View Full Version : How much time outside each day to stop rickets occuring?

22-08-11, 13:40
After the clot fear has gone im now worried i dont take in enough Vitamin D lol.... like i said about 3 days in a week during holiday time and 1 in during term time. Bit worried im not making enough D.

22-08-11, 13:44
sometimes i get like painful ankle cramps and occaionly if i run to fast they can hurt

22-08-11, 14:45
my oh has very low vitamin d the consultant when he does for his vitamin d infusion said 30 minutes outside early morning or evening with no suncream (thats why its earky morning or evening so you dont burn) also he advised eating cerals that have vitamin d like cornflakes ect and eating two lots of oily fish

22-08-11, 14:46
After the clot fear has gone im now worried i dont take in enough Vitamin D lol.... like i said about 3 days in a week during holiday time and 1 in during term time. Bit worried im not making enough D.

Hi, I am currently waiting on the results of a vit d blood test, I have M.E and have spent the majority of the last 2 and a half years stuck in bed, with very little time outside, the doctor agreed i am at risk of vit d but said often the lab will refuse to do the blood test, as it is very expensive and where i live, it has to be sent to another lab much further away for testing, so i just have to wait and see if they do it.

People only need a small amount of exposere to sunlight, around 20-30 mins 3 times a week is adequate for most people, you can get vit d from some food sources but it is only a small amount found in food, so the best way is through being outside with arms uncovered. :)

22-08-11, 16:03
Thanks. When i do go out its normally all day 4 days a week. With arms uncovered unless its winter or raining lol. :)

22-08-11, 16:04
youll be fine as long as your out in the fresh air and eating healthy i wouldnt worry

22-08-11, 18:44
Thanks. Ive been in all day as its been drizziling and tommorows meant to be heavy rain- im scared again of a blooming blood clot lol :\

22-08-11, 18:56
as long as your walking round at home then youll be fine

22-08-11, 19:01
as long as your walking round at home then youll be fine

ok. sometimes i go a couple of hours without moving. then ill get up go down stairs sit down and come back up etc

22-08-11, 19:05
i feel so torn. i feel ill all the time. i want to go out but im scared incase i collaspe with no one around and no one can call 999. then i feel bad for being in all day :\

22-08-11, 19:06
i do think i will die tonight- and i feel know one gets it or understands

22-08-11, 19:18
Nobody really gets rickets anymore...we have evolved against it I suppose. Think about all the people who work in offices all summer. Think of me who works as a kitchen porter all day everyday -_-
You are not thinking rationally. I implore you, write down your thoughts on bits of paper. Look at them, study them, know that there is no reason to die. Each thought that makes no sense like that one, rip to pieces. Nobody can feel like you do - everyone is different and we all have different problems on here - each worse than the next. We have all gone through stages of thinking we will die though, and we are all still here!
By the way, had to mention I love your new quotes :)

22-08-11, 19:56
Thank you. I keep one but on the pc- a list. never delete anything though just write all the symtopms down. I beleive there is a reason to die- i sit down a lot

22-08-11, 20:19
im in desperaate need of an early night- im always up till 12 worrying about this and im scared that something will happen

22-08-11, 20:20
ive been on and off since 11am. sometimes going down to sit on sofa and talk to dad for an hour this afternoon and for a quick bath which didnt help to calm down

22-08-11, 20:28
Sitting down a lot wont make you die

22-08-11, 20:46
emma do you spend alot of time googling symtoms, it seems to me that you get alot which make you scared, its never a good idea to look on google for stuff, i mean were did a young girl like yourself think of rickets, it was a disease during the war

22-08-11, 20:49
im in desperaate need of an early night- im always up till 12 worrying about this and im scared that something will happen


If i can be quite blunt. IF you had every illness that you have been worrying about recently,i highly doubt you would be fit enough to type nevermind anything else. You are over thinking, you are putting idea into your own head, you are not distracting, infact, quite the opposite.

