View Full Version : Nail pOlish

23-08-11, 22:51
Hi guys
My two boys have hard all my make up and bail polishes out and spilt them in the room we are staying in it absolutely stunk really bacninopened window and shouted at my kids and left room after tidying it up however the stuff till smelt when I went to bed 1 journey ago, not as bad but still bad. I googled and wish i hadn't and now in finally on the sofa after worrying that ne and my two children are now in serious risk of death tonight cisni what we have inhaled. It's probably 1 bottleno can see that Is empty and a few lids off! Any help would be appreciated xx

23-08-11, 23:39
Hi there, I don't know what type of nail varnish solvent you have been exposed to or how much and is always better to be cautious so I really think the best thing is to phone NHS direct 0845 4647 open 24 hours daily or go to look on their website: http://www.nhsdirect.nhs.uk/. They will ask you about your health concern and then get someone to call you back.
If you don't want to call NHS direct or if they are unable to help, phone your GP where out of hours you will be directed to their out of hours service and they will speak to you about your concerns and if needed send a doctor out.
In the meanwhile, get plenty of fresh air into the room. It may be prudent to bag up the nail varnish bottles and put out of harms way, in case you need to show the doctor.

If you can't get any medical advice you could always go and wait in A&E although this may not be necessary and will be a long wait, but, as I said, I don't know what to advise...other than seek professional advice! Good luck, try not to worry, it's more likely than not just going to give you a bit of a headache, but do try NHS direct/docs
love and light

24-08-11, 00:01
Hi scared

I understand your concerns but woman (and men I suppose:ohmy:) have been using nail varnish + remover for many many years without any problems. These freakin people keep coming up with new things that can possibly be of harm or kill us, because they don't have anything else to do! If we didn't use, eat or drink what they tell us not to, we would all be dead anyway:doh: Sorry to be blunt:noangel: Please try not to worry (easier said than done I know).


Hi guys
My two boys have hard all my make up and bail polishes out and spilt them in the room we are staying in it absolutely stunk really bacninopened window and shouted at my kids and left room after tidying it up however the stuff till smelt when I went to bed 1 journey ago, not as bad but still bad. I googled and wish i hadn't and now in finally on the sofa after worrying that ne and my two children are now in serious risk of death tonight cisni what we have inhaled. It's probably 1 bottleno can see that Is empty and a few lids off! Any help would be appreciated xx

24-08-11, 01:46
I don't, and never have used nail varnish, but I have used construction adhesive (not on my nails though) The smell at first was actually quite nice, but 5 hours and 4 tubes later while crouched in a very cramped stairs cupboard with the stuff was not very pleasant. Dizziness, nausea, headache, poor vision and loss of coordination resulted. It took a day for me to fully recover. Nail varnish comes in small bottles (perhaps 10-20ml?), and was spilt in a room with the window open. I used over 1300ml of this solvented adhesive a small cupboard with no ventilation (stupid I know but there was no alternative) and I'm ok, so you will be too :D

Hope my Pinkgrip analogy helped!
