View Full Version : Very confused bout everything!

22-08-11, 19:56
Hi peeps, im new at this and was just wondering if anyone can help me!
It all started wen i was on my own my own one day with my little girl wen all of a sudden panic come over me. I was shaking, crying, nervous, felt like i was gonna collapse then wat made it worse was i was worried if anythin happened to me my girl would be on her own! So i had to call my sis round. I calmed down after a while.
Went to docs the following day n they thought i had post natal dep so they put me on citalopram and diazepam but i had a reaction to the citalopram and they made me worse so they then told me to come off them. I went back to docs as i wasnt coping and they gave me propanolol aswell as the diazepam still, but to only take it wen i feel i needed to. I was havin a few good days then a few bad days but now i seem every day is a bad day! I started taking the propanolol twice a day but now i am wondering if they are wat is making me have a funny head or if it is my anxiety! Im so confused. All i do know is that i feel bad every day and i feel dizzy near enough constant and i find that hard to deal with esp wen im on my own with my little girl! Docs told me it was my anxiety and i had full blood test to check n everything was fine but i still cant get it in my head that anxiety can make u feel this bad. Ive even lost my appetite! Ne1 out there that this seems familiar 2 or that can chat? :wacko:

24-08-11, 03:11
Hi Lost84

Anxiety can make you feel really bad. I have had headaches, stomach problems, shaking, dry mouth, insomnia, poor appetite etc. Drugs can also cause similar side effects or worsen existing symptoms, so it can be hard to be sure of the cause sometimes. I have been on Propranolol twice and had no adverse reactions. On the other hand Sertraline (SSRI anti-depressant) made me feel absolutely awful for four weeks, but then made me a lot better. Keep in regular contact with the doctor so they can keep an eye on it and suggest alternative medications if they think you need them. Your sister sounds really helpful, do you think you would feel better if she was involved a bit more with your daughter? Using your other family members to help might make you worry a bit less about your daughters future. Anxiety won't harm you, but the extra support from people does help you cope.

Tyke :)