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11-05-06, 11:39
Hey Guys,

I have been chatting to Alex, Shiv and Jo as we are all getting married very soon and we are all pooping our pants, worrying whether this anxiety will hit us on the day!!

My Story quickly.

I am Marrying Martin, he is my angel, without him I think I would have just become a little hermit and let this anxiety take over my whole life.
For Someone who has never really suffered from anything like this he handles it very well!

My Family are a blimin nightmare, we are so disfunctional, my parents are divorced we all fall out all the time and in the past year whilst planning this wedding I have fallen out with just about everyone. Just when i think all is running smoothly, My Mum goes and gets the hump with me, over he rSTUPID boyfriend as I dont want him at the wedding...anyway 2 months to go and all is going horrible wrong AGAIN!

All I want is to get married and spend muy life with my lovely Hubby!

This is where the health anxiety came in. I was doing fine living my life bumbling along when my Boyf proposed (very romantically). Then BAM along came Health anxiety. I was then convinced that I wouldnt make it to the wedding and that something horrible was wrong with me and that I was gonna die.

I have since had councelling and 6 months later i am slowly getting there!

I still suffe rhead pains and get very stressed and cry, but who doesnt eh!!!!!!

Anyway enough about me.....I want to hear about everyone else who is getting married!

Thought this would be a good thread to share our worries and excitments with each other before the big days!!!

Lots of Love and Hugs:D

Hay x

11-05-06, 11:51
Hi Hay

This is such a good idea hun re setting up this thread, i know it will make us all feel so much better letting go on here.

Im marrying Chris in August & he is my rock.
Like Hay i do'nt know what i would do either without my wonderful man he is everything to me.

Last weekend should have been straight forward with my favourite cousin coming down from Scotland to have a suit fitting, but my horrible & wicked half sister managed to ruin things. Tony had the suit fitting but over 4 days i only saw him the once with her meddaling.


Many People Will Walk
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11-05-06, 12:04
Families eh who would ave them!
Somtimes I wish i had just gone abroad and done just me and martin!

We must send piccies in when we are done, I would really like to see how all your days went.

Hugs x

Hay x

11-05-06, 13:09
Hi all

Yeah bloomin families LOL

Yes it would be lovely to show the photos on here of our special days.

Ive had that feeling/wish sometimes too about going away & it would only be Chris & i & no one else around (Oh Joy LOL)


Many People Will Walk
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11-05-06, 13:21
Hi Ya

Well done you for still getting married. I was due ot get married on July 15th this year but have cancelled due to ym anxiety getting the better of me.

Just thing how well you are doing just getting married and I am sure on the day you will wobble a bit but only normal nerves and you will enjoy the day so much. Enjoy the experience hunny - wishing you well.

God bless

Katie x

11-05-06, 13:28
Hi Katie

Sorry to hear you have cancelled your wedding but i can understand with the anxiety but there will be another time & you will get through it.

I know im determined more than ever.

Take Care


Many People Will Walk
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11-05-06, 13:49
Oh Katie, I am sorry Hun that you felt you had to cancel your
wedding due this horrible anxiety monster. Isnt lucky we have such understanding partners.

Have you rebooked it mate?

It is so nerve wrecking i know, but this is one day of my life, like alex that I am determined to not let anxiety ruin!

Big Hugs Katie.

Alex -
Photos is an excellent idea.
When we have them just a little chat with one of the administrators would prob help us down load our photos!!!

Anyway kepp me posted with the plans!!!!

Hay x

11-05-06, 20:18
Yes we have re-booked for June next year and everyone has been really understanding and we haven't lost any deposits.

Am determined to do it next year.

Thanks all for your kind words and enjoy your day xxxx

11-05-06, 20:21

I know what you mean about arranging weddings, my daughter is getting married in August, (have booked the surgery to have the arm and leg amoutated to pay for it). Maybe the thing I offered her would be of use to you. I offerred her ten of grand in her back pocket and a couple of tickets to gretna green, but she wanted the family do so thats what we gonna do. Marraige is about the bride and groom no one else, go for a holiday somewhere and come back married.


11-05-06, 21:24
Hi All

Hay, Im sure we will be able to get photos on here without any probs. Am so looking forward to seeing yours.

Katie, So pleased to hear you you have re booked the wedding for next June & really pleased that no deposits have been lost.

Keith, You made me laugh re losing a arm & a leg re wedding costs. Yep you do'nt know really what goes into a wedding until you are planning one.


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12-05-06, 09:26
HEy all,

Katie, good to hear all is re booked with no troubles or expense. I am sure you will be fine when it comes round to it!

Alex, would love to see yours too. Counting down the weeks now....8 weeks tomorrow, its so scary to think i have been planning this a year! I thought it would be so much fun the planning, which it has been, but oh the stress, i was so not prepared for that and then the anxiety....oh what a joy!

Keith - I wish someone would stich 10K in my pocket, I would defo s*d off and have a wicked holidya and come back happily married!

Love to all

Hay x

12-05-06, 12:43
Hi All,

Hay, Ours is 11 weeks tommorow. What date in July is yours?
I remember when i realised it was 20 weeks away, the time is certainly flying by.

Kate, We will all be here to help support you when your day comes round.

keith, You have'nt got any extra money that you want help parting with LOL, im sure Hay, Shiv & i could help out there LOL.


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12-05-06, 13:48
Ha Ha Alex, i like your style, extra finances would be great so if keith does a hand out give us a shout...lol.

Mine wedding day is 8th july, 8 weeks and counting. I have been counting since 16 weeks. Scary stuff.

I cant wait to marry my angel. he is a love (but dont tell him i said so dont want him to get a big head before theday)...lol

Love and kisses

Hay x

12-05-06, 14:07
Hiya Hay.

Yes we need to keep smiling a laughing ive been getting so anxious about things lately trying very hard to stay calm.

Doh just after i asked you about your wedding date i saw you had posted it (can't take me anywhere) Our's is 5th August.
(One of our neighbours helpfully told me when it was 20 weeks LOL) since then ive been counting it down LOL.

Im the same re looking forward to marry my wonderful guy who come rain or shine has always been there for me i am so lucky too.

What lovely guys we have eh.

Take Care hun & keep your chin up.


Many People Will Walk
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12-05-06, 14:20

We are lucky you are right.
That is why i struggle so hard with how i feel at the mo as
this hsould be the happiest times of my life.

Sometimes things are so f*cked up [Oops!] its hard to get your head round...if you get me.....Sorry for the rudeness but sometimes its necssary!!!

Well love we can count down and poop ourselves together![:I]

What have you got left to do?
I have just all the little things left to sort, like favours, timings, speeches etc. I am gonna be a mess the week before.....hey you can calm me down then when mine is done i can spend the week trying to chill you out....lol

Speak soon love

Take care xxx

Hay x

12-05-06, 14:35

Im just the same re it being happiest days of our lives so why do we feel so up in the air about things & the getting our head around things (please do'nt apologise for putting how you feel down) I completely agree with you.

We are the same re favours just little bits left to do now.

Chris & i also have a meeting with te vicar tommorow morning (we have a number of questions to get through LOL)

You are going to be fine hun & yep i will be around along with Shiv & anyone else with plenty of support as the time gets nearer.

I will certainly appreciate the same when its my turn. I know Shiv will need support for hers too at the end of July.

Take Care


Many People Will Walk
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13-05-06, 10:08
Hi - hope ok if I join the thread - its Jo - I posted one on the Introductions about my wedding on 8th July. I may not be able to reply asap to messages but would love to keep in touch along the way when I can log in.
Basically - my story (in short!) - it is more of a social anxiety that I get - I get overwhelmed and panicky quite easily in crowds (not to the point I'm thrashing round on the floor .. lol... but enough for me to do the whole fight or flight thing). So I'm just nervous about the fight or flight thing on the big day . Steve - my partner hooked up with me about 3 years ago when I was having a spell and he's been fantastic - I can just talk about it openly to him and that has given me amazing strength to move on with my life, I am so lucky.
We don't have any major family issues - his parents are a bit odd to say the least but that doesn't concern me.
To be fair I've really enjoyed organising everything up to now and have done loads myself from invites to favours to table decorations to the cake so why I've suddenly been hit with a wave of nerves I'm not sure. Its just not logical is it? My sister in law got married to my brother last year and said she was so nervous she got through half a bottle of champagne before the ceremony and had double vision at the alter ! DOn't think I could go to those lengths!
Anyhow - keep in touch - spending the afternoon making a list of the last minute preps - saw the registrar yesterday and Steve jokingly warned her I may pass out of 'park a custard' (as he says) - he keep sit humourous which is fab.
Have a good weekend
Jo x

13-05-06, 10:24
Hi fellow brides and nutcases!!

I'm getting married on the 29th July at 2pm to Paul, who is without a doubt, the love of my life. We've been together for 6 and a half years. I have actually been married before and lol Keith- I got married at Gretna Green! Just a handful of guests.

This time I'm doing it properly: 150 guests, proper reception, decent photography, the works! But I'm SOOOOOOOOOO unorganised. I'm still yet to confirm a dj, although I am friends with several, I haven't done ANYTHING about a cake and my invitations only go out next week. Oh and I still haven't decided on the menus. Is that terribly disorganised!???

Hayles if your looking for reasonably priced but sweet little favours, there's a company called 'Confetti' that does great stuff. Their brochures are often inserted into wedding magazines. There's one in both the major bride publications out at the mo. Thay also have stores in the major cities; London, Birmingham etc. I don't know where u live but you can do it online as well. Just my top-tip for the day!

Have you found costs spiralling lately cos I have! That's stressful in itself isn't it!

Anyway, my fellow nutters, I'm enjoying this thread; it's a welcome little oasis in our desert of anxiety! Long may it continue!

Shiv x

13-05-06, 19:45
Hi Shiv and all,
Well I've just finished the wedding table decorations while Steve is out watching the FA Cup with friends - doubtless he will come home three sheets to the wind and all soppy. We had a budget for our wedding of about £4k - even writing that down it sounds a lot but we have done really well - we've got about 40 guests - I've ordered lots of cheaper alternatives on line to flowers, table decorations, been in and out of craft shops, and my mum is making my wedding jewellry from the Swartzkov beads. We're supplying our own wine to the wedding for a corkage fee, and cake is from M&S. It all sounds cheap and n bit nasty but I tell you its all to my taste - quite simple and looks lovely - all I need to do now is the small task of showing up and not throwing up (lol)!!! ANyhow - if anyone needs any tips I'm happy to help but know how everyones tastes are different.
Goodness - 8 weeks today - 5.30pm wedding (late I know) but its small and thought it would be nice to run though.
Take care all

13-05-06, 21:42
Hi All

Jo, Hay did this thread for you too hun so pleased to hear how you are getting on your doing great mate. Im a little like you hun with the social side of things but i really am determined to get through the day & i know you will too.

Shiv, Ive heard of confetti & as you say they do some lovely stuff for weddings. Great to hear your news too. You will have such a wonderful day & we all look foward to seeing the pics too.

Im going to be the last of you guys to get wed seeing as Chris & i are on the 5th August at 11.am (Gulp) LOL

Take Care All


Many People Will Walk
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14-05-06, 09:51

Katie I am sorry you had to cancel yours. Hope you get things sorted out very soon. I can understand though how you must have felt.

I am a mother-of-the-bride. My daughter is getting married next year. In some ways all the organising for the big day is helping me. It stops me thinking about my ME.

I do hope hope you all have a great day and the sun shines for you.

Love to you all
Jenny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

14-05-06, 09:55

Just read you have set a date for next June.

Well Done
Best Wishes

Jenny xxxxxxxxxx

14-05-06, 17:49
Hi all

Just wanted to wish you all the best...

Im getting married to my lovley fella in 2008, were doin the whole abroad thing i cant flipin wait.

Oh and just wanted to plug my business as well I make wedding stationary, favours, invites, table plans etc....just gettin website set up anyone need any ideas etc pm me!

Love and best wishes, Kirsty X

14-05-06, 18:25
Jenny, Congrats to your daughter for her wedding next year, i know she will have a wonderful day. Hope her plans are all going well.

Kirsty, All the best for the plans for your wedding in 2008 where abouts abraod will you get married?

Take Care


Many People Will Walk
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15-05-06, 09:04
Hey all,

Jo and shiv, glad to see you are posting. It really helps to let go of all your worries on here.

Shiv, thanks for the type of confetti, however i am well aware of it, i think i speant the first 6 months on their website getting ideas!!!! My favours I have already sorted and am hand making them a couple of days before the big day....trying to keep it cheap!!!!!

