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View Full Version : Hormonal anxiety?

23-08-11, 20:09
Perhaps I am one of the 'lucky' ones- I only need to be on this board when I have been on the Pill. It always causes severe anxiety, OCD and panic attacks with me, I realise and come off it, then about a year later I think I imagined it all, take the Pill again and it repeats itself.

I've been off the Pill for about a month now and have been slowly improving but it's coming up to my first 'real' period for one and a half years so today has been terrible. My mind has lurched back into extreme paranoia, dread, panic, my stomach hurts, I feel awful.

Anyone know how reduce these hormonally-induced anxiety feelings in particular? I'm at my wit's end. I just want to feel normal again. I'd love a bath or something to calm down, but that inevitably means I'll be undistracted and with my own company, which I just can't bear. I can't let my own thoughts/feelings run wild, I feel like I'm drowing in them. Any ideas how how to cause these crazy emotions to calm down naturally?

23-08-11, 20:23
Chocolate & wine!!!

Joking aside I feel your pain!
I've been off the pill for about 6 months because the one I was on gave me headaches. My anxiety levels go through the roof and I have the most horrendous pain ever.

Baths are good (put some tunes on while your in there), as is exercise...

Failing that wine & chocolate as above!!!


23-08-11, 22:08
Dietry changes can help .Also Nefenamic acid tabs are excellent for the cramps /Pain .Red wine and choc will have to wait lol ..Not rccomended at all ..sorry ..I have another post I wrote about this I will forward it when I find it ..Might take a while ..Put hot water bottle on your tum ,and try to chill as much as you can .Nice soak like Emily says is a good Idea Tke care Luv Sue xx