View Full Version : 40mg Propranolol for anxiety/panic

23-08-11, 11:54
Hi, I suffer from agoraphobia/anxiety/panic attacks. Recently in June I flew from Heathrow-New York. And tomorrow I shall be flying Heathrow-Philadelphia.

For my trip in June I was given 2mg Diazepam, although I could take up to two tablets 3 times a day by my psychiatrist to manage the trip, unfortunately it only seemed to make me a little bit tired and make my muscles feel weak (felt no difference between 2 and 4mg), it didn't help out with the physical side of my symptoms at all which is the main concern for me, as believe it or not, I'm completely fine mentally, it's just the physical side that then makes me worry mentally. I vomited around 12 times during the whole 16 hour trip even with the diazepam, so this time I've been prescribed 2mg Lorazepam along with 40mg Propranolol.

Now I'm very apprehensive about taking the Propranolol, my main physical symptoms are pretty much intense nausea/vomiting, sweating and bowel problems. My heart-rate doesnt noticeably rise and my resting heart-rate/blood pressure is quite low/very healthy. So I'm worried about taking them, especially such a high dose (would have thought I would have been given 10mg if anything) as I think they're gonna slow my heart rate down to a very low level and give me horrible side-effects (at the moment my resting heart-rate is around 60bpm or lower) and as I said it doesn't really rise at all when I'm stressed/panicky. But I really do need something to get rid of the physical side of things so I'm really on the fence about whether to risk taking them or not..

Can anyone who possibly has a low/average resting heart-rate that doesn't really rise too much that uses propranolol give me some input? Thanks and sorry for the wall of text.