We had a budget of £5k, even though we are having a lot of people we have kept costs down by having a casual reception at our local pub!
But our costs have spiralled and we have spent about £7k.
We have saved for it all ourselves though...Martin has been working loads of extra hours and took a secong job at mt local pub....so we we get to the day we will be well deserving a honeymoon!!!!

Anyways take care all and speak soon


Hay x

15-05-06, 09:09
Hiya Hay

D'ont blame you for doing your own favours hun. Chris's cousin was going to do ours but she is not very well at pres, im sure we will be able to do something else.

All went well the with vicar saturday morning so happy with how things are going in that area.

Happy planning ladies

Take Care


Many People Will Walk
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15-05-06, 10:26

Glad all went well with vicar.
Our vicar is so nosey we have to see him every 8 weeks.
I have seen him about 6 times! We have to seem him
now tues before the weding and the evening before for rehersal!!!!!

have you had your bands read?

Hay x

Hay x

Silly Blonde
15-05-06, 12:18
Phew - feel better already now I know I'm not on my own!!! Only thing is - I guess I'm first!!! Friday 26th May at 3.30pm!! I'm now wondering why we chose such a late time, as it gives me longer to stress myself silly!!

I feel terrible today (felt quite good and excited last week). Feel really shivery, achey, dizzy, sick, heartburn, stomach ache, the sh*ts etc etc!!!

I guess they are all textbook symptoms!! And I think I know why! My other half had his stag do on Friday and even though I KNOW he's coming home to me and is marrying me, it doesn't stop me thinking all kinds about what he got up to!! According to my psychologist, anxiety can bring with it low self-esteem, which then erodes the trust. I just need to keep repeating to myself "just because I think or imagine something does NOT mean it is true/will happen" - easier said than done.

I'm also very very busy at work and so I'm up against it from all angles! Usually my work diary is pretty rammed, but now my "home" diary is just as bad!!!

I think we've sorted everything, just got to get the "lucky dips" for the men's favours. I got miniature bottles of perfume (bought some of those "taster" sets you see at Xmas) for the ladies - I just need to put them all in their little bags!! We bought the invitations, but I wanted to make something, so I just need to sit down (when I get a spare 5 mins) and make the place cards etc.

Confetti is a life-saver, some things are a little pricey on there, but it has saved me a lot of stress!!!!

Good luck to all of you, I'll let you know how I get on as we get nearer!!! PS go for stick on nails - they get shorter and shorter as it gets nearer - and I'm not even a nail nibbler!!!

15-05-06, 12:36
Hey SB,

Glad you posted.
I am getiing married at 3.00pm on the 8th July.
Its not too late, if I had to get everythig doen for say an 11am wedding i would be running around screaming and stressing.....prob will be doing that anyway!!!!!! lol.

Good luck for next weekend it willbe fab. Make sure you post some piccies......Where you going on homeymoon?


Hay x

15-05-06, 12:37
Just re read my reply.

My brain is such scrambled eggs at the mo that my spelling is dreadful and i keep mincing my words.

So I apologise....but i am sure you can catch my drift......lol x

Hay x

15-05-06, 13:37
Hi SB and all,
This is a great idea to have this ditty on weddings I think.
I'm hoping all of our anxieties are natural even though mine is getting a bit extreme. I'm sure your partner had a great stag do - mine is going to Manchester for 2 nights so goodness only knows what'll go on but I do trust him totally.
Hopefully this may make some of you laugh but I had a baby last Ocotber and wanted to lose some baby weight for the wedding - I've managed to lose a stone on top of the baby weight - not by dieting but through nervous energy about the wedding - all I have to do is think about it and bobs your uncle - I'm all cleaned out! So that for now is the one major plus about all these worries is I'm getting my weight down (not that I recommend this sort of thing of course!).
Anyhow - my wedding isn't until 5.30pm so hopefully I will get so fed up of waiting by then I'll be ready - or I will be on the next flight out of here!
Take care and keep smiling - you're all inspiring me!
Jo x

15-05-06, 14:35
Hi Hay, Shiv, Jo, SB

SB, So glad you found us on the wedding thread. You are going to be just fine hun really. Will be thinking of you on your special day.

Hay. Luckly for us our Rehersal is the saturday before the wedding (Shiv's wedding day.) at 11.am (first of all Chris & i were told it would be the evening before the wedding) i nearly fainted.

We do'nt need to see our vicar again until the rehersal so he says. We will still see him in church though, we go about 2 sundays a month.

Im getting married at 11.am (the week before im going to be so nervous & the excitement by then i will be at fever pitch LOL) So gawd knows what i will be like the day/night before the wedding.

Bands are the nest things for us, i guess they will be read out soon enough.

Ive lost 2 stone in weight which im thrilled about hope to lose a little more to if i can.

Take Care All



Many People Will Walk
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15-05-06, 14:50

2 Stone, bloody hell. Was that intentional. I take it you havent had the final fitting of the dress then?

I went form 9st 8lb to 8st 6lb, just from the anxiety raising its ugly head againn but i have slowly put it on and am back up to 9st! But i have lost all whereabouts to my breasts.....lol
they seem to have dissappeared and not returned! I say good job my dress is boned.......lol

Have had final fitting so cannot lose or gain any which is going to be hard! So just trying to stay stable (physically....mentally i am am totally unstable...lol)

I have had my bands read over the easter period.
We dont have to attend church anymore.....yippee)

Alex - 2 times a month is pretty dedicated!!!

Looking forward to seeing your photos SBxxxxx

Hay x

15-05-06, 14:59
Hiya Hay

Yes its be intentional to lose the 2 stone (things had got out of hand before) so with the wedding coming up it gave me a kick start to do summat about it.

Final fitting is next month (Gulp) Will just stick to lettuce leafs after that LOL (im kidding)

The church say they would prefer if we went twice a month but id say we have more than likely gone once month lately (no one seems to mind) I like my sunday lie in's too. LOL

Take Care all.


Many People Will Walk
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15-05-06, 21:16
Hi again all
My goodness - you girls sound so slim and well done for your weight losses. I was about 9 stone before I was pregnant and went upto a whopping 12 stone - I'm back down to 10 stone but unfortunately my boobs now look like pitta breads so lots of padding in the dress for me.
Are you all having bridesmaids ? We've forgone that as I have quite a few close friends and didn't want to make the call. I'm going all out to transform myself a little and doing the whole wax, spray tan and nails (all very unlike me believe me) but wanted to feel good about myself. Knowing my luck, all the make up and tan will probably melt away come the ceremony with all the perspiring ! (lol!).
We are unfortunately not having a church wedding but a civil ceremony (not for religious reasons) and we are having trouble finding a 30 second (thats all we get) piece of music for me to walk into. We sound a bit barking but we're all walking out to 'Amarillo' - it was a good idea at the time but it will be one of those things that goes off well or hits the floor with a boom.
It just all feels a bit surreal at the moment and I feel I should be doing some visualisation a bit more to help the nerves but its difficult.
Anyhow - if you can share any ditties about your ceremony - would be lovely to hear so I can think of you all on your big days!

16-05-06, 08:26
Hello fellow godesses!

Wow we all seem to be losing our heads here don't we!

My fitting is in 4 weeks and my dress is being stored at my brother's house. I picked it up just over a month ago and it fit fine, now I can't do the bloody thing up. Aaaaaarrrrghghhhh! I need to lose I'd say 5lbs- and I only weigh just under 7 1/2 stone! my weight's up and down like a bloomin' yoyo.

I Like getting all your ideas for the favours and stuff: thanks guys. My budget was 5k and is now more like 7k! I was hoping on about 4k to start with until I saw the price of flowers, cars etc.

Anyway folks, lovely to catch up!

Shiv x

Silly Blonde
16-05-06, 09:10
Hi fellow brides!

I had my final fitting a couple of weeks ago - I freaked 'cos it was a really hot day and I had to push the sides back so she could zip me up!! Since then I've been doing the Kellogs diet (bowl of crunchy nuts for brekkie and lunch and a salad for dinner)!!

Don't know why I bothered now, 'cos since the weekend, I've never been off the loo. Normally my IBS makes me constipated, but its now gone the other way - in a big way!!

Dress does fit once its zipped up - I just didn't like the way the flabby bits next to my boobs (top of arms) sort out hung over the top of the dress - so hopefully with my Kellogs and lashings of body firming gel, I should be ok!!

Not that we'll care on the big day!!!!

I've bee naughty and have been sun bedding a little - I tend to look like the Tango freak after a spray tan, so decided to give it a miss. Not going mad - just wanted a bit of colour and it tends to dry out all the nasty acne I seem to have developed on my arms and back!!!

Who would be a bride eh - I bet we'll all be fine on the day, without a care in the world!!

I just want it to be next week now - 'cos I'm sick of feeling rubbish!!

Take care all

SB xx

16-05-06, 09:31

jo - I dont know what is better, Pitta breads or fried eggs....lol
I am having 3 bridesmaids, my 2 sisters and one of my friends who begged to be a bridesmaid as she has never been one before (she is paying for her own dress!)
I am very pale so spray tan would be a nightmare, cannot sunbed either as i would burn to a crisp, so am johnson and johnsoning, gradual tan, will start a month before.

Its great as my sis does hair and beauy so she is coming down the week before to do nails, waxing etc etc.

Shiv - 7.5 stone you cow bag and i thought i was doing well at 9st. You skinny little minx! I know what you mean about price esculating, we have done it on the cheap in so many areas but it is still £7k.

SB - I know what you mean about armpit fat, I think everyone would have it with a strapless boned dress....I do!
Great tip, stand with your shoulders back it isnt so bad then!
Good luck for the weekend.....ENJOY!

Love to all xxxx

Hay x

Silly Blonde
16-05-06, 09:54
Sooooo glad someone else has armpit fat!!! Great description - often wodnered what I should call it!! I'll try the "arms back" approach!!!

My other half is a chippie (carpenter) and he told the photographer he was worried about having cuts on his hands. Apparently my photographer is some sort of demi-god as he can delete cuts, spots, dark circles under eyes, even whiten teeth!!

Now I wonder if he can do anything about that armpit fat......!!!!:D

16-05-06, 10:00
Hi guys

Apparently st. tropez is the best fake tan going: it looks very natural even if your on the blue side of white! So I'm going to give it a go the day before my fitting.

My two daughters who are 3 and 10 in June are going to be my bridesmaids. I bought their dresses in the sale in Monsoon: 70% off, they cost me about a tenner each!

I seem very light but I'm only 5 ft! And I too, have the pitta breads- 3 kids blah blah blah- need I say more!Will be looking for some very impressive underwear: that's all I'm going to say!

Shiv x

16-05-06, 11:37
Hello again all
Having sneaky look on Net while in work. I still can't believe how slim you all are - I bet you're all really tall too!

I'm glad arm pit flab is a common theme - I thought that picking the baby up all the time might tone my arms but it seems to work with one arm only so that'll look odd in the pictures for a start.

Gosh - I'm really worried about the spray tan now too. What is the Johnson and Johnson make Hay? I guess its something you can just nip into Boots for?

Shiv - Monsoon clothes for children are lovely and I tend to browse ebay sometimes for the expensive clothes lines (Coast, Monsoon, etc.. you can get some great buys on there).

Did anyone see that program on Channel 4 or 5 a couple of weeks ago called 'Bride and Blooming' about the couples going under the knife before the big day - was hilarious - one poor guy ended up looking like Herman Munster poor thing - could hardly say his vows for all the botox and face tightening.

Anyhow - diverting again - have a good day all.
Jo x

16-05-06, 11:48
Hi. Hay, Shiv, Jo & SB.

Im having 2 bridesmaid my neice who will be 9 & Chris's cousin she is 20. My matron of honour is my middle sister.

I do'nt like the tops of my arms either need to lose weight there & on the tops of my legs. So pleased since the first fitting that ive lost the weight i have. Will be so strict when i have the final fitting next month, looks like it will be lots of salads for me. LOL

I didnt see the Bride & Blooming programme. I saw Wedding Planners the other night & ive been watching wedding stories. Anyone seen those?

Our photographer can also do the same with photos re deleting blemishes etc .

I think im going to have to do something about a fake tan too.

Happy Planning

Take Care


Many People Will Walk
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In Your Heart

16-05-06, 12:03

The make is Johnson and Johnson Holiday skin. I think they also do a Dove one! You can get from pretty much anywhere.....boots, superdrug, wilkos. tescos!

It is a moisturiser with a hint of self tan. put it on every other day about a month before the wedding and you will build a gradual tan! If you are pale like me it will give you a healthy glow, without looking tangoed...lol

Make sure you wash your hands straight away as it does still stain!

