View Full Version : A really bad day

Selfhater Plus
23-08-11, 21:39

After everything i posted about in the above thread, joining here and reading about others who have had similar problems and made recoveries i've been feeling better than i have for a long time in the last week or so and sorting my doctor out yesterday was the cherry on the cake.

I felt good all day up untill i answered the door to except a delivery. i was excited as hell, i'd been waiting for it to arrive for a few days, he handed me the parcel, as i placed it on the ground and stood up he passed me the thing to sign and all of a sudden he just seemed to be looking at me oddly, just a split second.

In the minutes after i closed the door it's all i could think about, all my confidence that had built up was gone. As i said in the thread above my last therapist thought i might be suffering from body dysmorphic disorder and this was a big confirmation of that. for the last few hours i've been a complete anxious mess. trying to read things that might help, not let on to my family that i was having a problem untill i burst in to tears having nearly vomited at the table (eating my favourite meal as well) and talked it though with my mum and i feel a little better.

I've not felt so low in quite some time.

24-08-11, 05:46
I'm sorry you've had a set-back, but part of the recovery (and I have only just come to realise this) is that we learn to cope with the bad days. And believe it or not, you were doing the right things - reading things that might help, talking it through with your mum, coming on here to post, even crying (helps relieve the stress levels). Use every positive coping mechanism you can to get you through the bad patches.

Real progress is not just enjoying the days when we feel great or even halfway human. It is really about applying all the things we are learning about ourselves and our "problems" to get us through the bad times.

Hope you feel better soon.

01-09-11, 18:27
I always remember one psychologist explaining to me that anxiety is nasty and as soon as it sees that you are getting better and doing fine without it, it will round up all it has and launch one last attack on you, it sounds like this is anxiety trying desperately to get back in your head, you've done so well, stay strong and you will beat it, don't let this one set back get to you, it's just anxiety praying on your weaknesses, desperately trying to rule your life again. Best of luck :)