View Full Version : Anxiety

22-08-11, 21:57
Hiya, im new here and dont know if i am posting in the right place :S .. my apologies if i am not lol.
i have been suffering from this for a long while now, i think it may have all started due to problems in my childhood .. to cut a long story short my parents divorced when i was roughly 7-8 years old, my mom then found a new partner who was a nasty piece of work, he beat her and would mentally abuse myself and my 2 siblings, he also stopped us seeing my dad .. finally my mom got the courage and stood up to him and phoned the police and he got arrested this however went on for over a year!.
thankfully when that ended my grandad got us back in touch with my dad and we was able to resume seeing him!, sadly i lost my grandad a few years later!.
my mom has been in lots of relationships since this and all have ended ugly and some have been nasty, however finally she has re-married to a lovely man who adores us all! .. but the bad memories still haunt me, i find it very difficult to trust most men!.
I have attacks which consist of me shaking uncontrollably, needing to go the bathroom, dizziness, difficulty catching my breath and feeling of uncontrollable doom such as oh my god im dying, and after i will get a headache.
i managed to control my anxiety up untill last year when i had to have my dog put to sleep, i was a mess for weeks and weeks (im a huge animal lover, and my pets are like my children!) .. my anxiety returned with a vengeance my symptoms consist of
*stomach troubles
*vision problems (at the mo is my main symptom, it includes dry eye, aches, blurred vision, sensitivity to light, light trails etc)
^have been the opticians and my eyes are healthy, my prescription hasn't needed to change in 7years, i do wear glasses for distance tho.
*muscle aches
*i worry about symptoms from the moment i wake to the moment i go to sleep
*mood swings
etc etc etc, sometimes i can be busy with other things which means i ignore the symptoms and the dissapear, but the second i stop i think woah my symptoms have gone! then i think about them and they return!
i have trust issues, and i am not comfortable in my own skin i.e i hate my figure etc.
i google symptoms i get and i get very snappy if i dont google them as i constantly think of them, then i read things like cancer etc and convince myself i have this! .. i have eye floaters and have had them since i was about 14, i am now 22 years old and only learnt at the beginning of the year that they are floaters, i had convinced myself all this time i had worms in my eyes because i had ringworm when i was younger (even tho' i know its a skin fungus!)

Anxiety 99.9% of the time takes over my life!

22-08-11, 23:03
Hello, from what I have read all of your symptoms sound anxiety related.

You have been through alot, sending you big hugs :hugs:

Have you ever spoken to anyone about what has happened in the past?

24-08-11, 03:20
Hi KellyLou

Sorry to hear you have had such a rough deal in life. Have you ever thought about counselling? You will no doubt have a bit of a wait if you go through the NHS, but from what you've said here it is certainly worth talking to your doctor about. You have every right to ask for this - you didn't choose to be brought up in the way you were and you could do with some help in dealing with the consequences.

Tyke :)

24-08-11, 22:15
Thanks for reply's .. i dont really talk about it to be honest, i dont talk to my mom or siblings about it because i dont want to drag it all up and risk upsetting anyone, and i dont really talk to my friends about it because i dont want to come across as seeking attention.