View Full Version : A/D's, Asthma & Sore Mouth

10-05-06, 21:58
Does anyone have the same problems as me, as i am getting myself so worked up.

I take Dosulepin (150mg at night) and also inhalers for my asthma. For sometime now my roof of my mouth has been really sore and my tongue is a disgusting colour. My GP said it was thrush due to the steroid content in one of my inhalers, she gave me medication to clear this up but it didn't go.

I now have to go on Friday to have swaps taken from my mouth, and now i'm bricking it with worry. My GP said when i ask her if it could be something 'sinister' because i have had it for so long, she said that she didn't think it was anything to worry about...but i am!

Has anyone suffered with this, i'd be really grateful to hear from anyone who has.

10-05-06, 23:03
Hi there Trish,

I have asthma and had this once and my gp gave me some pastilles that cleared it as thrush was suspected, although not sure it was that.
Thrush is VERY common in asthmatics that take inhalers. Do you take your inhaler as it is or through a spacer device. I was told taking them through a spacer stops the irritation and it does really seem to help.
Also make sure you rinse your mouth or have a drink every time you take your inhaler. I've had swabs taken before and they came back negative and even if they found something they would give you something to treat it. If your gp doesn't think it's serious try and believe her, hard I know!


10-05-06, 23:23
Hi Lisa

Thank you for your reply.

Yes i use a spacer and i rinse my mouth everytime, in fact i spend ages on my oral hygene, clean teeth, use a mouth wash and i also use a gel called Daktarin (thrush gel) but it's to no avail.

I can't wait until Friday comes, but then it's the waiting that will really do my head in!

Thanks again Lisa.
