View Full Version : realy worn out

11-05-06, 08:15
for weeks now my anxiety as been high i feel realy tierd all the time i dont have to do any thing at all i get up feeling wore out and stay this way all day i feel like i am haveing to drag myself aroundi no i have the extra stress of knowing i am at hospital for a small op on 23rd may but even when i havew not got things like that to worry about i still have a lot of times were the anxiety wears me out and a panic attack can totaly drain all my energy i still have two kids at home and can not realy aford to feel this way and when you do feel lifeless evry were seems to look a mess wich make you either more anxiouse or deppressedi just wish i had energy any one got any for me i have looked on ebay to see if any on offer lol
very wore out trish

11-05-06, 15:20
This is like me, I keep getting these spells where I feel so weak and drained of all energy, like I'm about to slump down on the floor. I hate feeling like this, GP says its overbreathing that wears me out

Anxiety Is Evil

11-05-06, 16:50
Hi Trish I have been getting this for years and it really wears you down, I do get some active days, but its always followed by the awful tiredness and like you say having to drag myself about. I think its all about learning to pace yourself. My doctor once told me that if you suffer from anxiety and panic you feel the same as someone whos just run a marathon.

Luv Barb xxx

11-05-06, 20:08
thanks for the replys i realy was begining to think it was just me ot there was some thing realy bad wrong
i do beleive the over breathing does make you feel even worse as it makes you keep yawning like your realy tired as well it makes evry mussel in my body ache as well making you feel like you have some kind of virus or even somthing uncurable any way thanks again

11-05-06, 22:55
I know that its hard when you've got a family and things to do (I'm in same boat) but it really helps if you can find just half an hour to practise some relaxation and recharge your batteries. It may not seem like a priority but if you are not well then you are going to be able to do all you need to do. Also don't be too hard on yourself - one of the traits with people who suffer from anxiety is we want everything to be perfect and it never will be, lose that stress and just accept that some things won't get done - but your relaxation time is a priority.


'This too will pass'