View Full Version : Vaginal discharge

22-08-11, 16:46
I have a horrible smelling vaginal discharge which is really bugging me, Ive literally just got my results back from my swab and they said its normal, but im really worried i didn't do it right. The discharge is really horrible smelling and a horrible consistency, i don't have thrush or anything so im really confused as to what it is. The discharge on the outside smells worse than on the inside which is confusing aswell. Sorry about all the details just a tad worried about whats going on lol. Thankyou. :)

22-08-11, 16:51
ive never heard of them giving you your own swab but if your worried why not pop down to the gum clinic or brook they offer swabs it doesnt have to be a sti they treat all probelms

are you washing down there with soap as that can upset the ph balance
you can buy washes that are just for down there in boots or the supermarkets maybe one of them might help x

22-08-11, 16:53
Well i was at the doctors having a blood test with the nurse and i said about it because i was meant to do one a while ago and then she gave me one to do behind a screen thing and told me how to do it.

Hmm im just really worried as ive had this discharge for a very long time and nothing makes it go away.. thankyou x

22-08-11, 17:16

you need another swab done Duke .............no discharge should be foul smelling .
get the nurse to do it next time cos it needs to be a high vaginal one usually and maybe doing it yourself was not the best thing to suggest for someone with health anxiety [we are wary at best of times ]..so may have not been high enough . It wont hurt .

dont worry as all these things can be sorted .......just make appointment with nurse again .
and dont use bubble bath or anything perfumed down there :blush:.it irritates .
take care xx

22-08-11, 17:23
Thankyou, So do you think i should make an app with the doctor and ask for another swab done? Or do you think i should just make another app with the nurse? Thankyou x

22-08-11, 17:23
Plus the nurse told me to just put it in a little bit lol, sorry for the info

22-08-11, 17:28
the nurse will be fine Duke .............and it needs to be a bit higher :blush:

you will be fine .think she was maybe trying to save you embarrassment .
but hey ......we ladies get used to it .
take care xx

22-08-11, 17:34
Okay lol, thankyou :) xx

22-08-11, 17:36
im not sure if you can just get a swab done by the nurse you cant at ours but every gp is different if you go to the gum clinic thry will sort you out there and then as most are walk ins

22-08-11, 17:51
Hi Beth- this is Em.ma- new username.
I would suggest getting another swab done x

22-08-11, 21:37
Sounds like BV...? But considering the pap said everything was normal...?? Get a second opinion...

24-08-11, 22:33
Thanks for your reply, whats BV?

lucy devine
24-08-11, 23:30
bacterial vaginosis...don't go looking at symptoms though as you'll end up having them x

Gemma T
25-08-11, 00:03
Yeh get another swab. Also make sure you know what the tests are for. They have self swab tests at my local gum clinic but its only for chlamydia and gonn. Trichmonas isnt something they normally randomly test for. That produces a foul smelling discharge.

I say ask to be tested for trich as well as the usual. Better yet go to your local sexual health clinic. They will know what it is. They are the pros x x x x

25-08-11, 02:05
BV is a bit like a yeast infection, it's caused by an imbalance in bacteria and PH in the vagina. Simple things like being on your period can bring it on.
You can get gels in the pharmacy to treat it , or your doctor can give you antibiotics.
It's said to have a distinct fishy smell, so I assume you would know you had it, but I wouldn't be sure.
I hear using natural yogurt it good, when it has the live bacteria/cultures in it, people rave about it on the internet, but how safe is it to put yogurt up there?

25-08-11, 03:59
^Yes, BV is similar to a yeast infection..I had it earlier this year and had to take medication for it....just like how you would with a yeast infection...it's not an STD. If you go in for another pap and they say you have it...take the medication & eats lots of yogurt. I eat it once a day...seems to help.