View Full Version : Citalopram Diary

22-08-11, 18:39
Starterd Citalopram today. After seeing a few other posts I thought It would be good to keep a wee diary from day 1.

Reason ive been prescribed - Anxiety
Recent symptoms - Tingling in hands and feet, chest pain, zaps and cold feeling in back of head, headaches.

Day 1

Took at about half 2 this afternoon. Dont feel any difference still feeling quite anxious from the tingling/cold feeling im having in the back of my head and the headache. Dont know if this could be tension? Have started off on 10mg a day and will move up to 20mg on Sunday!! Really hoping this works as recently anxiety has been debilitating.

22-08-11, 20:53
I'd like to tag along if I may! I have also started Citalopram today...well, not actually started yet as I intend to take the first one before I go to bed! I've been given 20mg to start with for depression, perhaps we can compare our experiences?

Good Luck!

22-08-11, 21:13
I've taken it!

But I'm not going to bed yet...bit worried about some of the side effects but hoping the long term benefits will outweigh some short term s***.

Can you have a drink with this drug? I fancy a glass of wine!

22-08-11, 21:18
Yeh we can compare :)

Think one wee glass of wine would be fine...from what I have read on here it shouldnt cause any problems.!

I currently have an agonising migraine!! Nothing to do with meds...knew it was coming had tingly numb feeling all week :(

Bed for me with a cold flannel x

22-08-11, 21:20
Just don't take NSAIDs for the headache, i've written it in another forum topic here. You can take paracetamol for it, that's what i know for sure.

23-08-11, 01:20
Hi, I find taking the tablet straight After food is best. It stops me from feeling nauseous.
I take it straight after cereals in the morning now.

23-08-11, 13:27
Still got migraine!! Hubby went to chemist and they have given me Syndol. Does anyone know if this is safe to take whilst on Citalopram. Cant find anything on leaflet to say otherwise?


23-08-11, 14:05
Hi, I find taking the tablet straight After food is best. It stops me from feeling nauseous.
I take it straight after cereals in the morning now.

Right...think I'll change my time to early evening after dinner.

Kaidensmum, I hope you get your migraine sorted.

23-08-11, 23:49
Took my second tablet today as planned at 2pm! Was in bed most of day with migraine and had 3 Syndol altogether between 2pm and 9pm. About 9 oclock I started getting anxious and googling symptoms of heartbeat in stomach and ended up having a huge panic attack convincing myself I had an Aortic Aneurysm and ended up in A + E. Of course they basically laughed at me, told me I have a tension headache and the only way I will feel better is if I relax. Feel a bit silly now but still uptight! I am in no way attributing this to the meds because I think this would have happened anyway! Will see how we go :( xx

24-08-11, 10:31
In contrast I've had my second and, err, nothing's happened yet. Which is fine by me.

I hope you are feeling better soon.

24-08-11, 20:31
fingers crossed you wont have any side affects!!

24-08-11, 21:56
I've taken my third this evening and nothings happened yet. Yorkman, did you have side effects and if so when did they kick in?

24-08-11, 22:08
3rd tablet today! Feel ok...not great but got out of bed..tidyed up..had a shower! Still have tension headache! Tried doing some stretches but still must be too tense! No anxiety today though :) Tomorrow my first day in alone since this particular episode so this will be a test !! Thanks HarvestMoon hope your progress continues :) x

24-08-11, 22:16
Thanks Kaidensmum. I've got a telephone assessment booked for Sept 6th with NHS counselling as well, so the wheels are turning...good luck tomorrow.

