View Full Version : Swollen Lymph Nodes-Scared

22-08-11, 23:01
A few months ago I went to the ER for chest pain which turned out to be acid reflux. However while at the hospital, the doctors found a swollen lymph node under my armpit. I had no other symptoms and after following up with my GP he decided to just have me back in a few months for a followup.

I tried to make my follow up appointment and the earliest date is a month out. I find myself looking for lymph nodes and think it's in my head as sometimes it's the other side feeling swollen. I have not had any new symptoms. I feel helpless and don't know if I can wait until my appointment without having an anxiety attack.

I was also looking at a girls Facebook page who passed from lymphoma and it scared me.

Can touching your lymph nodes cause them to swell? How do you cope with
a long wait?

Also can swollen lymph nodes be caused by a period?

22-08-11, 23:10
Hi bananarbabe, yeah you you can get swollen nymph nodes around the time of your periods. Id try not to worry to much, i know it's hard but it is quite common. Also if you keep pulling at it and touching it your going to make it very tender. im sure you going to be ok, the swelling may even go down on it's own before your appointment if you leave it alone. take care of yourself :) xx

23-08-11, 21:22
Thanks. I was feeling in the questionable area this morning and all of a sudden saw two red marks with elevated lumps. I'm a little worried but think they might be pimples. I'm trying to find out how I can differentiate between the two. Hopefully, they are pimples and will go away shortly.