View Full Version : Anybody could describe me these PLEASE?

23-08-11, 01:06
I have a question and here:
anybody knows the exact differences between CLUSTER HEADACHES and MIGRAINES?

I have kinda constant headache in one side of my head more than 3 years but it attacks sometimes and one of my my eyes seems to pullin out. it really hurts and in those cases it takes several days or maybe more.
Ive read on Wikipedia this article (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cluster_headache) and this picture is exactly what I mean.:

But I dont really know how could get rid of this. is there someone with experiences could throw me some advice Please?:flowers:
I really am sick of trying ....

23-08-11, 01:42
Migraines come with a million other symptoms,
light sensitivity
Head pain usually on one side
Feeling like your in a dream, voice sounding far away.

When I get a migraine I get very confused, I can't see right, I spend hours vomiting, I feel like I'm not real, I get numbness in random places to the point it is painful, pretty much get the type of migraines that mimic a stroke.
The symptoms last up to 8 hours the headaches up to 3 days.

23-08-11, 08:59
Thank you mishel

I have some of those:
Extreme head pain on one side
Extreme pain with my eye....

23-08-11, 10:57
With a migraine I get intense pain like a band either around the front of my head or the back of my head and neck....like a pressure inside the head, kind of like a normal headache but MUCH more intense.

With cluster headaches I get what I can best describe as a drilling pain very specific to one area, that being my temples and over and inside (usually) my left eye. With clusters I find them MUCH harder to get rid of, and they last for days before they disappear again.

Yours does sound more like a cluster headache to me Helmet, but I'm not a doc of course! They are tricky to get rid of, but generally they only last a few days and then they go again.

There are some good, strong, over the counter medications which you can obtain for migraines which do help.

All the best.:hugs:

23-08-11, 12:33
Thank you debs...thanks a lot.
I think your kinda right. I used to wear sunglasses before and something strange I'll be sensitive to some colors between those days too. but about that constant headache no Docs could do a good job.
Thanks again :flowers:

23-08-11, 13:10
With a migraine I get intense pain like a band either around the front of my head or the back of my head and neck....like a pressure inside the head, kind of like a normal headache but MUCH more intense.

With cluster headaches I get what I can best describe as a drilling pain very specific to one area, that being my temples and over and inside (usually) my left eye. With clusters I find them MUCH harder to get rid of, and they last for days before they disappear again.

Yours does sound more like a cluster headache to me Helmet, but I'm not a doc of course! They are tricky to get rid of, but generally they only last a few days and then they go again.

There are some good, strong, over the counter medications which you can obtain for migraines which do help.

All the best.:hugs:

Is it possible I've had a migraine for a month? :/

23-08-11, 13:22
Is it possible I've had a migraine for a month? :/

Hmm....I don't know MidnightCalm.

Headaches can seem to go on and on but this may be a tension headache, especially if there is anxiety/stress in the equation. They can be pretty nasty and mirror the symptoms of migraine somewhat.

To be honest, I think migraines in the true sense of the word are awful, where you literally have to lie down in a darkened room to attempt to shift them. I find that mine resolve after I am sick for some reason.

If your headches go on and on it may be worth seeing your GP just for an opinion hun.

I hope you get well soon.xxxx:hugs:

23-08-11, 18:09
I think these kinda headaches are really awful not only because of PAIN but more than that because , well in my case , it leaves me Agoraphobia, more anxiety, I cannot work well. Even I cannot think straight. all of a sudden...
And one more thing, most of your friends, family ,... cannot understand you just like you when you were healthy enough.

After all I want to thank you again debs. dont know why but you really calm me down 'cause I have 3 days had these attacks again and your words is positive to me :)

Gemma T
23-08-11, 18:57
Cluster headaches are normally short lived extreme bursts of pain. Kind of like an ice cream headache. They dont normally last longer then 20 mins and normally occur in men. They are bad. Ive had them and migraines.

Because cluster headaches are so short lived it makes paracetemol and ibuprofen pointless to use. By the time they kick in its gone. You can get something from your gp called iburetard or something like that (cant remember exactly). Its basically a slow release ibuprofen and would help with cluster headaches.

Migraines have been covered so I wont bang on with them.

Love Gemx x x

Gemma T
23-08-11, 19:01
Oh and Migraleve is a god send for your migraines. I used to get them every saturday without fail. There are pink and yellow ones available. You take the pink first. If after 4 or 6 hours (cant remember) the migraine is still there you take a yellow. I never had to take a yellow and always ended up in bed, in the dark, in silence prior to them.

You can get them on prescription x x x

23-08-11, 21:43
I appreciate your answers.
Something I forgot to say and is like mysterious to me:
for example if want to working out with dumbbells after a while my eye and one side of my head starting to pain immediately & finally force me to quit working out. heh... and now one of my fears is going to gym:wacko: !!!
Is this illness something hybrid? Physically/Mentally ?
Is that make any sense at all?

Gemma T
23-08-11, 21:49
Not sure. I will say I have troubles when I do head stands and sit ups. Its because Im doing it wrong and straining. Maybe the same for you x x x