Have my final fitting on the 10th June which is also my hen night.

What is everyone doing for there hen nights?

Oh and where is everyone based?
I am in west sussex, in the middle of horsham, brighton, worthing...anyone know it?

Hay x

Silly Blonde
16-05-06, 12:27
I'm in Leicester - my hen weekend (total surprise) was a weekend in Liverpool (I'm from the northwest originally). I had the usual food and booze on the Sat night and then they took me to watch Everton's last game on the Sunday afternoon (I've been an Evertonian since I was 5!!!)

I managed to avoid the awful "hen get-up" - but have a meal this Thursday and have a sneaky feeling that I am going to end up with dodgy veil, condoms etc stuck to me!!

Oh and almost forgot - I won some Take That tickets last Thursday, so I'm off to see them tonight!!!!! It was the 4th anniversary of my lovely Mum's death on Thursday - so I am convinced it was her wedding pressie to me and she would know that I'd be stressing round about now - so it will hopefully take my mind off things!!!

Take care all

PS Go for the new Nivea holiday skin stuff - its got a toning agent in it too!!!!!!!!!!!!

16-05-06, 12:43
Hi Ladies

Im from Bristol.

Not really sure whats happening re hen night i have to say.

SB, I loved Take Take when i was a teenager. You are so lucky to be seeing them tonight bet you will have a great time you jammy thing.

Take Care


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16-05-06, 12:46

Sorry to hear your Mum wont be there for your special day in person, but I am sure she is looking at you and laughing at you running around like a mad woman.

I am off to brighton for a meal and then clubbing. We all have black tshirts with Hayley's Chicks printed on the back in pink and then our nicknames on the front....I am hotlips Hayley!!!!!!

Oh toning agent aswell......gonna get me some of that!!!!!

Have fun tonight x

Hay x

16-05-06, 13:15
hi brides!

I'm using the dove one, but i bought the darker one and i went a bit streaky so i've left off it for a few days!

I live in gravesend, hour or so from b'ton but i'm considering having my hen night down there as i have some friends there and love it!

I too have 'departed' loved-ones but i know they'll be smiling down on me that day!

take care all!

Shiv x

Silly Blonde
16-05-06, 14:13
This is making me feel so much better. Feel like pants today - like I've got the flu but without the cold!!! I guess its just the sodding anxiety.

I wondered whether to pop to the docs and get some diazepan for the big day? I know they hate prescribing it long-term, but wondered whether it may make me feel a bit calmer. Any thoughts??

Oh and in response to an earlier post re entrance music - we're having a civil ceremony too, and I'm walking down the "aisle" to the Z-Cars theme. As I (and my Dad!!) am an Evertonian, I always said I wanted to walk in tune. A bit crazy I know, but it will make my Dad smile! They play it when Everton run out onto the pitch and its quite a cheery tune!!!

I'm having more problems thinking of a "first dance" song. We don't have a song as such, but I really like "Can't take my eyes off you" - the new version by Andy from X-Factor is good - only it goes a bit faster in the middle and I have visions of my other half spinning me around the dancefloor!!!

I think we'll have to stick to that one - the only suggestion my other half made was Kylie & Jason (uh - pass the sick bucket!!!)

One final thought before I MUST do some work!!! I bet all this posting is firming up my armpit fat!!! Yippeeee!!!

SB xx

16-05-06, 14:26
I too am having a civil ceremony and during the ceremony we'll be playing "Have I told you lately" by Van Morrison and our first dance song is "Let's stay together" by Al Green: thats'our song. Altogether now- Aaaaaaahhhhhh!

Shiv x

16-05-06, 14:42
We are having a church do so I am walking into the arrival of the queen of sheba...thats right QUEEN....check me out!
and we are walking out to the traditional wedding fandango!

Our first dance is to eva cassidy 'Birdsong' a song we both love and the words are just B E A U tiful!

we cannot really have our song as it is a whole albulm and it was the first time we you know.....to this albulm
Not at all teenage bumby stuff, reall romantic I was dead impressed!

You get me........lol lol [:I][:I][:I]

SB - I hope this is improving my armpit fat!
I am gonna be doing those 'I must I must I must increase my bust' exercises....you remember those!!!! :D

I am so not doing anywork at the mo - how naughty!

Hugs girlies

Hay x

16-05-06, 14:52
Hey you lot!

Never mind the armpit fat. What about the bingo-wings!! lol

Shiv x

Silly Blonde
16-05-06, 14:53
You girlies have better memories than me!!! I can't quite remember what was on the radio when we first erm...!! Come to think of it - I was smashed out of head after about 6 double G&T's and as I was renting with my bro at the time (and my other half lived at home!) - we had to do the car thing!!! Was more worried about the local farmer getting the fright of his life than the music that was playing at the time!!

Anyway - better go and down some hard graft!! Got to leave early to see the boys tonight (and oh yes, I have got a spare pair of my raciest pants - just in case I feel the urge to throw them!!!! Might have to attach a weight to them though!!) Watch out for the papers tomorrow - "Howard Donald sparkoed by mad bride-to-be's enormous pants!!!"

Have fun

SB xx

16-05-06, 15:20
Hi Girls

Hay, I like the sound your tee- shirts for the hen night bet you will have a great time.

Im going to be on permanent lettuce leafs after next month re final fitting for dress LOl, as after that im going to be a bridesmaid for my friend whose wedding is in November & she wants me to hire a dress (wonder what colour i will be in LOL) She will be having a Civil Ceremony in a lovely hotel in St Austell i believe.

For the first dance Chris says he would like the song 'First Time Ever I Saw Your Face'. by Roberta Flack. Neither of us can dance so heck knows what we will be like LOL (Hope we do'nt end up standing on each others toes LOL.

Shiv, Had a laugh at the bingo wings LOL.

Im trying to lift up our westie alot more to see if that helps the tops of my arms LOL

Hay, I like Birdsong by Ava Cassidy thats lovely.

LOL SB, Im so envious of you girl seeing Take Take. I loved Jason. Have a great time tonight & tell us all about it tommorow.

Take Care


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16-05-06, 15:21
Shiv - Bingo wings.......oh the joy
what about ****in tops, that bit of love handle that hangs over the edge of your pants....like ****in tops...yummy!

SB - have an awesome time
Let us know how you get on.
I will watch out for the headlines........lol

Love and hugs

Hay x

16-05-06, 15:24
LOL Hay (thanks for the laughs have needed em today.

Take Care


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16-05-06, 15:24
Hey.....they censored my email.....
I said ****in...you know cake think you eat...
or mcdonalds egg and bacon Mc ****in!

Cannot believe they censored it...what smutty minds...lol

Alex - am dreading the hen night to be honest, it is so much hassle just wish i had gone to my local for a few racey conversations and lots of gin. it usually always works out a disaster it i try and do it on a big scale!

We will see!

Hay x

16-05-06, 15:27
How strange re censoring. Didnt think there was anything wrong in what you said hun LOL.

Know what you mean Hay, i think i will end up in the local will feel better doing it that way.

I too have departed family my wonderful Aunt & Uncle, im sure they will be there looking down smiling.

Take Care


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16-05-06, 20:30
Hi all
Had lots of laughs reading your mails - thanks for the tips on the self tan.
SB - can't believe your an Evertonian! Steve (my partner) has been their avid supporter since little - being from North Wales and don't even ask about Liverpool on Saturday (the Red ****e as they are known in this house). OUr girl Jessie already has a blues kit and she's only 6 months old! Big Dunc is my fave.

I love all your choices of music too - I had mum and dad down earlier as they are choosing the music to walk into and we had a right laugh - there was the Omen theme tune and bloody Bolero! Steve is a heavy metal rock fanatic and he wants me to waltz down to some Maiden or ACDC but I am refusing. Our first dance is Nina Simone's 'Feeling Good' - just about sums up my fella.

Oh god - my Hen day is a bit of a gamblers paradise - we're off to Ascot races on 24th June - minibus down and running riot then in the fields - keep an eye on the t.v for the looney tunes.
My bro in law went to see Take That a few weeks ago and he said they're better than before - so jealous but have a great time.

Anyhow - these mails are great.
Take care all
Jo x

16-05-06, 20:41
p.s - SB - laughing aside - about the diazpam (sp?) - its a difficult one to call and I don't think I'm really best to advise but I was on that for about 2 weeks when I had it all a bit bad.
I feel quite proud of myself cos I still have a few tablets left in the medical cupboard from about 2 years ago which I've never used and are kind of my crutch if worse ever hits worse - its crossed my mind too about the wedding day ........... what if I go into my little zone again .......... do I take one along ......... and to be blatantly truthful I'll take one with me if worse hits worse but I'm not suggesting its right for everyone. I've kind of learnt to control things and in a sick way it gives me reassurance if I ever get stuck but not needed anything for 2 years so fingers crossed.
You do what you feel is right hun - its all personal choice innit.

Sorry to put a serious tinge on the light hearted banter but didn't want to ignore your comment.
Jo xxx

17-05-06, 08:03
Hi, Hay, Shiv, Jo & SB,

Hope you are all well today. Im suffering abit with hayfever (Will have to watch that on my wedding day) im sure i will be alright anyhow.

Thanks again for the laughs yesterday i needed that had got myself in quite a stress.

Take Care


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17-05-06, 08:55
Hey all,

The laughs yesterday were well and truely needed to lighten the mood. We must not forget that we can still be serious on here as well if anyone has any serious issues.

But i do love that we can off load and have a giggle, sometimes i really do need to lighten up i can be ever so serious at times!

SB - so how did it go last night....still got your knickers??
not long to go now, I am so excited for you!

Jo - your hen day sounds fab, is there a lot of you going?

Anyway great start to the working day am on here already....lol

Hugs and kisses xxx

Hay x

17-05-06, 10:48
Hello All,

Oh im feeling so much better now than yesterday i tell you.

Just sorted out twiddly bits re the wedding chatting on phone to upteen people from the church. Its such a relief to have it all sorted out at last . YIPPEE.

Had a couple of others things on my mind mind that have been resolved to.

SB, So looking forwrard to hearing about the Take That Concert.

Take Care


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17-05-06, 11:04

Glad your feeling better love.
at the moment i get one symptom and then when i deal with that up pops another.......its so tiring!

Just wich i could take the next 6 weeks off to prepare for wedding...lol

speak soon x

Hay x

17-05-06, 11:15
Hi Hay, Shiv, Jo, SB.

Well I over came a hurdle that still tries to trip me up & thats talking on the phone. Im okay with family/friends but if its like lately been to do with the wedding & having to talk to bridal shop, florists etc then even if i know deep down im not i feel i might get abit flustered or suddenly feel boiling hot.
Has anyone else gone through these feelings?

Take Care


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17-05-06, 11:27

A while ago when i was suffering with really bad panics
i had to do a marketing thing with work which meant calling all our clients. Now i am always on the phone so never had a problem, but isuddenly had this feeling that everytime i called someone i was gonna be sick which would get my heart rate up make me stutter etc. This lasted about 2-3 weeks
while i was doing the calls. Had to keep going to the loo to run my wrists under cold water!

Am ok now though.......glad your managing to get over this!!!!

Hay x

17-05-06, 11:34
Hi Hay,

Glad you got through your panics re those marketing calls too. With Chris at work there is no one else to do the phoning so i just have to be postive about it really it can be hard though.

Take Care


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Silly Blonde
17-05-06, 11:38
Hi mad brides!!!

Had a fab time last night!!! I had really bad guts ache all day yesterday and felt shocking - but lo and behold as soon as I was up there dancing I felt fine, stomach ache and back ache all gone! As soon as I got back in the car at the end of the night it came back!!! Feel dead on my feet today tho!!![xx(]

So I'm working on the theory that I might have to suffer up to next Friday, but then I'll be so distracted I won't notice my symptoms!!! Its a funny old thing this anxiety-monster!!!

Unfortunately I still have my pants!!! During the "talkie bit", Howard yelled "Birmingham, get your t**s out" and some bird who had slightly more than "pitta breads" actually did!!! Shocker!!! Was a good giggle though and just what I needed!! VERY early night tonight - even though I have invested in some touche eclat for next week (works wonders on those inevitable dark circles!!!!!)

Take care all!!! I'm busy doing my "holiday notes" at work today, so probably won't be back for a while!!

See ya

SB xx

17-05-06, 11:48

Sounds excellent and glad you had a good time.

What in the blazzers is Touche Eclat and where do you get it
bet it is expensive!!!!

