View Full Version : Woke with pain and so scared

24-08-11, 04:43
Have been attending doctor for bladder pain/frequent urination/leg pain and had smear test done on Monday and have to go for further scans on ovaries/pelvis etc. Got period yesterday and had severe pain all day with it. Woke up at 4am with pain. Went to sleep with same pain. Like a burning feeling or inflamed feeling in cervix or vagina(somewhere up there, like where doc took the swab for smear). Really stings and hurts. Was dreaming that I was in pain and was going to all these silly places in the village to get them to take the pain away and woke up realising I was in pain for real. went downstairs to get a hot water bottle and took one of those anti-inflammatories the doctor gave me. Really scared as am convinced I am dying of cancer as the pain is so bad and not going away and I feel so alone. My 2 sons are asleep, (as they should be at 4.30am), nobody to talk too or give me a hug. I am so tired of trying to be brave. I wish somebody was here :-(

24-08-11, 10:17
:bighug::bighug:There is nothng more frightening than being on your own and worrying in the middle of the night I understand perfectly.

I assume you have had swabs taken for fungal or bacterial infection from you vagina?? as well as the smear. If not then ask for them to be done. The ultrasound scan will show if there is anything amiss in the "lady" area etc and the smear would show if there was a problem with your cervix but of course none of this helps you with the symptoms and pain you have now.

Is there anyone friend or family that you can talk to as this is what you need, we all understand on here and you can of course post anytime.

:bighug1:Have another one on me!

24-08-11, 11:09
Thanks for the hugs and reply countrygirl. I live far away from family and dont really have a support network here. Mainly just acquaintances as I am not long enough here to have very close friends yet. I have started seeing a guy 2 months ago but dont feel I know him enough yet either to be there for me. I had a urine analysis done which had blood in but that was as Ive a period, no infection showed. Doctor didnt take fungal test though my sister who is a midwife thinks I may have one as I currently have a fungal infection on my foot and nails. She thinks it may be internal also. The pain is not as bad now, why do things always hurt more at night? However I do still have the cystitis type pain though doc says that I dont have it as there is no infection. I feel stingy and raw 'down there' and going to loo a lot still, though not as much as before. Im just so worried that ive cancer :-( and there will be no-one to bring up my boys or help if i am really sick or die :-( Im a single working mum, the dad lives abroad.