dp does'nt think i'm ready and my gp really seemed against the idea. I hope you cope ok when you go back.

Hi ronski,

My gp has suggested that i gradually cut back down to 20mg as she also said that the high dose i'm on could be making my anxiety worse.

22-08-11, 19:48
Hi rainbow

I have just been taking 1 tablet propananol a day for about a week and a half now. I think it does help control some of my physical symptons. THe good thing about them is they work pretty much within half an hour or so. Think it is better not to go back to work too soon but I don't want to put it off forever if you know what I mean? Its a tricky situation.