Hay x

17-05-06, 11:57

Sounds like you really had a great time really glad to hear all went well.

Like Hay ive not heard of 'Touche Eclat' either???

Take Care All


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Silly Blonde
17-05-06, 12:50
Touche Eclat is by Yves Saint Laurent and its a wicked under eye concealer - reflects the light so even really bad dark circles disappear!! Its about 20 quid I think, but well worth it! Don't use it on spots though as it can draw attention to them! Not good!

I think the body shop do a really good one too - I had a nose job about 12 years ago and hunted around for some decent concealer to hide my bruises!! I remember the body shop one being quite good!!

17-05-06, 13:21
Touche eclat- excellent! Got the body shop one too and the revlon skin light one too. I'm a bit of make-up addict!

I'm going to see take that on thurs next week- can't wait!

Got photographer coming round on friday afternnoon- see if he can take all my photos from the front. My nose is a little big: SB I want a nose job- did it hurt?!

Shiv x

17-05-06, 13:53
Nose job......I need a boob job.
My sis had one last year and they look great!!!!!

£20.00 wow that is expensive, will hunt out the body shop one!....good tip, stick 2 spoons in freezer night before then put on your eyes in morning, meant to reduce all puffiness!!!!!

Trying to tie up all my loose ends this week with band and photographer!!!!

Hay x

17-05-06, 14:25
Hi Ladies

SB, Thanks for the tip re' Touche eclat' will definantly get some of that.

Hay, Thanks for your tip too.

I do'nt need a boob job (well only to bring them down a size or to LOL)

Shiv, Good luck with the photographer on Friday.

Im currently sorting out Photographer stuff too.

Take Care


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Silly Blonde
17-05-06, 15:01
Hey Shiv - it didn't hurt at all!!! It's just a bit uncomfortable for about a week afterwards as you can't breathe thru your nose (lots of snoring...!!!). I didn't get a single headache which was surprising as they actually break it (ugh!!)

I don't really think about it now. My advice would be take time to find a surgeon you really trust. Ironically mine had a huge hooked nose with a bump like mine, when I asked him if he had ever considered surgery, he said that he didn't trust anyone but himself so just had to live with it!!

But I always found it strange that it didn't really hurt!! Maybe I had a very gentle surgeon!

You'll love Take That - had a fab time last night!!

17-05-06, 15:41
Oooooh SB, you'll have to give me his name. You down south?

Shiv x

17-05-06, 19:19
Hi ladies
I only seem to get on this thing in the evening in between running round after everyone.

Just to say I had a makeover in Bristol at the Clinique counter a couple of weeks back, I'd never do that sort of thing as wear minimal and all the specialists are dolled up to the nines but it was worth it. A friend talked me into it and I spent a fair bit but saw it as an investment to my 1980's make up bag! I looked a bit goth at the end but a few alterations and should be ok.

Ref Hen day Hayes - there's about 10 of us going to Ascot - I seem to have grown fond of a day out drinking than the evening and have been to Chepstow races on a race day before and that was a scream - in for a half and a bet - out to watch the race - back in for a half etc... tickets are about £20 and we've getting the minibus so should be a laugh .......... except I made the fatal error of not inviting Steves step mother and sister as they are quite difficult to get on with and my lot are mad as hatters but they've got wind of this and now I have to try and undo the mess. Steve wants me to phone them this evening so I'm plotting in my head what to say.
Families eh!

Anyhow - hopefully will speak soon
Jo x

18-05-06, 08:49

Good luck with the step families.
I havent invited my step mum or sister to my Hen do.
Jesus my Mum and step mum in the same room, no thanks.

I hate families........
I have fallen out with my mum as i dont get on with her fella as to be honest he is a complete d*ck! Anyway I have only 7 weeks left so have been totally stressing about it. So my Mum is coming down tonight to talk things through! Not looking forward to it as she is impossible sometimes.

Families eh......lol

Hay x

18-05-06, 09:03
Hi Hayles
Am off work today as baby and I have come down with a bug - this is how its going to be now - she gets something and I get it - nightmare.

Sorry to hear about the family situation - its a mare isn't it. I hope you can resolve things with your mum, just try and get her to understand your point of view maybe? My family are ok but Steves are a mare - his Dad is so up himself, his mums dead and his step mum and sister are one thing to your face and another behind your back. My parents are both retired and have offered us a few hundred toward the wedding - Steves parents take it for granted we are paying for their hotel room etc... they can get stuffed!
Anyhow - rant over - good luck with it all - makes you want to set sail and do it abroad eh!

Take care
Jo x

18-05-06, 09:21

Keep saying to Mart that we should have just sodded off abroad and done it. It would have been so much easier!

Hope you and little one are feeling better soon.


Hay x

18-05-06, 11:06
Hi All,

Jo, Sorry to hear you & the baby are not well. Hope you both feel better very soon.

Have just spoken to the choir master (we arn't having the choir) but we need find 3 hymns that we like. We are seeing this guy on the 24th in the evening.

Think id like to run away & get married LOL


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18-05-06, 12:49

We are not having choir either.

Our hymns are:

Love Devine
Lord of all hopefullness
Make me a channel of your peace!

It was so funny we chose them and when we told the vicar
when we were last visiting him he sang them to us......CRINGE!

Hay x

18-05-06, 12:58
Hi Hay

I like your choice & funny you should the hymn 'Make Me A Channel Of Your Peace', as i really liked that one when i was at achool. Chris only mentioned that hymn after seeing the vicar saturday.

Oh no re the vicar singing them to you both LOL cringe worthy definantly LOL

Take Care


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Silly Blonde
18-05-06, 14:09
Hi guys, hope you're all ok!

Went to see my GP this morning and she has given me a low dose of Diazepam for the next 10 days - should get me through to the big day next Friday!!! She said I seemed very "wired" and as beta-blockers never seemed to help my anxiety in the past, she went for good old valium!!!

She said its good as a muscle relaxant as well - so should help my nasty IBS-type stomach ache!!!!!

Not taken any yet 'cos I've got a hen-night meal tonight and she did warn me that as I am taking my mirtazapine (anti-d) I may feel a little woozy!! Sounds good to me!!

I might just keep them with me "just in case" - I'm sure that in itself will make me feel better!!!

Shiv - my plastic surgeon was in Liverpool unfortunately - I had it done during Uni summer holidays. If you're serious about it, go and see a few surgeons - you will quickly get a feel for who you trust and who you don't!! Avoid those that make promises! Mine said you can't know for sure how its going to turn out until he "gets in there" so to speak!!!

Anyway - better do some work - only 3 days left a work after today!! Yipeeee!!!:D

SB xxx

18-05-06, 14:50

Glad all went well at the docs today. You will be fine hun & we will all be thinking of you on your special day.

Bet you have a lovely meal out tonight let us know how it went.

Take Care


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18-05-06, 15:09
Hi All
Your comment made me laugh SB about the good old valium!

Remember when my doctor prescirbed it - I had him one side of me with a smile on his face a bit like Vincent Price from the horror films and my mum on the other side sobbing away cos she didn't want me to go on it. Don't care what people say about it , it has helped me through many a wobbler.
You'll do absolutely fine - have a good night too.

Weather pants down here, got a virus so off back to bed.

Jo x

18-05-06, 15:39
Thanks for the advice SB! families, I wont even bore you with the detail: needless to say they're causing a whole heap of probs for us. Hey ho, never mind!

No hymns for me as I'm getting married in registry office.

Anyway just a quick one from me. Take care girls.

Shiv x

18-05-06, 16:03
Hi Girls,

Im another one with probs re family (on my dads side) Its one of those things though i guess, but my horrible half sister is not coming (she would cause trouble in an empty house).

Get well soon Jo.

Yeah weather has been yuk here too.

Take Care


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Silly Blonde
19-05-06, 08:41
Hi guys

Meal went ok last night - managed to escape with just some flashing sashes, an L plate and a very dodgy veil!!! I was far too sensible and drove - I'm just sooooooooooo tired and so have put a ban on booze until next Friday. Oooooooh that's one week today - feel sick just thinking about it!!!

Haven't had a valium yet, even though doc gave me 10 days supply - feel quite pleased with myself. She did say that I would probably feel less anxious just knowing that they are in my handbag "just in case"!!

Families are a nightmare!!! As I lost my Mum 4 years ago, its just my Dad, only he has a "companion". Don't get me wrong, she's a lovely woman, but she's "just not my mum". I sent her an invite just to be polite but she called me for a chat and said that my day was going to be very emotional anyway as my mum can't help me get ready etc etc, and she didn't to make matters worse! Respect!!

19-05-06, 09:02

What a very decent woman your dads girlf is. I wish my Step Mum was like that!

Am feeling poo today [xx(], very hungover, i dont know why i do it to myself. Always seems like a good idea at the time! Cant remember the last time i got drunk!

Just wanted to send you a big hug and a kiss and wish you a very lovely day. Nerves must be kicking in by now and a very well done for not taking a Valium yet. I reckon your doc is right it will reassure you knowing that they are there just in case.

Have an awesome day hun.......you going on honeymoon straight away??

If not then let us know how it goes and we will wanna see piccies....thinking of you!

Hay x

19-05-06, 09:02
Hi all

Hay, Hope your doing okay today?

SB, Glad to hear your meal out went well, dodgy veil sounds interesting LOL.

Jo, Hope you & the baby are feeling a little bit better today.

Shiv, Hope your doing okay too?

Take Care


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19-05-06, 09:07
Hi Hay,

Sorry to hear your feeling rough I can only ever touch fizzy drinks to get over a hangover. I find coca cola does the trick.

Hope your feeling better later ((((((((((((((((HUGS)))))))))))))))

SB, All the very best for your special day. As Hay sayes bet the nerves are kicking in now but we are all thinking of you. (((((((((((((((((HUGS))))))))))))))))))))) Can't wait to see the pics either.

Take Care All


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Silly Blonde
19-05-06, 09:11
We're staying in the hotel on the wedding night (big mistake methinks, someone's bound to set the fire alarm off in the middle of the night!!), then we're back at home on the Saturday night. We're off to North Wales on Sunday for 10 days (Rob has booked everything, 4* hotels and lots of pampering for me!!!!).

Neither of us are great at flying, so we're going to have 2 weeks in France in the summer when the weather's a bit better!!!

I'm popping "up north" on the Sunday, firstly to see my Nan who can't make it to the wedding (she's 90 and isn't really up to it) and mainly because I always said that I am not throwing or pressing my bouquet, instead I'm going to put my dress on (yippee get to wear it a second time!!!) and I'm going to walk through the crematorium rain or shine (yes, I will look a bit mad!!!) and leave my bouquet with Mum. xx

As we'll be at home next Saturday, I'll post some pics for you!!!

Take care all - ITS FRIDAY!!!!:D

Miss Pink
19-05-06, 09:13
Hi all you Blushing Brides to be !!!

I'm not actually getting married myself but saw your post as I'm helping one of my friends organise her wedding so had a browse as your posts!

Don't know if it will interest you or not but my friend sent me this website this morning and I thought the things on it were amazing !!! (I don't know if they will be old news to you, but I've never seen anything like them before, so apologies !!), but thought I'd send you the link anyway as I was feeling particularly girly lol !!!


I hope you all have brilliant days - I know its no comparison at all but I've been nervous about my birthday for about 4 months as I always have a day out with my friends usually, it was last week and although I could feel the anxiety rising, I was so happy on the day that I managed to not let it frighten me too much, so I hope you all find the same !

Take Care, Have great days!!

Rachael xxxxxx

PS please don't think I'm strange sending pictures of cakes over the internet heh heh heh , I just have a very boring job lol !!!!!

‹(•¿•)› Rachael xx ‹(•¿•)›

19-05-06, 09:17

Your plans for where you stay on the wedding night sound great hun. You will be fine hun.:)

I bet you have a really lovely time in France too.

Aww SB that is lovely re you going up to visit your Nan (Chris's nan is 90 & is'nt going to be able to make ours either bless her heart)

You do what you feel hun re leaving your flowers with your mum i think thats very touching & will be so proud of you. ((((((((((((((((((((HUGS))))))))))))))))))) Have a tear in my eye now.

Take Care All


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19-05-06, 09:20
Hi Rachael

Great to hear from you hun. Thanks for the link its appreciated.

Thankfully Chris & i have sorted out our cake a few months back.

When is your friend getting married?

Take Care


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Miss Pink
19-05-06, 11:10
Hi Alex,

My friend Samantha is getting married on New Years Eve ! Luckily she works at a Hotel so is getting a huge discount on the reception (lucky sod lol)

Think I'll definately stay friends with her until my boyfriend decides to take it upon himself and propose lol, could be useful !!!!

We're trying to buy a house together so it will be a while yet - everything is so expensive....sigh....

Take Care!

‹(•¿•)› Rachael xx ‹(•¿•)›

19-05-06, 12:19
Hey girls.

SB - gong to see your mummy and show her your dress and give her your flowers is so lovely.........something so hard yet so special...love it!
Cant wait to see your piccies

I am not going to throw my flowers (well i am but gonna want then back) and then gonna lay them with my nan and grandad at the crem......

Miss Pink.....I have already got my cake, martins nanny is making it, but had a look on your link...and WOW they look amazing...nothing like a bit of girlie.

Jo - Hope you and little'un are feeling heaps better

Hangover is wearing off very slowly feel like i have been in a washing machine!!!!

Alex - hope all is good with you.

Have a good weekend girls........SB especially;)

Loves ya

Hay x

19-05-06, 13:19
congrats on your upcoming weddings ladies!!!
I am getting married in 2008, so thought id join in with your thread!!! mines a long way away but u know how quick time goes!!!!

19-05-06, 13:44
welcome Ammeg.
Congrats on your engagement. 2008 is a while away but you are soooooooooo right times will fly. Hopefully you will get lots of little tips from us to help you prepare for yours!!!

Tell us you story xx

Hay x

19-05-06, 19:41
my story!! well im from south wales and im 20 and suffer with agrophobia and panic attacks!! Been with me fella, hes welsh so i wont even try and make u say his name, for over 4 yrs and was meant to be gettin married in feb 2007!! but other financial commitments came and i had to put it of!! but on the up side i have everythin planned out and just can recheck everything!!
I dont get on with me in-laws to be at all, they hate me coz i took their slave!!! lol
Me fella was with me before all this crap (panic and agro) started and hes still by my side today!! I love him to bits and I am enough to put up with without the panics so he deserves a medal!!!
well that will do for now!!!

21-05-06, 11:40
Morning everyone and welcome Ammeg to our little ditty we've got going here.
Hope you're all well and enjoying the weekend. I'm still on antibiotics and feeling bit hanging so taking it easy. My heads been wandering a bit again with this wedding lark all weekend I've got to try and get in under control. Can't stop thinking about the day and the nerves and the ceremony need to tune my head into thinking positive. Its funny how I can go to work and social stuff isn't a problem but I've just put so much pressure on myself about this. My partner sings in a rock band (not famous... yet!) and has suggested I go to their recording studio and sing my heart out to give me some confidence about public speaking - he's so different to me on that front. Maybe cos I'm ill things are magnified a it more.
Anyhow - rant over with! Had a laugh watching Eurovision last night - Steve was well chuffed some obsure rock band got the gigg.
Take care everyone
Jo x

Silly Blonde
22-05-06, 09:05
Hi guys - hope you are all well and had good weekends! I'm sooooooo stressed now - spent the weekend running around like an idiot - might have to hit the valium some time soon!!!

Getting a bit worried about all this rain - please can you all pray for wall to wall sunshine on Friday!!!

We were up till midnight last night making the place cards - We've bought everything else so I wanted to make something a little more personal. BIG mistake! Order everything you can, invites, place cards, menus etc - much much less hassle!!!

I've just had enough of all the stress now - just want it to be Friday! Tomorrow is my last day at work - just wish I'd taken the whole week off!!!

We're only having 53 during the day and about 80 in the evening - goodness knows how people plan huge weddings. To be fair, we haven't had any help AT ALL. Apart from Rob's Mum offering to do the table flowers we've done it all ourselves. I turned my nose up at the idea of a wedding planner as they are soooooo expensive - but if you've got money to burn, I bet they are worth their weight in gold!!!

I just keep playing my Z-Cars CD, knowing that when I hear that music on Friday, we'll be nearly there!!!

Have a good week everyone - and PRAY FOR SUNSHINE!!!!!! My Mum had a good trick, take shoe box outside on a sunny day before the wedding, leave it there all day, then put the lid on and bring it inside, then on the morning of the wedding, take it outside again and take the lid off!!! Its worth a try I guess - if it ever stops raining!!!

Take care (bet you can tell I'm worked up with the rambling!!!) Sorry!!

SB xx

22-05-06, 10:45
Hi there girls!

SB I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you weather wise on Friday. Whereabouts are you?

Girls are any of you within an hour and a half of London? It's just that part of my job is involved in weddings and I would be happy to provide my service to any of you ladies free of charge. "What do you do then?" I hear you ask. Well I release doves at weddings , funerals and special events- strange I know! So if any of you live in that kind of radius I'd be happy to come and release a pair of white doves for you after the ceremony and believe me it is a very beautiful finishing touch. You can even do it as a surprise for your hubby to be!

Anyway I hope all of you are keeping well!

Shiv x

22-05-06, 11:07
Hey Girls...

SB - Major stress this week for you.
You know I had it in my brain that it was this Sat the wedding.....was thinking of you all day....what a donut!
So this week is going to be manic....it will rush by and soon it will be Sat! The weather sucks, but dont let it get to you, why worry about something you can do Sod all about!!!!
Loves your Mums idea of sunshine in a box...lovely.

Shiv - Thanks for the lovely offer, but i am all sorted with everything now!!!!

Keep us in tune SB with this week.
We are all here for some light relief.....and if we could do anything at all over the phone, net whatever then let us know.

Love to you all

Hay x

22-05-06, 11:43
hello all!!
sorry to here ur havin a stressful time sb, im sure your day will be fab!!!
Just thought id be a little nosey and ask where everyone is getting married?? and how many people you go comin? and lastly wot r ur colourschemes???

22-05-06, 11:46
Hi All,

Ammeg, Welcome hun lovely to see you here.

Hay, Hope all is okay with you

SB, I thought the wedding was saturday gone too (DOH) Your going to be just fine hun. We are all here for you.

Shiv, As Hayles says thats a really lovely offer of yours but Chris & i are basically all sorted now too. Releasing Dove sounds really lovely.

Jo, Hope you & the baby are feeling better now.

Rachael, Your friends wedding on New years Eve is sure to be memorable. Sounds really lovely.

Our colours will be ivory & blue. We are getting married in Bristol.

I was'nt going to watch Eurovision but Chris mentioned about Finlands entry (i just could'nt believe my eyes seeing them in their costumes LOL)

Take Care All


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22-05-06, 12:32
Hi Ammeg
We are getting married in Tintern near Chepstow (South Wales) - colours are gold and burgundy. About 40 people in the day - late wedding 5.30pm.

22-05-06, 12:45
hey jedge,
r u from south wales then?? i know tintern- i live in bridgend bout an hour and a half away!!! ooo gold and burgandy- nice!!!

22-05-06, 12:52
Hey Ammeg,

I am having my wedding in a church in storrington (west Sussex) and then the reception is at my local pub. approx 100 people in total!

My dress is a very pale gold/ivory color and my bridesmaids are in chocolate brown....i know it sounds weird but belive me they look stunning!!!!

Hay x

22-05-06, 13:47
Hi Girls

Jo, Your colours sound lovely. Your going to look great hun.

Hay, Your colours sound lovely too. You & the bridemaids will look stunning hun. (You more though being the bride LOL).

Locations for your wedding sound very nice.
Our church is in the middle of Bristol & our reception is about half hour away. I think we are looking at about 80 odd guests.

Sorted out some major probs that were lurking re family. Still amazed about how strong i was when talking to my dad about things.

Take Care


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22-05-06, 13:56
Hi all

Hay - chocolate brown sounds gorgeous - very deep colour. Wish I'd changed my colours now!

Alex - Bristol is lovely - I actually work there (well in Filton which is on the outskirts) but I love the waterfront area.

Ammeg - yes I live in South Wales Newport area although we are moving to Chepstow for work purposes in the near future. I love Tintern - the hotel is opposite the Abbey so you think you're in another world.

Do you know - I've had more trouble trying to keep friends and family happy reference my Hen do than any trouble with the wedding itself - its ridiculous - must be a girl thing.
Anyhow - got to sign off now
Take care
Jo x

22-05-06, 14:24

A little help please.

I am looked gor a ring box that will hold both min and Marts wedding bands. They are usually called double ring boxes
so the best man will just have to carry one ring box.

Can i find one anywhere to buy......I have been on the net and everything!

Has anyone got one, if so where did you get it?

Please help, strangely enough this is doing my head in...lol

Thanks and kisses

Hay x

22-05-06, 14:25
oh hayles,
that sounds fab!!! my sis just got married abroad and had a custom made dress in creamy choco and gold!!! It was lush i love brown!! lol
Gosh 100 people!! ive got 100 down for me reception but a max of 20 at me ceremony!!

22-05-06, 14:28
hey hayles
this may sound scabby but have u tryed ebay??? i bought a lovely ring box to keep me engagement ring in- it was a wooden one and i covered it myself!! it cost £3 and a £1 for suade fabric!!! I am cheap and cheerful me- just a suggestion!!!

22-05-06, 15:02
Yeah i have looked on ebay,
but too be honest i get so frustrated on there, searching it just annoys me!!!

Still cant find anything!

Hay x

22-05-06, 16:12
Hi Girls

Jo, Where abouts do you work in Filton. Chris works up that way too (Small world) Yes the water front is nice on a sunny, hot day.:)

Hay, Ive just done a google search hun. Hope this link helps. www.insignum.co.uk

Hope your all doing okay.

Take Care


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22-05-06, 16:16
Hi All
Hayles - the only suggestion I would have is a bracelet box which has a long slit in the box which you normally slide your bracelet in but it could hold 2 rings maybe?

Alex - I work at a company called Airbus (formally BAE / British Aerospace) - I should be there today but I'm still poorly and am racked with guilt as only back from maternity leave! Oh well - never mind.

Jo x

22-05-06, 16:21
Hi All

Jo, The world just got smaller LOL. Chris works for BAE Systems as a contractor.
Get well soon hun its no fun when you & the baby are not feeling well bless you (((((((((((((((HUGS))))))))))) For you both.

Hay, Hope Jo's advice & my link help you to decide.

Take Care


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22-05-06, 16:37
Thanks Girls, great advice

Alex i did see that link earlier but £30.00 for a box....good god, i dont know about anyone else but i am on a budget!!!!

I will try jo's idea.....

thanks again xx

Hay x

22-05-06, 17:24
Hi All,

Hay, I didnt see the prices just the link[:O][:I]. Im the same as you & on a budget too. Can't believe the price (Yikes).

I think Jo's idea is a better one:)

Take Care


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23-05-06, 08:59
Hi all

Just checking in hope everyone is ok.

SB - how you doing......lost your head yet ??!! lol

Hay x

Silly Blonde
23-05-06, 09:14

I just wish it was Friday now - then it'll be too late to worry about things!! Its my last day at work today and I can't wait!! Its been impossible trying to do stuff in the evenings - so at least I've got a couple of days to run around like an idiot in my own time!!

What amazes me is that we are spending all this money and yet we have ended up doing all the chasing!! My cake lady has been the best though - we live about 30 miles away and she phoned me last night to tell me there's no need to go to her house to view - instead she is going to email some pics to me!!

Haven't had a valium yet - so really pleased with myself!!! I think we're almost there - just got to compile some CDs tonight for during the meal!!! I think my other half is worse than me!! He decided at 11pm last night to tidy the spare room ready for my Dad, but in the process he managed to split the hose on the Dyson - so I've been searching the internet for a parts company that do 24 hour delivery!! We have 2 cats (my furry babies!!!) and so we cannot possibly survive without the Dyson!!

Anyway - take care all - if I get chance I'll post later in the week! KEEP PRAYING FOR SUNSHINE!!!!

SB xx

23-05-06, 10:51
SB.....Deep breaths love.

YOu seem to be doing great!
all very organised, except for the Dyson!!!!
Things like this always go wrong at the last minute!!!!

Today down here is not so bad weather wise....am praying for sunshine for you!

Thank god for finishing work today eh!

Big Hugs xxx

Hay x

23-05-06, 14:24
hey girls,
just found this fab wedding cake website for people living near or in london!! no good to me but for a cake to serve 40 its £75 which is brill for a cake as you will know!!!

23-05-06, 14:40
Thanks for that Gem, I'll check it out- i refuse to spend a fortune on something that's going to disappear pretty quick!!

SB sounds like you're doing well mate. Just another couple of days eh! I reckon you'll do it without the valium- cool as a cucumber you are!! Anyway I'm still crossing my fingers, legs, everything for you hun!

All of you take care- Im off to look at Gem's cake site now.


Shiv x

23-05-06, 14:54
Hi all - just back tracking
Hayles - did you have any luck with the double ring box - you could just go into a jewellers - hopefully somewhere decent working there and ask for a bracelet box or something - say you're desperate - no harm on asking.

Alex - well it is a small world - the bane (sp?) of my life work! Does Chris work at the BAE site or the Airbus - I've been there 7 years now in Procurement - met my fella there - and had my second wave of panic attacks there when they sent me abroad to do a presentation (I drank too much the night before basically with colleagues it knocked me for six). Anyhow - I digress - it is quite a large site - about 4500 people I think but yes - what a small world.

Good luck SB for Friday and well done for not having a Val yet - you'll get through it and moreso enjoy it.

Ammeg (just realised that is Gemma backward) - I'll take a look at the website - not that I am anywhere near London but I need some inspiration with only 6 weeks to go (mum making cake god help us all)

Jo x

23-05-06, 15:10
Ok so i just had an idea but dont know if its silly!!! so i would love your thoughts!!!
So i was gonno get 2 cakes one nice one for the wedding brekkie and a cheaper plain one for in the evenin to feed 100!! but i have been lookin and its soooo expensive and i really dont wanna spend that much! so i was looking on ebay and saw a biscuit cutter in the shape of a cake so i was thinkin of maybe cookin my own cookies and makin them into mini weddin cakes and wrappin them in cellophane and tiein them with ribbon, i thought it would be a nice touch and cheaper! wot do u think mayb i am tryin to hard and gonno look scabby?? could use some advice!!
p.s- J- i live in bridgend wales and have some websites of cake makers within 40 miles!! umm i shall find them and post them if that will help u!!!

23-05-06, 15:19
Gemma - shops like M&S and Asda do cakes to pre order and they are really reasonable - mums making the fruit cake and we have pre-ordered and extra large M&S sponge cake at £30.00. Save yourself the hassle hun

23-05-06, 15:20
**** - your name is Ammeg isn't it and there's me calling you Gemma like a right idiot

23-05-06, 15:28

Ammeg - Is your name gemma or Ammeg. I thought it was an unusual name, but then Shiv was calling you Gem, it then dawned on me like Jo that Ammeg is Gemma Backwards....so which is it...your confusing all of us you ickle minx...lol

Also I think your biscuit idea is fab and not at all scabby!
Martins nan is making our cake just plain white iced and my flower lady is doing a small version of my bouquet for the top, just to make it a bit fancy.

Well nanny is doing it for free and the topper is £25
so not too bad!

Jo - Havent tried the bracelet thing yet but will hunt one out tonight and give it a go, thanks again with the suggestion.

Love and Hugs xxx

Hay x

23-05-06, 18:04

sorry guys!!
yes your rite my name is gemma!! please feel free to call me anything....nice!! lol
Thanx for suggestion JE, I dont have an m&s or asda near me, nearest one is 40 miles away!!! but i may take a special trip to have a look!!
I have a double oven so i can cook 4 trays of cookies at once, so it wouldnt take to much effort!! oh i just dont know, mayb im tryin to cut to many corners! sigh
Gemma, Ammeg or Gemxxx lol

23-05-06, 18:54
Gem or Meg or whoever you are (lol)

I think your idea is lovely! People are more likely to remember that than boring old, samey cake!! Not scabby at all. You're a genius- I might have to nick your idea!

Love to you all

Shiv x

23-05-06, 20:14
Oh dear Shiv - are you saying my cakes going to be boring!!??? lol - only kidding, we're getting M&S in case those with dentures can't eat through my mother's rock solid marzipan.
Whilst I was on maternity - I learnt to make clay models out of FIMO and am making up a bride and groom of myself and Steve - sounds a bit playschool but I actually think they're quite cool - when I get it sorted I'll try and mail you pictures of the figurines. I just wanted something different and amusing that reflected us.
Jo x

23-05-06, 22:47
Hi All,

has been a busy day for me & tommorow too.

Anyway things have all kicked off again on my dads side of the family at this rate Chris & i feel like cutting our losses & by friday we could possibly be saying we will just go to a registry office instead by ourselves.

Its so bad its making me feel really ill again. Ive had enough of the whole f*****g lot of it i tell you. (soz for swearing but its how i feel)


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24-05-06, 08:24
Hi Alex
What's up hun - so sorry you feel this way, especially when its supposed to be about you two and no one else.

24-05-06, 10:06
Alex - All I can say is F**k them all, and swear all you like my love! Blimin families, they do my head in. When will they realise that they day is about you and Chris no-one else. I get so fed up with people sticking their ore in!!!

I tell you over the last 9 months I have been so tempted to say screw the lot of you and just go abroad and be done with it........ Isnt this menat to be thwe happiest times of our lives!!!!!!!!

Jo - Love the idea of your home made models,how very creative and a lovely personal touch!

Gem....at last we know your proper name.
Love the idea of your cookies, think you should stick with it, its another very lovely personal touch

SB - first day off....yippee...hope your doing ok and still resisting the Valiums!!! Still praying for the weather for you!

Love to all xxxxx

Hay x

24-05-06, 11:02
families who needs them!! sorry yours r playin up alex!! Tell us all hun- get it all of your chest!!!

25-05-06, 12:37
Hi All

Its just times like this i wonder why i allowed my dad back into my life,.
For up to 27 years of my life he made my life hell & now we are building bridges after 2 years of me not talking to him.
The minute i think it would be nice to keep him informed about plans etc he goes & tells my half sister from his side (why did i bother to tell him anything & why can't i learn from my previous mistakes that he will never change) & she sticks her jealous nose in putting in snipes etc.
None of that side of the family are coming because from old i know that they will drink to much start swearing & cause trouble (none of them will ever change either they are all nutters)

Anway other than that im better today than yesterday & last night Chris & i went through some hymns with the choir master & he played the full wedding march for us which was lovely & i got abit watery eyed.

Hope you are all well.

Take Care


Many People Will Walk
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25-05-06, 14:29
dearest Alex,i am so sorry you havina bad time with your dad[and that side]again.So upsettin 4 you.But every one here is right ,it is your and chris's day,sod them Alex,it is so sad to have family that seem to enjoy causin hurt,and i know where you are comin from hun,so you have your wonderful day with your wonderful man ,and they are the losers here alex,it is their loss.You doing a wonderful job,and have done all you can to put things right ,now nuff is nuff!!ENJOY YOUR LOVE AND YOUR WEDDING AND YOUR LIVES TOGETHER:) Love mary-rose.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

we are all in the same boat and can guide each other ashore

25-05-06, 14:39
I agree with Mary Rose.
i know its hard for you to just not care, coz believe me i find it hard to just think SOD everyone else, but that is what we have to start doing...its time to think about number 1.

Be strong hunny

Big hugs x

Hay x

25-05-06, 15:28
Thankyou Mary & Hay

Your messages mean alot & are so appreciated.

Families eh!

Hope your doing okay Hay.

Take Care


Many People Will Walk
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25-05-06, 18:05
Hi peeps,

I'm sorry to hear about some of your family problems but believe me I understand: I've had to exclude a Huge amount of family members because of the pigs they are!!!

Anyway what i wanted to say was

GOOD LUCK SB for tomorrow. I'm soooooo excited for you. You'll be fine tomorrow I know you will!!

Take care all

Shiv x

25-05-06, 18:33
Hi Shiv

Hope your doing okay hun.

SB, Will be thinking of you tommorow bet your so excited. As Shiv says you will be fine hun.

Best Wishes for a truly womderful day to you & hubby to be.



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25-05-06, 18:33
Hi Alex
Sorry you're feeling the weight of your family but focus on you and Chris and why you're doing this. My philosophy is sometimes that I may be a bit fruit and nut and ware myself out with my nerves but underneath I'm a decent person and I'm sure you are the same. THere's always people in the family who cause hurt but you have a lovely future together with Chris and thats what counts now.
I guess we're all built differently on how we handle them and hopefully bridges will be built more between you and your dad so don't lose heart.
Sorry I haven't got any great words of wisdom but focus on those who love and care for you.

25-05-06, 18:38
Hi Jo

Thanks for your words means alot.
Well after the wedding im really not sure i want to keep him in my life it just seems more trouble than its worth im afraid.

Im back holding the reins so to speak. Ive picked myself on & moving on again.

I have a wonderful guy in Chris & we will have a fantastic day in August.

Hope your okay hun?

Take Care


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26-05-06, 09:20
Hi all
Just a quick one to check everyone is ok!

So excited for you SB. Hope all goes well, will be thinking of you on your special day.

Love and kisses to all

Hay x

26-05-06, 10:54
Hi Everyone

Hay, Im not so bad. Hope your doing okay too hun.

Chris & i are going down to Debenhams this afternoon to set up our gift list so really looking forward to that.:D

SB, Thinking of you on your very special day.

Jo, Shiv & Gem. Hope you are all doing alright too.

Take Care


Many People Will Walk
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26-05-06, 12:24
hello all!!
SB I hope ur enjoyin ur big day- cant wait to hear bout it!!!
Im doing good- definatly gettin married next summer- yay!!!! goin to plan out seatin arrangements etc next sat- the place i am gettin married includes a planner in with the price whos gonno help with keepin mine and me hubby to be''s family apart!! lol They dont get on!!!
Hope your all good!!

27-05-06, 12:48
Hi all
HOpe you well - have had an odd couple of days but over that now.
I need to ask - does anyone have any suggestions / websites / books for love and wedding poems. We need a short one to hand in my next week but are struggling to find something that is right for us?
Thanks everso
Jo xxx

27-05-06, 17:14
Hiya girls.

Jo i heard a beautiful wedding poem once and I'm almost certain it was in a film and that it was by quite a prolific poet. It WILL come to me and I will let you know.

SB I hope your day was good. You lucky thing!!- all that stress is out of the way now!

Alex I think where your dad is concerned just do the best you can and take it slow. My poor boyfriend has got NO family coming to our wedding because of the a***holes they are- his parents in particular. His dad is a chronic alcoholic whobeen in denial his whole life. I mean, for goodness sake- he thinks he doesnt have a drink problem because he drinks 3 bottles of red wine per day rather than the 2 bottles of gin he used to drink!! Anyway, almost 2 years ago my b/friend went tto his parents with our baby and after he asked his dad to tell him he loved him his dad smashed him over the head with a metal ashtray while our daughter was sitting on his lap! Well basically after years of this type of abuse, Paul snapped and attacked his dad- wrong i Know but if you knew the background you'd understand. So then his mother came down and went mad and they threw him out telling him they wanted nothing to do with him, me or our kids ever again. It was left at that but it's been eating him up inside ever since, so the other day he went to see them and they made it perfectly clear that he or our kids are NOT welcome into their lives and they also had great pleasure in tellling him his inheritance is out of the window (they're millionaires) as if that would destroy us- they are completely money orietated.

Needless to say he is quite devastated but he is beginnning to see that he now has to concentrate on the family he has- me and the children. Our wedding will be wonderful without their presence and I say stuff anyone who isnt happy for us! So Alex if you have that chance to build those bridges then do it. i honestly thought my family were bad until I met Paul- his are beyond help!

We all seem to have these family problems and I have spent to much of the last year when I should be excitedly amking wedding arrangements, worrying about everyone else. Bo****s to them I say!!

Anyway girls take care

Shiv x

28-05-06, 21:36
Hi all
Shiv - your message sounded tough - I think honestly that sometimes life has a wierd way of testing people but also bringing people together and maybe the two of you have something very strong that no one can come between, as is with all of you. Be strong and be happy that you have eachother, that makes everything.

Well - we've been trying out our wedding wine as we are providing our own at a corkage fee and I just can't do it anymore!! The baby has us up at 6.30 and I'm a wreck but what fun eh. I get pissed on such a cheap budget! I've been crapping again about the whole ceremony thing and social factor but I can do this! and whats more I will enjoy our day! I may need some dutch courage but who cares.

Anyhow - will sign out before I blabber on as usual.
Take care all

30-05-06, 12:57
Hi Hay, Shiv, Jo, SB, Gem.

Hope things are going okay for you all today.

Shiv, Your partners dad sounds just like mine. Im going to do my very best to not think about it anymore cos i certainly do'nt want to make myself ill over him & that side of the family.

I know who my 'normal' family are & who my real friend are & thats all that matters.

Jo, Things are going to be okay. Sorry your feeling so tired with baby.

Thank you all for your messages i have appreciated them all.

((((((((((((((((((((((HUGS)))))))))))))))) for you all.

