View Full Version : Feeling like i'm loosing the plot

23-08-11, 23:11
At about 3 o clock today I just burst into tears infront of my family and started shaking. Ever since then I've been feeling as though i'm experiencing some bad LCD trip or something and everything seems very strange, its almost like some kind of flash back. And to make matters worse I have this unbearable feeling inside me that i can't explain in words, everything sounds loud and bright, and I have a fear I might hear voices in my head.

Talk about a day from hell!

24-08-11, 01:40
Sounds like a panic attack Paul. You can feel very strange and anxious afterwards. I used to worry I was going mad or would hear voices, it is all part of anxiety. Has anything led up to you feeling so anxious? Are you going through other difficulties that could account for all this or did it come straight out of the blue?

Tyke :)

24-08-11, 11:20
My goodness I sympathise Paul, though I know that is little consolation when you feel rotten.

I agree with Tyke.....a panic attack is the likely culprit.

It does make you feel sort of like you are on the edge of a precipice and about to fall off, like your mind is out of control, you can't think straight and the world is going at a faster rate than you are, and you are just standing or sitting there frozen and terrifed.

I know it is a DREADFUL feeling, but you CAN get through it I assure you.

The voices in the head worry is just your mind playing tricks on you. You are not going crazy/schizophrenic or anything like that. Truly mad people don't question that they are mad, they think they are normal. and the fact that you think that is going to happen means it won't, I promise. It is just your over-anxious mind putting all kinds of fears in your head. I remember when I was very ill with depression/breakdown asking my Dad 'am I going mad?'....this is normal within the realm of things hun.

You sound super stressed and anxious and need to find ways to deal with that. Have you seen your GP yet or are you already diagnosed with anxiety? There are ways to deal with panic attacks, it is just a case of finding what works for you personally. It CAN BE DONE, I PROMISE.
