View Full Version : Body jolts

23-08-11, 12:26
Hi there,

Does anybody experience body jolts when drifting off to sleep?

I've experienced this feeling before the anxiety like when you're dreaming and you feel like your falling, but now with the anxiety I seem to be drifting off to sleep and not dreaming but get a sudden body jolt which wakes me up.

Is this normal with anxiety? If really worries me :(

Please respond if you experience this too...

23-08-11, 12:33
Yes ive had that happen when feeling anxious. I tried drinking some milk or caffiene greeted before bed.

23-08-11, 12:37
hiya I replied to this one in the symptoms section also, I get this aswell quite often x

23-08-11, 12:53
Hi I to have body jolts, i get them quite alot, try not to focus on it, I know it's easier said than done. U will be ok x :hugs:

23-08-11, 16:40
Does your body actually move??? If so these are called hypnic jerks and are completely normal and worse with stress. I get same problem but without any bodily movement the feeling is purely in my head as if I have dropped down a lift shaft its truly horrible and some nights will happen every time I start to drift off to sleep and on occasion I have had no sleep. I find they happen whenever I am racing around and stressed or if I get an adrenalin surge say with episode of bad ectopics or dizziness so they are def linked to stress/anxiety. I have even had a brain mri because of mine and nothing to report.

23-08-11, 17:12
i feel like that all the time it is a very common symthom of anxiety im sure its nothing to worry about. i know its a horrible feeling but lots of other people here experience that to im sure. you will be fine it is nothing threatening, just scary! :hugs:

23-08-11, 18:29
Yes, I have had these infrequently when dropping off the sleep my whole life but they are definitely a lot worse when I am stressed. I have even had similar "jolts" over the last couple of weeks when I'm just sitting still, doing nothing. I think it's because my whole body is so tense and tightly wound all the time lately. They are annoying and make you jump, but they're not harmful :)

23-08-11, 18:31
I also get this very often, it is nearly always my right leg, it happens when im sitting aswell. It will start to jolt every few seconds sometimes getting more n more frequent. If i put my mind to it i can stop it from doing it but it makes me feel like i need the release to be else where, so i just let me leg get on with it these days. It does weirdly make just to the left of my right hip pulsate the doctor sed it was just where my leg is having more blood pumped into it coz its jolting. It also feels kinda numb at times. Fort it was my apendix the 1st time it happened :shrug: