View Full Version : Slipped into sckitsophrenia??

24-08-11, 05:24
Hey guys im so scared at the moment yesterday i smoked pot with a freind and ive had problems with the drug canibis before but i thought i would be okay and last nigh a few hours after i had a masive panic atack it was crazy....And all today ive just been out of my mind up and down like a yoyo having breakdowns ...having memory problems things look lucid and unreal im scared ive slipped into skitsophrenia im so scared people i dont know what to do my dad said it will ease off in a few days...but im really scared this is the worst ive ever felt in my whole life today its frightning and very scary....what do i do? all day been geting hot and cold sweats dry mouth all sorts...tunnel vision...Motor skill seem strange and brain just fells so scary...i dont know what to do. I have school to go to i cant be at home freaking out.. Hevy haulcinations

24-08-11, 06:46
I used to have a horrible fear of becoming schizophrenic and I did speak to my doctor about it. He told me that schizophrenics don't think there is anything wrong with them so I was definitely not schizophrenic!
Sounds to me like you have severe anxiety because you are so worried that what you are experiencing could be a bad reaction to cannibus. The memory problems, dry mouth, tunnel vision....all anxiety symptoms that I have suffered from myself and I don't partake in cannibus ;)
It's scary I know but it doesn't sound like you are actually having a reaction, just anxious in fear that you may be having one.
If you feel this way when you smoke hun I would suggest not doing it anymore!
Try to calm yourself. Deep breathing, and occupy your mind with something else.

24-08-11, 06:56
Well i tend to have these panic atack/seizures sometimes havent had one for a while had a masive one last night. Now today things just seem to be upside down im scared my brain will never heal

macc noodle
24-08-11, 08:13

Hope you feeling a bit better now?

Look, I shall be frank here, if the drug use affects you negatively in this way just lay off it - some people can tolerate it with no advserse effects and other people can be like you.

The pleasure of being part of a gang and enjoying yourself in the moment must surely be outweighed by howyou feel now?

I think that you are suffering really bad anxiety and that the way you are feeling is causing you to have bad panic attacks.

Don't you have a counsellor available at school to whom you can talk to in confidence or a teenage support hotline in Oz?

Take care

Macc Noodle

24-08-11, 08:22
Its just what im felling prior to my masive panic atack last night...I think its something to with epilipsey...my memory is very impared and my felling of time is strange to. Its just i fell all depresed and grogy i just dont know what to do

24-08-11, 08:28
Leave the dope, my young cousin was a heavy smoker of really strong stuff, he now spends his time in and out of mental hospitals and cant function without heavy medication. Hes 24 and will probably never be able to hold down a job again, buy a house, drive a car, all the normal things young people want to do.

24-08-11, 08:31

24-08-11, 09:19
Its very unlikely, he was a heavy user for quite a few years, and the illness didnt just come on overnight. Just cut out the drugs, and take it easy for a few days and you should be fine

24-08-11, 09:22
Also remember millions of people occasionally smoke dope with no ill effects at all, but its better not to take the risk

24-08-11, 09:35
Leave the dope, my young cousin was a heavy smoker of really strong stuff, he now spends his time in and out of mental hospitals and cant function without heavy medication. Hes 24 and will probably never be able to hold down a job again, buy a house, drive a car, all the normal things young people want to do.

Thats a sad story mike, such a waste at 24 aswell, thats the same age as me. I have read a lot of posts on here about people having adverse reactions to smoking that stuff, my mums ex smoked a lot of it and was always violent towards us, agressive, really paranoid and couldnt hold down a job etc so I am completely against anything like that as it ruins peoples lives x

24-08-11, 10:06
I do try and warn young people off using it, although that is a bit hypocritical as when I was young I took just about everything going ! but its so sad, he was a really bright kid, now he thinks televisions send him secret messages, spends half his life locked up ( he is fine in the hospital when they medicate him, then they let him out, he stops his meds and goes back to taking drugs ) and doesnt really have any future. His parents cant cope with him living at home, so the rest of the family try and help him out as best we can

24-08-11, 11:26
its such a shame, I don't think your hypocritical, you have tried these things and now warn against them, nothing wrong with that! :yesyes: