View Full Version : Citalopram, emotions , feelings question.

23-08-11, 12:24
How do citalopram make you feel exactly?
I still struggle with anxiety in a morning. It's weird but I used to get in a real state with my emotions in a morning, upset and panicky. But now i feel anxiety but don't seem to be able to show emotions! I could feel like crap inside but unable to get upset really unless I'm really bad.
Do they make you kind of emotionless? I feel like I'm also not making my own decisions, does this sound familiar? I don't want to stop taking the meds and think why did I do that?
I don't want to get a couldn't give a toss atitude. Because I can see it happening.
It's hard to explain really. Has anyone else felt similar?
If so any advice?

23-08-11, 17:35
I have been taking Citalopram for about a week (only on 10mg as my doc wants to start me off on a low dose after a horrid reaction to Setraline) and I feel exactly the same, if it's any comfort to you.
Sorry I cannot offer any advice, just wanted to let you know you aren't alone :-)

23-08-11, 21:11
I felt a bit like that when I first started on cit, however it seemed to pass so I put it down to my body adjusting to the meds

23-08-11, 22:04
I can't begin to tell you what a horrid horrid day I have had! I woke up bout 5am, which I hate doing coz my brain just switches on with all negative thoughts.:ohmy: I have been on citalopram for 8 or 9 weeks now I do wake up with nerves in my tummy and it's an effort to start the day. But today my god I thought i was going to end up in hospital. I even phoned the local crisis team I then went to my GP I feel a mess my eyes look heavy as I don't always get a good nights sleep. Anyway, my GP gave me Chlorproazine 25mg to calm me as i was taking diazipam and she don't want me on those. I feel i am not making progress but my GP said citalopram do take a while to kick in. and dont stop them. I just wish I could relax and Things would be ok but it's that bloody negative chatterbox in my head and constantly thinking thinking and it's alllll negative. Oh well these new tablets Chlorproazine may help me to relax.

Cathy xx

23-08-11, 22:12
Hi Cathy i hope you are feeling better and are ok tomorrow! Fingers crossed.
I always think negative and I hate it, but cant stop it. I think "what if" as soon as i wake, or it even wakes me.
I'm sure you know what I mean.
I keep thinking I am improving a little with citalopram, then I have an off day.
Guess it takes time, its frustrating when you just want to be ok.

Ps, what time do you take the cit? I've started taking it in the mornings, have you found a time that's best or doesn't it matter.
I was going to take one tonight and start taking them at night again but I've already had one this morn! So that would be a double dose in a day!!!!!
Would it be safe

23-08-11, 22:13
I felt a bit like that when I first started on cit, however it seemed to pass so I put it down to my body adjusting to the meds

How long did it take to pass please? Have you been on cit for long.

23-08-11, 22:30
I feel as if I've been kicked all over the place so excausted. and yorkman I know what you mean our brains are overactive. It is the pits. I wouldnt mind but what I get worried about is silly but my body makes a big deal out of everything so I start oh my god that must be serious lol. I try to say don't be bluffed by these silly thoughts well that's what claire weekes says. Easily said than done when ur in a big panic.

Cathy xx :unsure:

23-08-11, 22:34
I've always took mine of a morning. as i sometimes have a glass or 2 of wine of a night coz the anxiety in my chest just upsets me. Now after this morning I am going to give the wine a miss.

cathy xx

23-08-11, 22:40
I've stopped drinking Cathy.I'm frightened in case alcohol makes cit less effective?? Heard mixed reviews. Do you take sleeping tablets? I take a nytol everynight.
I wish i could stop worrying and gain confidence. Wish there was a cure for that!!!!!

23-08-11, 23:21
A quick cure lol, Gp has just perscribed me with a calming pill called chlorpromazine she said thy are not addictive and thy will relax me so started them today I feel a bit better now God knows what i will be like when I wake up. Just want to wake up feeling happy happy happy lol :D xx

cathy xx

23-08-11, 23:38
I honestly can't remember the last time I woke up happy. Probably a year ago on holiday and then it took me days to unwind.
I've slowly got worse since then though.

23-08-11, 23:51
yorkman!! i hear ya!!, i've been on citalopram a year and i feel ... emotionless! I find myself unable to cry in a situation that previously would have had me in floods of tears and really upset!!..

also the side effects are odd, i'm finding it hard to distinguish between a side effect of the lexapro, or and physiological symptom of anxiety .. (eg, nausea, chills etc etc )

24-08-11, 09:58
I've been on cit just over 3 months now, looking back at my diary it took about 9 weeks to settle down but comes back with each dose increase

Hope you feel better soon

28-09-11, 22:01
I know what you mean about the emotional flatness. I've never been a big one for crying anyway, but there were things I saw, heard and experienced which made me feel like crying....... but when I started Citalopram, that all stopped for a while. There is a reason for it. Citalopram increases serotonin levels, but this means your brain produces less noradrenaline than normal, which mediates your emotional response. Fortunately, your brain eventually works out what's going on once you stabilise, and produces a bit more noradrenaline. I had a damn good weeping fit last night, the first for 15 years, and it was so nice, in a way, to know I could do it! (There was a good reason, by the way, I didn't just decide to cry or anything!)

If you've been feeling emotionally flat for months and months, tell the doc. He might put you on one of the newer drugs that increase serotonin AND noradrenaline.