25-08-11, 00:03
Had slight nausea at first but I was taking them on an empty stomach. I've been fine when taking with food.
It's early days for me still, I've been better than before. Still anxious in the mornings but not as bad.
I was expecting sort of a happy pill?? But that's not the case, guess it's slow acting. I'm on 20mg

25-08-11, 23:05
Day 4- Dare I say it....almost felt normal today! Went to Asda...Got 4Head for my tension headache which seemed to work! Had bad news today and had a wee cry but didnt let it get me down! Probably all change tomorrow but for me today was a good day :) xxx

27-08-11, 19:11
Day 5 (yesterday) - Went to Asda myself with my wee one... didnt feel panicky atall today although kept checking my heartbeat but didnt feel anxious exactly just kind of on edge! The fact that I managed going out by myself for the first time in a month is great :)

Day 6 Went to a childrens birthday party today with wee one...very nervous beforehand as is a very busy place but wouldnt say anxious. Got there...absolutely fine! A few intrusive thoughts trying to come through as have had some niggly chest pain and tension headache still but managed to silence them and get on with day :D

27-08-11, 22:00
I'm tagging along behind you here and...errr...not much happening for me. I've had a brief bout of nausea, woke up a couple of times with racing thoughts and had a couple of spaced out hours. Oh, and I found myself smiling at Noel Edmonds. Which is definately weird. But small beer really.

Let's keep going...

28-08-11, 21:43
Day 7

Took tablet later than normal this morning as had a long lie! Past few nights have woken at 3am on the button! Not panicking or anything just thinking! Is it normal to be this tired? Literally cant stop yawning!! Went shopping today and had a wee moment of anxiety but it passed! Nothing major! Go on to a full tablet tomorrow as have been snapping in 2 to avoid side effects!! x

29-08-11, 21:23
I've taken 7 now as well and have to say I'm feeling a bit nauseous this evening. Hopefully it will pass before I go to bed. Really stressed at the moment.

31-08-11, 14:35
Past few days Ive felt almost normal! Woke up this morning didnt feel anxious but did have a lot of intruive thoughts! Having some niggly chest pain again and hardly slept last night. Able to go out though but not done any socialising really. Appetite back slightly but can eat anywhere near the portion size I used to. Off work for another week see how I do xx

31-08-11, 14:43
Kaidensmum, are you on the 20mg dose now? And if so, how long for?

31-08-11, 14:53
Yep Im up to 20mg now this is my 2nd day on this dose! xx

01-09-11, 12:02
Day 11

Woke up this morning feeling fine! Have an appetite!! But the past 2 nights I have been woken by stomach pains? Seems to be since I increased my dose to 20mg. Hope this is not another symptom of anxiety coz its agony :mad:

Actually done housework today!! :) Feeling more motivated and looking forward to getting back to work!! Hope this feeling stays!! Only thing is I occasionally check my heart rate! Currently paranoid about palps and arrythmia!! But thats a small price to pay at least Im not feeling anxious!!


02-09-11, 00:37
Don't bother checking the heart rate, because it will be all over the place , the same with blood pressure. Adding even more anxiety!
My blood pressure was sky high the other week at a medical for a job. Yet my doctor checked it the next day and it was fine.
Try taking cit with food! Don't look out for symptoms or you will get paranoid, just try not to think! And let the cit do it's job.
After 5 week I feel an improvement this week.

02-09-11, 09:44
Im definetly trying to stop checking my symptoms!! Convinced myself my legs were swollen last night (of course they werent) So have decided today I am not checking anything!! I cant eat first thing in the morning so I cant take Cit with food!! :( xx

100percent anxious
03-09-11, 13:52
Dear All, my gp prescribed these for my ongoing anxiety and panic attacks. Most of my aunties are on this same drug and anxiety just runs through my genes. However the root cause of my anxiety is my irrational fear of vomiting, consequently i feel sick 24/7 and my bowels are all over the shop, i cannot step onto a bus or be a passenger in a car without feeling sick. I never used to be this fragile. Many say nausea is a side effect and this is why i fear to take them. My appetite is not what it was either at the moment, but i can still eat and hope my appetite will resume.
I will start my nurse training in a few weeks, but i can't face feeling even more sick for a few weeks.
Please advise and by the way, my boyfriend is a dr so i will ask him about mixing medication. I would advise alcohol for the first few weeks, but i know many heavy drinkers on antidepressants. Just go easy on the booze.

03-09-11, 20:36
I can confirm that alcohol does not mix! Had 3 ciders tonight and heart is racing !! :( No more for me xxx

14-09-12, 04:49
Hey Kaidensmum, i see you havnt posted for a little while.

Hope your well, hows it going on the Citalopram?