View Full Version : just need to talk to some one

23-08-11, 19:24
hi ive had anxiety for a few yrs now and was really bad until about a mnth ago but it seemed to of calmed down abit but i just want to ask anybody if there anxiety is made worse when they have finacial dificultys and have no ware to go or visit any one as im on benifts so money is really tight and this morniong when i woke up i felt anxiouse and fed up as i had no one to talk to or go any ware because ive no money and had no one to go and visit or do anything exept clean up which thats all i seem to do everyday and i felt really bored all day and then i started to feel how i used to when i was really bad with my anxiety i havent got no hobbies or anything so can boredem and feeling isolated lonely and having no money make you feel anxiouse or does any one relate to how i am

Gemma T
23-08-11, 19:29
I know how you feel, In 2009 I had health anx which started when i was made redundant. It went away but ive recently resigned from a crappy job and its back again. It really is horrible going through all this.

I think the boredom is what makes it worse. Way to omuch time to think about things we shouldnt or wouldnt if we were busy x x x

23-08-11, 19:34
Hi Tricia
I find when im not at work and ive to much time on my hands i start thinking to much and get anxious. Have u tried playing any off the games on here thay are good for distraction and stop ur mind thinking so much.
Take Care X

23-08-11, 23:04
Hi Tricia.. I think I know how you feel as I'm agoraphobic and have a lot of time on my own in my little flat. Could you go out at all, do you think you'd be well enough to maybe do some voluntary work? I used to work once a week in a charity shop and enjoyed seeing people, but I'm far too ill to do it now.

I feel like everything I do now is a distraction from my anxiety. I'm on benefits too and it definately affects my anxiety, not knowing if I can pay the next months bills, etc. Personally I spend my time watching a lot of TV, cleaning, and on the computer. I also have a lot of sewing projects to keep me going when I'm feeling more able to function and the materials are quite cheap from eBay. I find cross stitching great for my nerves, and it's a cheap hobby if you can get into it.

24-08-11, 01:58
Hi Tricia

Yes, I can relate to this. What I have found helps is to try and build up a routine into your week. I think panicpanda's idea of voluntary work is a good one if you feel up to it. I would try and go for long walks or find out about anything that is free or reasonably cheap to do - parks, exhibitions, courses, museums, libraries, internet or somewhere that you can meet a friend for a cup of coffee etc. keep a look out for the things that offer good concessions to those on benefits.

Tyke :)