View Full Version : Sore throat and swollen keeps coming back?!

22-08-11, 20:31
Hey so... I've been prone to strep throat for the last few years, and for the past two months or so my tonsils keep swelling and my throat is sore. I go to the doctor, he swabs it and prescribes penicillin and I go on my way. But it keeps coming back and all the tests come back negative?? So I'm really freaking out now on what it could be... Help please?

22-08-11, 21:11
It's driving me crazy and I really can't stand it anymore, ANY help or advice would really be appreciated.

22-08-11, 21:16
Your strep tests come back negative and you are still being put on antibiotics by the doc?

22-08-11, 21:23
Could just be post nasal drip.
Kind of disgusting sounding post coming....

If you have post nasal drip, then while you are lying down, it's running down the back of your throat. Can cause inflammation and soreness if prolonged. Doesn't require antibiotics tho.
The issue with taking antibiotics a lot is that not only does your body get used to the antibiotic and thus it won't work as well but your body has it's own immunities that aren't being used if you are on antibiotics AND they can kill off good bacteria as well as the bad so not a good idea to be on antibiotics if they aren't needed.

22-08-11, 21:30
I just got prescribed them again the other day, but decided not to take them... Amd my throat isn't sore anymore. Still swollen but they always seem to be now? If it is this nasal drip thing, anything I can do about it?

22-08-11, 21:35
Also when my throat gets sore I do notice white spots in my throat which always happens when I get strep, so in my mind it's strep... But now I'm so confused lol

22-08-11, 22:08
So, the doctor didn't mention anything about perhaps your tonsils being the culprit for all your agony? Maybe having your tonsils removed would be the answer..? Again that's just my opinion..I am not a doctor by any means..I just see that you posted your tonsils get swollen a lot..?

Either way..hope you get better soon.

22-08-11, 22:12
No he hasn't mentioned anything about then needing to come out... Doesn't really say much of anything! :S

22-08-11, 22:18
Very odd..perhaps getting a second opinion?

23-08-11, 00:16
You may have oral thrush from taking all those antibiotics, they will give you a tablet for it, in the UK you can get that tablet over the counter.
It can give you white stuff on you tongue and throat.

I would suggest rinsing with salt water every morning and night.

23-08-11, 13:25
I'm now convinced it's throat cancer... Going to try and get an appointment today to see my doctor, but he'll probably just think I'm crazy anyway...

23-08-11, 14:26
Please don't automatically think you have cancer..that's silly...

Hope your appt goes well..keep us posted.

23-08-11, 14:30
I wasn't able to get one until Friday.. And anything that is wrong with me for some extended period of time I start to think is cancer. I just can't think of a rational explanation. :(

29-08-11, 04:41
Can't throat infections also be viral? That would not sure up on the test, as they test for bacteria and then give you antibiotics.
Maybe take a multivitamin tonic you get in the pharmacy?
Is your throat any better?

01-09-11, 16:10
My throat isn't sore anymore, but my tonsils are still swollen. It stopped being sore after two little hard balls of something came out of (I think) my tonsils? WTF is that supposed to mean?! Lol

01-09-11, 17:00
Little hard balls? Eeek..sorry that sounds gross! Lol! Good to hear your throat isn't sore anymore, though..

As for your tonsils..I would think a doctor would say it's time for your tonsils to be removed..which isn't a big deal as we don't need them for anything..

01-09-11, 17:04
I agree with Liliana, first thing I thought of was tonsilitis. I would see if you could see an ENT, he'd be able to diagnose that and even remove them if they were that bothersome! I had mine out as a baby, but one recently grew back. It swells whenever I am sick, and my ENT told me that if it bothers me a lot he'll take it out.

01-09-11, 17:05
Tonsils can grow back in? Very strange!

01-09-11, 17:06
Yeah! Weird, huh! I think there is a greater chance the younger you get them taken out, especially if even a tiny piece of the tissue is left behind.,

01-09-11, 17:18
Ah I see!

02-09-11, 20:39
What is an ENT exactly? I can't really talk to my family doctor seriously about it because he knows of my anxiety and just tries to tell me it's that. And maybe it is, but I just want to know for sure and I'm not convinced.

02-09-11, 23:27
Maybe you have tonsil stones in your tonsils?
An ENT is aan ear nose and throat specialist I would ask your doctor for a referral.

03-09-11, 00:02
Thank you, I will ask him. And what are tonsil stones? I try not to google things like this cause it's usually scary lol

03-09-11, 01:16
What is a tonsillolith? Tonsilloliths, also known as tonsil stones, are irregularly shaped, whitish/yellow, foul-smelling globs of mucus and bacteria that get caught in the back of the throat. They form in the tonsil crypts which are simply small pockets or divots that appear in everyones tonsils. The scientific name for these white globs is tonsilloliths.""

You might also feel them poking you inside your throat, I have now and again coughed up teeny tiny ones, assuming it was just a bit of food.

03-09-11, 08:10
You may have tried all these, but thought I'd share some home remedies that have worked for me.
Top of my list would be Disprin, it's asprin that you mix with water, it has salicylic acid in it, I'm not sure how it works but I also use it on any pimples as it shrinks them.
Anyways I just gargle it in my throat, sometimes I swallow it , not sure which is better, but it does make my throat feel better.

Next thing is just a half a tea spoon of salt in warm water, the salt dries out your throat which can help reduce the swelling, it also kills bacteria.

Then honey, the manuka honey is know to kill the MRSA bacteria, as well as other bacteria, people in africa have been using it for years to heal wounds.
I would mix it with warm water, add cloves as they also kill bacteria and help numb the throat and lemon for the vitamim C , and whiskey if you wish lol, my grandmother always added a dash of whiskey.

Then there is clove oil, I first found out about this after my dentist pulled a tooth and packed it with gauze and clove oil.
It is the most horrid tasting thing, but it does numb tooth pain very well and also kills bacteria.
I buy clove oil and add a few drops to water and gargle, I don't think you are meant to use it on its own and I couldn't handle the taste anyways.

Also throat sweets, the antiseptic ones, I like the orange one boots do as they are nice and cheap.

I've swollen glands and lymph nodes all over my neck , it's so tight and uncomfortable, I'm waiting to have my wisdom teeth pulled, antibiotics haven't made a difference.
I might go back again next week to my doctor as the pain and pressure in my neck is driving me half mad!