Like i told you before, I had severe HA when i was your age and the one thing that gave me the kick up the ass i needed was a locum doctor. My HA was so severe that i couldn't even eat nevermind function, i had to crawl. This was because i LET this take over my life and that is the exact same way you are heading.

That doctor gave me 24 hours to buck myself up, eat and to STOP torturing myself.

So i am going to say the same to you. Buck yourself up. You are young, you're healthy, you got a long long life ahead of you so live it rather than spend your time worrying about symptoms that are probably nothing more than growing pains and puberty.


22-08-11, 20:56
Lisa- Yes that is the kick i need lol.
Tommorow i have family over- nans, aunties, uncles. even though im not going out- gonna proberly be sitting and talking i hope it will allow me just to forgot about everything- at least for a while.
I dont know were i got rickets from- didnt google just something i heard of in Science GCSE. :\
I did spend a few months not eating- i lost a lot of weight- i would live of a sandwich each day but im ok food wise now. its just i hear these stories of teens getting clots and i do sit a lot :(. x

22-08-11, 21:10
Good gal!! Now that's enough about clots ect. C'mon lass get those girly cd's on and dance about your room. Watch dvd's...read books. Talk about boys, fashion, music coz i promise you, you're NOT dying!!:bighug1:

Take one day at a time hun. You WILL get there!!


22-08-11, 21:33
Haha. Thank you. reading that made me smile. I forever have music on singing along to it :D

23-08-11, 00:54
Drink milk, it's filled with vitamin D and b12 :)

23-08-11, 22:47
Thanks. Im for ever drinking chocolate or strawberry milk. I had a great day with family in the early afternoon/late morning. Not such a good evening but im coping thank you all x

23-08-11, 23:16
Im sorry for leaving this comment on my thread. Im just shaken and crying and stressed but ive not been out in two days and ive just googled about a clot and now im scared and have been getting upper leg cramps to (i know proberly growing pains)

23-08-11, 23:22
I just keep wondering around now not knowing how to relax to go to bed. ive been through all my old threads about this reading the replies but i just cant help it- i dont want to post i just cant help it

23-08-11, 23:26
Thats it- Im off out tommorow to see the GP about this- i cant carry on like anymore- just need to pull my self through the night which i dont know i will do tbh but i can only try

23-08-11, 23:38
I honestly feel like im going insane. I cant walk in the kictchen as i think somone is there. I can hear like foot steps- i just feel funny like really scared i dont know how to describe it. Im sorry for posting i dont know what to do anymore. Im hoping the GP is going to sort this once and for all tommorow- and them im of to stay at my nans house on Thursday for a few days to see if i can just get my mind of it for a while and enjoy my life again. Im sorry for posting im just staying near the phone incase i need to phone 999.

23-08-11, 23:45
Im sorry but i need to be up at 7 :45 if i want an app and i dont know how this is going to happen. The only reason i didnt go out is i had family round today for a good few hours for lunch etc

23-08-11, 23:57
Ive made a path in my room which i can walk up and down all night to my heart is content. I cant stop walking around this is just becoming stupid now. wish the pain in upper thigh would go. its one little area on inside on thigh and it stings like hell- i think i might just stay up all night and walk and then see gp in morning- hopefully get a couple of hours sleep

24-08-11, 00:26
it also hurts to press against like my chest would. no were else on legs does. does that mean muscular lol. one tiny bit on upper leg- not were the sting was. ok ill stop and breathe deeply

24-08-11, 00:30
Emma - I thought you only had the one worry left - the post that has now been closed. So why is this one continuing?

24-08-11, 00:33
Emma - I thought you only had the one worry left - the post that has now been closed. So why is this one continuing?