Take Care


Many People Will Walk
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30-05-06, 14:46
hi brides to be,just to say iam folowing your progress,and it is lovely hoe you are supporting each other[sb,hope you had fab time]..shiv i felt so deeply for paul when i read bout his dad just have to send BIG HUGS to him and you too.I was rejectd by my dad[divorce and re-marriage]and it is very painful.My other half has been rejected by his too!!??He is loaded also,i know it hurts him,but we have to accept and move on dont we?Alex hun,dont let all this undo the great strides you have made.love to you all.mary-rose.xxxxxxxxxxx

we are all in the same boat and can guide each other ashore

30-05-06, 15:48
Hi Mary

Thanks for you message to us. Its so appreciated

Take Care


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30-05-06, 18:22
Hi all,

thanks Mary; your message warmed my heart, it really did.

Alex, i'm glad that you're taking the attitude that you are taking. Paul and i are starting to feel the same way. You can go your whole life dwelling on all the c**p or you can dust yourself down and start again, which is what I intend to do.

Jo: why didn't I think of supplying my own wine!! That sounds like fun, trying out all those delicious vinos!

Well update on my wedding plans. We got the invites at the weekend and they've been worded wrong:( AAAARRRRGGGGHHHHH!!! so it's back off to the printers they go. We're going to the registry office on friday to give notice then off to look at wedding rings, then down to the reception venue to sort out the food arrangements: it all just makes it seem very real all of a sudden. Frightening but soooo exciting at the same time.

Anyway girls, catch up soon!

Shiv x

31-05-06, 09:35
Hey girlies.

Well it has been a few days since i posted, manic weekend!
Been up to see my Mum and sisters.....helped my sister decorate her new flat, as even though my Mum is moving my Sister is determined to stay up there, wot for....god only knows!

My younger sister is meant to be moving back down here to go to college in the summer and live with my dad (16years old) However at the last minute she seems to be changing her mind and wants to stay up there and live with her friend.....got a new boyfriend (first sexual relationship me thinks) and of course when you are 16 first boyf is the be all and end all....so everything is a little crazy at mo.

Me and Martin have had a few days off to chill, although all we seem to have done is argue, which is stressing me out even more!!!!

hen night in just over a week, then the sex ban starts......not that there is a lot to ban at the mo.....lol. Picked up the Hen night tshirts yesterday and they look wicked......hopefully should be a good night!
This is meant to be very exciting....i feel stressed and knackered!:(

also had a nose bleed this morning[V]....... never have nose bleeds, so now am totally stressing!

only 5.5 weeks to go!!!!

Love to you all [:X]........cant wait to hear from SB.

Hay x

01-06-06, 11:28
HI All,

Hope your all doing okay?

Im so stressed & cheesed off (even though i try & push on & am trying so hard not to feel wound up)

Latest is last night i lost my rag big time as Chris phoned his brother to confirm time he was coming up this saturday for suit fitting along with his son & he said (knowing full well this date had been arranged for a while) that they were'nt coming up as the dog was going to be groomed that day!!!)
Anyway a few phone calls later (when they discovered that Chris & i can't see them any other time as we have hardly any spare time up to the wedding (Funnily enough) That they will now grace us with their honourable presence after all.
Sorry for the sarky comments but i have wondered lots of times lately why Chris & i have bent over backwards to be so helpful & nice just to have it seemingly thrown back in our faces.


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01-06-06, 11:45
BLOODY FAMILIES.....who needs them eh.

Hay x

01-06-06, 12:50
Hey Alex, thought I'd let you know we've had exactly the same problems with Paul's suit fitting. We get people organised to go with him (he has 2 best men and an usher) and last minute someone'll bail out with a lame excuse. So in the end I told him to go with the one person who doesn't let him down and the others will have to go another time convenient to THEM. After all it's our day.

I've had another major setback today with the wedding arrangements and to be honest girls I'm so pi**ed off with it I'm not even going to explain it at the moment- maybe later, when I've calmed down a bit! Ho hum, never mind- tomorrow we're giving notice and I've been going through readings and songs. (By the way Jo, try www.hitched.co.uk and www.weddingguideuk.com for readings- I got mine from there).

We are going to come in with Ave Maria (apparently registry offices have only just allowed it), then "It had to be you"- Harry Connick Jr for the signing of the register and finally "Have I told you lately" by Van Morrison to play us out.

Our reading is an excerpt from Captain Correli's Mandolin which I found on weddingguideuk. and it's lovely!! It starts "love is a temporary madness....." and it's just perfect.

Sorry for rambling ladies: despite the setbacks, I'm getting very excited- 8 weeks, 2 days, 1 hour and 10 minutes, not that I'm counting or anything!!!!!

Take care all

Shiv x

01-06-06, 13:17
Hi All
Thanks Shiv for the website - we picked one the other evening that we quite liked for a poem.

Well - reference your wedding suits scenario - can I just say we are paying for 5 of the family to have suits and Steve's Dad made a comment that he thought our choice was 'crap' a while ago. He's not said much more but I know what you mean about it all. He's wearing it anyhow - we're not forcing him and told him not to bother if he didn't like it but seems things have changed. We are still waiting for his 2 brothers to come down from North Wales for a fitting and we've only got 5 weeks to the wedding.

Anyhow - this is all par for the course I'm sure.
PAss the Kalms!

01-06-06, 14:05
Tell me about it.
My other half was useless at organinsing his grooms party at geting their suits fitted, so i just rang them myself and kicked them all into shape!
We have eight in the grooms party.....nightmare.

My sisters are great as bridesmaids, they just do as they are told. my friend who is my other bridesmaid is basically annoying me somewhat.
I only really planned on having my sisters as bridesmaids, but my friend asked and she said she would pay for her own dress, so i thought ok!

Well it has been nothing but regret. She paid for her dress but wont pay for her alterations, which are £50.00
i had to pay for all the accessories and shoes. she has not helped with the hen do which annoyed me.
She is so caught up now in her own life (just brought a house)
that her bridemaid duties seem to have gone out the window....argh!

Shiv....love your song choices and the reading sounds fab.

only 5 weeks 1 day and 50mins to go.............argh!

Hay x

01-06-06, 14:55
Hi All,

Shiv, Yes Chris said to Dave if you want to get to the shop yourselves do so but we cannot be there any other time. Anyway they will be with us on saturday. (Oh happy days people LOL)

Jo, Can't believe Steve's dad said that about your choices of suits cheeky so & so.

Hay, My bridesmaids have been great too

Take Care


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02-06-06, 10:13
Hi All

Hope you girls are all doing okay today?

Im okay. Just got letter from church to say our banns will be read. 11th, 18th & 25th June.

Take Care


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02-06-06, 11:05

How very exciting.
Getting very near.
We had a banns read a while ago!
Will you be attending church when they are read?
We did, it was really sweet to hear our names called out!

Am meeting with the photographer next week for final arrangements.

Sorted out decorating details for the reception yesterday!

Still a few little things to tie up!

Counting down the days.....hen night next weekend...yeah!

Hope all is well with everyone

Hugs xxxx

Hay x

02-06-06, 11:41
Hiya All

Hay, Yes we will be in church for the banns along with my mum. 8 weeks tommorow till the big day. :D

Good luck with the meeting with the photographer next week. Exciting stuff is'nt it putting final bits & peices together.:)

What type of decorations are you going for?

The room we have for our reception is already blue which is handy as our the chairs. LOL

Take Care


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02-06-06, 12:12

Decor is 2 feature flower displays on the buffet table.
small vases on table with a single cream rose in.
Cream table cloths, gold sparkles on table and little bottles of bubbles on the tables!

10 bundles of cream and gold ballons which are floor height and weighted. they will be spread around. Cream ribbon wrapped around all the heavy oak beams to break up the colour.

So gold and cream is the theme!!!!!

It sounds a bit over the top, but believe me it is not, its quite minimal, purely because the reception is in a country pub and i didnt want it to look like i was trying to disguise this!

How about your decor?

Hay x

02-06-06, 13:19

Wow sounds really lovely Hay & does'nt sound over the top to me hun. (Look forward to seeing the photos)

We are having tall vases on each table with sprays of blue & white/ivory flowers.
Poses of flowers (i think LOL) on top table with a few cascades coming off the table.
White table clothes & napkins & we are also having camera's on each table so guests can take photos of themselves having a lovely time that we can put in our guest book to look back on.

Take Care All.


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02-06-06, 13:47
Sounds lovely.
I thought of the camera idea as my friend did it,
however i couldnt trust my friends not to waste them on drunken pictures of bums and boobs!

Our photographer is a friend of a friend and he is fab, he is staying for the whole thing to get action shots of people enjoying the day!

speak soon x

Hay x

02-06-06, 14:41
hey fellow brides
soundin fab alex and hayles!!!!
I only have afew comin to my weddin- 20- so i am havin one big round table for me brekkie- its gonno be white table cloth, lilac napkins and a special lilac and white lily bouquet in the middle!! Me ballons r cumin in at the reception and their gonno be everywhere!!! lol
I cant trust my friends with cameras either hayles!!!
Me date is gonno be mid june next yr- so just over a yr away!!! But havent decided exactly yet! but i can go ahead as i dont have to pick a definate date for 6 months!!! im ramblin a bit now!! gonno go!!!

02-06-06, 16:17
Hey there girls,

All your tables sound FAB! Mine's going to be a bit girly, but thats just me. The flowers are palest pink roses and peonies and pale green hydrangea. I'v ordered loads of bits from confetti- little butterfly thingies to scatter round the tables, freeze dried rose and hydrangea petals, little paper butterfly place names which sit on the rim of the wine glasses and GET THIS!! Chocolate menus- Yes actual menus made from choccy!! They're from confetti and only about a fiver each and we'll have one on each table- 6 tables: not bad eh! Got the bubbles and the disposable cameras- I think the best wedding pics I've seen come from those cameras!

Anyway, gave notice this morning. Seeing photographer next week and I'm going to have a practice st Tropez done as well. I'ts all getting very real now. HOORAAAAAYYYYY!!!!

8 weeks and just under a day to go. YAY!

Take care girls

Shiv x

02-06-06, 18:14
Hi All,

Hay, I have to admit im a little bit worried as to whats going to happen re pic from cameras LOL but we will see.

Shiv, Its 8 weeks tommorow for Chris & i too. I remember yours is a little before us on 29th July is that right & we are on the 5th August.

Gem, Your table setting sounds really nice too hun. Will you be naming the day officially on the forum?

Take Care

Have a lovely weekend.


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03-06-06, 09:17
hey Alex,
As soon as find out the date U guys will be some of the first to know!!! lol
Going to bryngarw- place im gettin married- tommorow, going to see where I can seat eeryone etc!! Mine and my mans families dont get on, was thinkin of gettin 2 separate tables and puttin them opposite sides of the room!!! lol. OOOo 8 weeks today then Alex, just under 8 for u Shiv and just under 5 for Hayles!!! How excitin!!! Cant wait to hear all about ur days ladies!!!

03-06-06, 12:12
Hello All
I can't believe how upbeat and excited you all are when I'm so anxious - I am just so worried about the social anxiety thing of it all which is why I really joined the thread and website - yet you're all so looking forward ! Having bit of a bad week so maybe thats not helping but any tips on how you're all so excited about something I am crapping myself about will help!

03-06-06, 16:10
Hi girls.

Jo I think as your day gets closer you'll find you have so much else to worry about, that your other anxieties will fly out of the window. I know I'm very lucky as I don't have ANY degree of social phobia or agoraphobia. Just anxiety all the bloody time. lol.

Alex, my wedding is definitely 8 weeks today so yours must be 9 weeks: sorry hun!!

Gem, i don't have the family problems as Paul's aren't coming so hey ho. To be honest if we were still in touch we probably would have gone abroad to get married and I mean that quite seriously!!

Take care all

Shiv x

03-06-06, 21:56
Hey all,
well i was lookin into gettin married abroad or in scotland but I think that would be to much for me, being agrophobic and all!! lol
I just wish every1 could get on!!!
I am in a bad mood at the mo- nothin to do with weddin, just am!!
Speak u all soon!!

05-06-06, 14:03
Hi All

Hope your all good today?

Im okay. All the suits are finally sorted. Everything went well saturday with Chris's brother & his nephew looking nice in their suits.
My neices dress needs to have the last fitting now & i do'nt have to worry about me until July.

Take Care


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05-06-06, 14:26
Hi all.

Hen night this weekend and final dress fittings for me and the bridesmaids on saturday, major stress fest this week.

