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View Full Version : mild headaches

22-08-11, 20:38
for nearly two months, i've been dealing with MILD headaches. i was waking up in the morning with it an need no pain killers. It's VERY ODD though. First of all, it moves around anywhere from top back to top bottom near base of scull, from right to left, to top of head to ear area to forehead and face. I believe that when its in face and forehead, it is sinus related because it feels like typical sinus pressure, but when its in other spots, it is different feelings. It can be anything from a twinge to a pinch to a pang or shooting or tender to touch, but it is all pretty mild. Now what really began to FREAK ME OUT was that i was reading that brain tumours are worst in morning, but my doctor told me after examining me that it is not a tumor. He thinks it could be sleep position, aggravting my head and neck. The sinus issue and this other thing with pretty much moving all around back of head are separate issues. My dr believes that also. I have NO NEUROLOGICAL SYMPTOMS AT ALL. No visual probs or hearing probs, no balance or coordination probs , no speech probs or confusion. Nothing like that. My dr in office had me touch tip of my nose with index finger tip , had me walk a straight line, had me march in place with eyes closed, had me squeeze his hand for strength test, had me stand with eyes closed with arms horizontally out with feet together. When i touched nose with finger, eyes were closed. I passed these tests, which dr tells me i would not pass if there were ANY indication of tumor or neurological problem. I've been reading that Fibromyalgia can cause scalp tenderness. The tenderness feels like a scrape that is healing or having a pony tail holder in too tight. I have pretty much gotten over the fear that it is a brain tumor, but would really like to figure out what this is. It does seem like it could be related to sleep position, and i've bought a supportive pillow that is shaped like half cylinder which helps, but not 100 percent.If anyone has ANY opinions or ideas on this, I would love to hear them. I REALLY NEED SOME FEEDBACK ON THIS. I CANNOT HANDLE THE ANXIETY OVER THIS. Please respond as soon as possible. Thank You.