I know im sorry- i go round in circles- going to get it sorted in morning by a medical proffesional once and for all. Im even open to meds to help me- something ive never wanted to do but if needed (and i think it is and everyone else on here would agree) i will take it into consideration to take them.

lucy devine
24-08-11, 00:53
emma, they are very sceptical about giving meds to under 18 really...so don't go in expecting to be given a wonder cure...meds don't solve everything, they do help but meds can only work when coinciding with medical input in the form of counselling/cbt/psychiatrists and personal input. I believe personal input to be the absolute key to managing your anxiety. You get as much out of therapy as you put into it...it takes a lot of work and determination, you need to be prepared..one thing you could do to help yourself is stop googling....i know everyone will tell you this...but i really don't think you are taking the advice on board..i read through your posts and each one comes up with a new illness...i am a sufferer of health anxiety too and i know it's difficult but googling is really like having a big book infront of you with ALL the possible illnesses you could have...you need to understand that having a few of the symptoms doesn't necessarily mean that this is the disease you have...muscle pain can be due to clots in very rare cases yet it's up to you to rationalise the thought and think to yourself this: how many times have i had this before, and how many times have i a) ever been ill or b) died...the amount of illness you think you have would mean you'd of done easily a hundred times already...rationalise them thoughts...muscle pain is a very common symptom and has millions of causes...try not to jump to the worst possible conclusion immediately...question your anxious thoughts and identify them as irrational.
Posting on here may seem to be helping you, but you need to understand that there is so much all of us on here can do...the rest is up to you. We can tell you a thousand times over that you haven't got a blood clot, yet the 'what if?' question always pops up into your brain i expect. You need to learn to question these what ifs...CBT would be great for you!
Also, by posting so much...you are constantly thinking about all these symptoms, illnesses and problems you have... it is a wonderful site for reassurance but overusing it can prove negative as it is allowing the anxiety to flourish, grow and take over you....let the anxiety only be a small controllable part of you...don't let it rule you

lucy devine
24-08-11, 00:55
*there is only so much

24-08-11, 01:00
thanks. i dont expect meds- last time i asked they didnt want to give it to me haha.
i am going to force my self to enjoy the last few weeks of this so called great british summer haha x- going to spend a few days at nans house with her just to forgot about it all for a while and breathe and live again for a few days.
Hopefully gonna get a reffereal got CBT tommorow aswell :D keep pressing leg every so often though and some places really do kill to touch

lucy devine
24-08-11, 01:11
you shouldn't be limited to 'living again for a few days'...you are only 16, young like me...never say you are limited to living, you are a healthy (although you don't think it) young girl...you should be doing the things you love and living every minute of every day. Whenever you feel like you are not enjoying life because of anxiety, please try to remember that anxiety is only a part of you..it ISN'T you. Don't let it limit you, enjoy your holiday and think about things other than illnesses and the prospect of dying (hard, i understand). Although it is awful to say and I hate to say this but, death is unfortunately our only guarantee in life...i am learning slowly to try to not think about it so much in terms of having illnesses etc etc because no amount of worrying/stress is going to change the inevitability of having to die in the end. Don't look past life thinking about death without living first...it's as if you are fastforwarding 80 years to a time when we could possibly end up with all these illnesses we worry about. Save the worries and start living...although you don't see it, you are a pretty, healthy, intelligent young girl who, i know, will kick anxiety in the butt with the right determination and self will...so are you ready? start kicking anxiety's arse! don't spend all night pacing worrying about a blood clot otherwise you'll feel even worse later on due to tiredness and the symptoms lack of sleep presents will almost inevitably mean you will convince yourself of having another illness...get your jammys on, sign out of here, get a good book and settle down in bed :)

24-08-11, 09:43
Thank you everyone. I have a docs app later on in the morning :) bit nervous, dont really know what to say and i feel embarassed but gonna have to go

24-08-11, 10:03
Emma suggest that you print off some of your your posts from here to show your GP the level of desperation you feel.

Again to be blunt there is no point going there asking for help with all of your physical symptoms as the vast majority of them, if not all, are due to your extreme anxiety and this is what you need to get to the bottom off.

Good luck


24-08-11, 10:06
Emma suggest that you print off some of your your posts from here to show your GP the level of desperation you feel.

Again to be blunt there is no point going there asking for help with all of your physical symptoms as the vast majority of them, if not all, are due to your extreme anxiety and this is what you need to get to the bottom off.

