View Full Version : Ongoing Chest Pains - Anxiety or Heart?

22-08-11, 17:13
Hi - Any thoughts would be most welcome. I'm a 43 year-old male, non smoker, family history of heart disease, I take statins, although cholestorel levels are now fine (they have been for some time). I'm also a born worrier - i do suffer with quite bad OCD too. I work full time, doing a manual job, and as a result have lost quite a bit of weight! I swim too, a few times a week. I'm 10 stone 13, at 6 foot tall, so not carrying too much excess weight!
Here's my dilemma -
I've had ongoing chest pains (more discomfort) for a few years now. Sometimes it manifests as a 'pressure' or slight tightness, i also get occasional sharp twinges right in the centre of my chest, which last 2 to 3 seconds. Also, it can feel like a squeezing pain too. I don't have this discomfort 24/7 although it seems to be there more than not these days! I've graced the doctor's doorstep more times than i'd care to imagine over the last few years. First time they thought it may be hiatus hernia, so was given Omeprozole, which 'kinda' worked. Thius isn't conclusive though, as no tests were carried out for HH.
I've now seen 3 or 4 different docs - who all reckon it's anxiety related. Not that i'm dis-believing this at all, but I'm absolutely convinced i've got heart disease. Blood tests have been fine, ECG's have been fine, and last November had a treadmill stress test - again, all fine. So why am i like this? I've been shipped off to counsellors, had a couple of weeks off work last year, but still get these pains and don't want to keep going back to the docs time and time again. The other afternoon i went out for a walk, but after 20 minutes went really light headed and had to get the wife to pick me up! This may have been because i hadn't eaten a lot. Now i'm starting to shy away from swimming as my chest feels a lot heavier when i come out of the pool. I think that i will have a heart attack in the pool and have to be dragged out by the lifeguards!
These pains are very real, and sometimes the sharp twinges i get leave me quite literally terrified. I don't have shortness of breath or nausea, but they do stop me in my tracks. It's REALLY getting me down, and would appreciate some feedback........
Thanks all.....

22-08-11, 17:28
Hi Bakerman

Has any doctor ever mentioned Costochondritis during any of your visits? The short, sharp pains sound like what I've been getting, although mine are slightly left of centre. I was told mine was most likely costochondritis, but a year and a half on I'm getting more anxious about it. I've been getting heartburn type symptoms too, so have been referred for a gastroscopy (more at my own insistance than because doc thought I needed one though!)

22-08-11, 17:30
Have you heard of something called costochondritis (look it up if you have not already) it can make you feel like you are having a heart attack and pain around the center of the chest and shoulders and up to the jaw it is not a serious condition (it is a little under stud condition but not harmful) it can be brought on buy stress, sitting awkward, lifting stuff almost anything.

I have suffered from this for near on 2 years and it settled down after 6 months of pure pain, but still effects me i get chest pains like little sharp stabbing pains around the centre of the chest (last a few seconds at a time but can go on for hours.

I have had several ecgs a treadmill stress test, blood tests all fine.
What you have posted says to me not heart related in any way (thats just my opinion) more muscular.

Look at this link http://www.emedicinehealth.com/costochondritis/article_em.htm

Hope this is helpfull

22-08-11, 17:31
Hi Bakerman

Has any doctor ever mentioned Costochondritis during any of your visits? The short, sharp pains sound like what I've been getting, although mine are slightly left of centre. I was told mine was most likely costochondritis, but a year and a half on I'm getting more anxious about it. I've been getting heartburn type symptoms too, so have been referred for a gastroscopy (more at my own insistance than because doc thought I needed one though!)

I was just typing that (great minds)

22-08-11, 17:35
Haha! SNAP :yesyes:

22-08-11, 21:27
hi i know how you feel iv been like this for yrs now it does put you off going to the gym and swimming .i dont push my self because i get scared .iv allways got one eye one my chest i do take lots of gav and acid reflux tabs wich do help .like you iv had all test and nothing but i do smoke . i dont think you ever get over it you just learn to live with it the best you can some days good some not so good .

23-08-11, 10:18
Cheers peeps, thanks for your replies. I have come across costochondritis before - i did wonder if i did indeed have this - i don't know if this is a symptom but my chest frequently 'pops' when i take a deep breath? On the other hand, i don't have the chest tenderness as associated with costochondritis. Anyway, i appreciate your feedback - have decided to pop into swimming today!! Wish me luck!

23-08-11, 11:47
hi .....you say you do manual work .......... I think you will find that sharp quick pains in your chest are muscular ..thats what my cardio told me ..... chill out and stop worrying xxx

23-08-11, 12:52
Cheers peeps, thanks for your replies. I have come across costochondritis before - i did wonder if i did indeed have this - i don't know if this is a symptom but my chest frequently 'pops' when i take a deep breath? On the other hand, i don't have the chest tenderness as associated with costochondritis. Anyway, i appreciate your feedback - have decided to pop into swimming today!! Wish me luck!

Hi bakerman, With my costoc i dont always have the tenderness it is one of them things that effects people in different ways that is way it is so hard to pinpoint the cause.
I think docs use it as a umbrella term.

When you say pops my chest sometimes feels like it locks up and sometimes if i take a deep breath my chest pops/cracks for me that is part of costoc.