View Full Version : Can't sleep due to all of these symptoms!

22-08-11, 23:51
Everything was going so well! ...

Now I can't sleep very well. I keep getting headaches and feelings of pressure build up in the head, my sinuses seem blocked, my vision gets blurry, I get sudden "drops" when tired. Even now I'm sat here falling asleep at the computer but whatever it is won't let me sleep!

I've had tight chest this evening, with chest pains randomly when eating, didn't hurt just very uncomfortable and worrying more than anything. I drink so much, and when I have finished my head goes funny and I feel the urge to have yet more water. At work today I was seeing random light squiggles when I blinked.

When I try to sleep my heart starts beating too fast, I get internal shakes which feels horrible and there is just no way I can sleep like that!

Has anyone else suffered this? No matter what I say to myself I still can't shift the feeling of what if!! All I want to do is call my doctor but I know I must not. I'm just terrified of something happening to me.

Help? x

23-08-11, 00:10
All your symptoms are common with Anxiety .Try to get in a routine of a good bedtime relaxation period ..No TV or stimuli .No computers for least an hour before bed .Nice soak in the bath with some soft music or relaxation cd .Have a glass of warm milk with sugar ,it promotes sleep .As you lay down do some deep breathing thru your nose and out your mouth In for 7 -out for 11 . See you Dr and he may give you some beta blockers for a while to regulate your heartbeat .This will all go once you learn to relax more and not focus or fear it .Fear keeps it going .You are perfectly safe and nothing is going to hurt you .Its just Anxiety ..T/c Sue x

23-08-11, 07:40
Thank you, that's good advice. I do tend to stay online before bedtime trying to ware myself out. A relaxing bath makes sense, I will give that a go tonight. I think it's just the fear that it's something else, but I also know that is normal for an anxiety sufferer to think!

Vicious cycle!!

I will let you know how I get on :) x