Good luck


thanks. i have a few printed of ready to go. i am going to mention the blood clot though- as thats whats worrying me at the moment but im also there to hopefully get a referral for CBT. :)

24-08-11, 10:20
Fair enough Emma but as GP appointments tend to be very limited for time can I suggest that you start with the anxiety first and then deal with your blood clot worries.

Let us know how you get on.

As others have said you are far too young to be worrying like this all the time.

Good luck.


24-08-11, 10:30
Thanks. Will let you know when i come home tommorow afternoon sometime--- yes i was planning on starting with the anxiety but i cant leave without at least mentioning the "clot" otherwise ill still worry over it. :)
Thank you.

24-08-11, 20:50
Hi, my doc is going to speak to the people im due for counessling with and push for it. still getting pains in calf and thigh- didnt really talk about this more about the anxiety

24-08-11, 20:59
i still feel anxious but feel better knowing counessling is on its way. been on a bike ride and walk today but still cant quite shake the thought of a clot off ...im so tired tonight to. i didnt sleep last night

24-08-11, 21:33
I never go in the sun. I work a late job and am a night person.... combined with having super pale irish skin. I take a multivitamin that has D in it and I drink milk with it in it. I only recently started doing that and I never had a problem, even for the years and years I didn't take anything. I wouldnt worry much about it. Although.... now I'm worrying myself a bit because of this post. lol

24-08-11, 22:00
Emma, do you understand what a blood clot actually is, belive me if you had one you wouldnt be walking let alone going on a bike ride,

lucy devine
24-08-11, 22:02
emma, i typed out loads of advice yesterday hoping you'd take a bit of it onboard...and you haven't at all, i think most here are at the end of our tether concerning how we can help, as nothing seems to work and it's becoming frustrating for quite a lot of people :S

25-08-11, 18:12
emma, i typed out loads of advice yesterday hoping you'd take a bit of it onboard...and you haven't at all, i think most here are at the end of our tether concerning how we can help, as nothing seems to work and it's becoming frustrating for quite a lot of people :S
i have taken it on board- and i dont have as much of a fear as one now- obviosllt its never going to go away all together but i feel im learning to distract my self a little more.

25-08-11, 18:16
yes i do understand what clot is. i know if i have one i wouldnt be able to tell anyone lol but my fear is i will develop one (well not so much of a fear now)

25-08-11, 19:32
ive also got a giganitc black mark on knee and round to back and then also a little black mark on knee to and its red and hot to the touch. has been cramping for days and hurting to press against.

25-08-11, 20:09
at 1st i thought it was my laptop- but its not thats on a desk- and its piping hot and red- im breathing heavy and im sweating like hell- im so worried

25-08-11, 20:12
im at the point of conseriing going to a and e when my mum gets home but i know she wont take me

25-08-11, 20:19
or i see the gp tommorow. i dont know what to do. im in tears at the thought of never seeing my mum again or my nan or dad or anyone ever again. this feels like the end. the final night.

25-08-11, 21:11
You are going into a panic Emma, you need to calm down and listen to what im about to say, okay?

You are not suffering from a blood clot and your not developing one either, the chances are so slim, you are very healthy. Your going to be alright, just keep that going round your head as much as you can. Its not the last night. Like i said visit the walk in surgery tomorrow and explain about your symptoms, you don't need to go to a&e. Its okay xx

25-08-11, 21:16
Thank you Duke. Yes i will have to go to walk in centre tommorow just for some sense of relief x

25-08-11, 21:56
im sure you will be fine maybe go for a bath or put something cool on your leg the heavy breathing and sweating is a panic attack. im sure youll wake up in the morning fine if not you can walk to the walk in center but going is only feeding your anixety you need to try not to go

25-08-11, 21:59
have you ever thought it could be growing pains? which i think im getting atm lol

25-08-11, 22:00

1: thanks. I will try a cool bath. Im sure its just a bruise its just i saw it felt like and it was hot and went into a panic lol. Gonna put something cool on it but i think i will need to see a doc tommorow.
the locum gp i saw yesterday didnt know anything about anxiey so had to call another gp in
and 2: i think it may be Beth yes x