Also to top it off it is time of the month so feel very short tempered and tearful!!!! roll on next week !!!!

love to all xxx

Hay x

05-06-06, 15:23
Hi Hay

Snap re time of the month (i feel ike a panda with the dark under the eyes)

Im sure everything will be fine with the fittings on saturday morning.

Bet you will have a great time on the hen night this weekend too.


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05-06-06, 16:59

I hate time of the month, especially with added stress.
I feel so very tearful and also feel like i want to scream.

I think i also have developed tourettes today at work.....lol
Everything has just got on top of me to day, hope tomorrow is a better one!

Speak soon xxxx

Hay x

05-06-06, 22:22
Hi Hay

Yeah i know what you mean its no fun is it dealing with timeof the month plus wedding stuff (ive wanted to scream alot myself just lately.

Sending you big hugs hun (((((((((((((((Hay))))))))))))))

Its going to be all okay.:)

Take Care


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06-06-06, 09:04
Thanks Alex

Hopefully today will be a better one.


Hay x

06-06-06, 13:49
Hi All,

Hope you are all doing alright today.

Hay, How are you feeling today better i hope?

Im in the middle of sorting out gift lists at present.

Take Care


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07-06-06, 10:04
Morning All

Hope you are all okay today. Take care as its going to be a hot one weather wise.


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07-06-06, 11:15
Lovely day.

Am feeling much better today, so tired though!!!

Only 30 days to go for me......(note how i am counting in days now!!!)

Hay x

07-06-06, 11:59
Hi Hay

Glad your feeling better today.

Got weeks mixed up last week & it is 9 weeks to wedding (my head is just addled with everything at pres LOL)

30 days wow coming up fast now eh.

Tak Care All


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07-06-06, 20:12
Hello Brides
Am back in the land of the living (I hope!). Have been away with work to France and it went ok. Have got list after list for the wedding now and money is just slipping away!
Lads have come up trumps with the suit fittings and still tying up the loose ends. Had a hair trial and was insistent I didn't come out looking like Shirley Temple (hair very straight but putting into rollers).
Enjoy your Hen weekend Hay, I think that's my June motto is to start enjoying as what the hell is it all about if not! Went to see Grumpy Old Women at the theatre on Sunday (treat for mum) and realised I am not alone but laughed all the same!
Enjoying a glass of wine and sneaky fag in the garden as so lovely.

(not so) grumpily yours.
Jo x

07-06-06, 22:01
Hi All,

Glad your feeling better now Jo.:)

Yep with you on that on that one re money just slipping away LOL we all know its worth it though.:D

Going out with my mum tommorow to look at wedding undies etc so looking forward to that.

Take Care All


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08-06-06, 08:59
Hey guys.

Jo, glad you are back with us. Love the glass of wine and sneaky fag businees. thats all i seem to do at the mo.....sneaky fags. Have got to go on a full detox after hen night so that means no booze and i have GOT to give up the sneaky fags for good!!!!

Alex, good luck with the undie shop....got to feel sexy right.

Still waiting to hear from SB about her wonderful day.

29 days to go...............

Love to all

Hay x

08-06-06, 15:00
Hi All,

Hope your all okay this afternoon

Yes looking forward to hearing about SB's day & can't wait to see the photos.

Didnt see anything i liked out today so will try again on Saturday morning undies wise.

Take Care All


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08-06-06, 15:23
Good luck girls with your big days

its nice read about what u all up to and I am getting excited for you all.

Darkangel x

........life is for living not just for surviving

08-06-06, 15:27
Hi Dark

Good to see you & its great to have your support too.

Take Care


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08-06-06, 19:29
Hi girls,

Thanks darkangel, it's good to know that we're not driving everyone mad with our wedding woes!!

Talking about the dreaded fags, I can't even consider giving up til after the wedding: it's stressful enough without adding nicotine withdrawals to my list of worries!!

Underwear's next on my list too. dress fitting next week so I need the undies and my shoes.

Take care girls

Shiv x

08-06-06, 21:27
Hi All

Shiv, Good luck with the great underwear hunt too LOL
I have my shoes & my stockings at least LOL [:I]:D Still i hope to have better luck on saturday.

Take Care All


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09-06-06, 09:59
Hi All

Hope your all doing okay this morning.

Hay, I bet you are going to have a great hen night, will look forward to hearing all about it. :D[:I][8D] LOL

Im okay feeling abit lousy re hayfever (even though ive taken tablet for it) never mind though.

Take Care


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09-06-06, 10:07
Hi Guys

Today is a lovely day, lets hope this weather remains for july.....fingers crossed! My Mum and sisters are arriving tonight for the hen do on Saturday. Got mine and the bridesmaids final fittings on saturday morning....fingers crossed none of us have put on too much weight!!!!

Looking forward to a very girlie and cheesy hen night.
Speak to you all soon

Alex - Hope the hayfever clears up.

Lots of love xxxxxxx

Hay x

09-06-06, 11:25
Hi All,

Hay, Yes the weather is lovely is'nt it & im sure it will be just as lovely for your special day to hun.

I bet you & the girls will be fine with your dress fittings tommorow.

Have a great evening tommorow night.

Hayfever such a pest but one of those things LOL

Take Care All


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11-06-06, 20:38
Hi ladies
Just doing a ditty cos I've become a bit of a football widow since last week - I don't actually mind it.
Hay - I hope the Hen do was a good'un - guess you are nursing a hangover or catching up on some zzzzzzz's.
Isn't it hot though! The baby has been throwing up left right and centre from the heat - I've just wandered around in my nuddie and left her in her nappy cos its not worth putting clothes on for the carnage to follow! Anyhow - countdown begins! Steve off on his stag next weekend and mine the following. Thank god we have a free weekend the one before.
I have a feeling this will all be over so quick so I'm going to make the most now - the build up and the day.
Anyhow - have a lovely week all and enjoy the rays

11-06-06, 23:34
Hi All,

Good luck to you all and I wish you all well on your day. Im now an old married one now and again a football wido. will be a Rugby widow soon. Still my advise is enjoy the freedom :D

Feel free to PM me, if you want to talk.

Emma xx

Keep focused, keep positive.

12-06-06, 08:49
Well Ladies,

The hen night was an absolute corker.
Everything was brilliant and i couldnt ask for it to have gone better! The brilliant cheesy stuff, handcuffs, veil etc.
Naughty Dares for everyone, champagne, food.
Everyone got very merry, but not messy and we just danced the night away. It was fab!

Hope you all had a good weekend. and are enjoying the sun shine.

Love to all ....27 days to go xxxxx

Hay x

Silly Blonde
12-06-06, 16:24
Hi ladies! I'm back and am now Mrs Silly Blonde!!!!!

It all went well in the end - it even stopped raining and the sun came out in the middle of the service (thanks Mum xx)

Mother "Outlaw" was the b**ch from hell, hijacked the photos so we ended up with more of her than anyone else, she insisted on the best man reading out HER card, even though she was there (so I had to apologise to my poor dad who's card wasn't read out!!!), when we gave her a huge bouquet of flowers, she kissed hubbie and said "thanks Robert" and then sat down and completely ignored me, and WORSE STILL - she and the rest of her cronies were OUTSIDE busy hijacking the photographer when I arrived and she never turned to smile or wave at me in the car!! And she had the nerve to look through the proofs yesterday and she only said 2 things:-

"Oooh, you blink a lot - it must be the anxiety"

"Oooh that outfit really suited me didn't it?!"

I got a bit upset with Rob the other night - I just didn't want him to think that I was having a moan 'cos my mum is no longer with us - but he was the first to admit that his mum was an absolute nightmare on the day!!

My advice to any of you brides to be - make sure you give a list of family groups to the photographer - that way, it stops the mother-outlaw hijacking it, or anyone else for that matter. Open cards beforehand and give some to the bestman - with strict instructions that he reads out only those!

You'll probably be thinking that your respective mothers in law are fine - DON'T BE FOOLED!!!!! Mine was the nicest, kindest person you could ever meet, she was a tower of strength during my big anxiety episode - but she took on a completely different persona overnight!!!!

I kept my cool and said nothing, but I really wanted to say "wind your neck in, you've had your day, now its my turn"!!

The really good news was that I never touched my back-up supply of valium - had a few sneaky smokes, but managed it all on my own (with the help of my wonderful husband).

And it feels great!!

Take care

Mrs SB xx

Silly Blonde
12-06-06, 16:33
Sorry - just one last thing - been reading through the posts that I missed!!

You should all go for the cameras on the tables. I love the official proofs to bits, but the snap shots from the cameras are fantastic!!! I worried out bums and boobs shots - but they are are pretty tasteful - but really funny!!! They capture all the bits you miss when you are wandering around chatting to people!!!

I got matching pink ones from some cheapy website (I just googled coloured wedding cameras) and managed to get some for about £2.30 each.

Confetti saved my life too!!! I ordered their "make yourself" table planner, pink tea lights and holders, and loads of table confetti!!! Not cheap - but great that everything is in the same place!!

I had bud vases with pink and ivory gerberas and bear grass in them - they worked really well. In the evening, we bought loads of tea lights and clear glass holders and the hotel dotted them about everywhere! It did look fab and you get the satisfaction of knowing its a bit more personal!!

Oooh I wish I could do it again! (without the stress though this time!!)

Take care

Mrs SB xx

Silly Blonde
12-06-06, 16:39
Just thought of something else!!! When buying undies - don't be tempted to go for those magic trinny and suzanna pants that hold everything in!! I didn't bother in the end as my dress was quite heavily boned so didn't need em.

I just not sure how you'd manage the loo - its bad enough with a dress on, not sure how you'd get magic pants off too!!!

Just though I'd pass on some useful tips!!!

Mrs SB xx

12-06-06, 16:47
Hey.........so good to have you back.

Your day sounds fabulous, and so proud of you for keeping away from the valiums. It all sounds so magical and lovely.....make sure you post those photos!!!!!

The only one i am worried about is my wicked step mother....I can just imagine her being just like your outlaw!!!!

Glad your day went well and that mummy sorted the sunshine for you!!!!!

Take love -

.........27 days to go

Big hugs xxxx

Hay x

12-06-06, 23:07
Hi All

Internet connection has been up the pole last few days this is first time i have been able to get on here.

Mrs SB, Great to see you back sorry you had a bad time with mother in law (easier said than done hun but try & rise above it) apart from that sounds like you really had a lovely day. ( Looking forward to seeing pics when your ready)

Hay, So pleased you had a great hen night knew you would hun.

Jo, Sorry to hear abou the baby hope she is okay now.

Im okay had banns read out for first time sunday.

Take Care All

Take Care All


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13-06-06, 15:42
hi all
Wow SB- you sound on a real high - great news about your wedding - I have a feeling my m-in-law (and f-in-law) may hijack the photographer so we are giving her a list soon.
Hay - glad the Hen do was good - 8th July - here we come!

SB - would love to see your photos when you have them and if ok of course.

Silly Blonde
13-06-06, 16:49
Hi brides - hope you are all doing ok!

I've only got hard copies of pics at the moment - my Dad hasn't got the hang of emailing them to me yet - so as soon as I have some electronic copies I'll post them on here!! Failing that I'll scan a few in and do it that way!

Isn't it weird that weddings can really bring out the best/worst in people! Mind you, I was the photographer's worst nightmare at my house before I left, as he was trying to make me go outside in the rain! Typical bloke - didn't appreciate that I'd just spent £40 on getting my hair curled and put up!!!! I suggested going under the car port instead and he just glared at me ;)

Some friend of the M-outlaw stomped past me when we were having photos done and stood on my train, so ended up with a huge footprint on it - and I'd only been married 5 minutes at that point! After a while I didn't care though - a couple of Pimms and rather too much fizzy stuff, and off came the shoes, I let go of the bussle loop and boogied with the rest of em!!!!

All of you, PLEASE try and take a step back to take it all in - it goes sooooooooooooooooo quickly!!!!

Have fun

SB xx

13-06-06, 22:39
Hi All,

SB, Dopey photographer re trying to get you to go outside in the rain. Anyway like the others say looking forward to seeing your photos when you can.

Hope you have all been okay today.

Im okay, booked my neice in for her final bridesmaid dress fitting for 28th of this month.
Honeymoon is all paid for too.

Take Care All


Many People Will Walk
In & Out Of Your Life
But Only True Friends
Will Leave Footprints
In Your Heart

14-06-06, 08:14
Morning All,

Hope you are all well.

Im okay lookinging forward to weekend away in Devon.

Take Care


Many People Will Walk
In & Out Of Your Life
But Only True Friends
Will Leave Footprints
In Your Heart

15-06-06, 11:18
Hi All

Well all the planning & the rapid changes in weather seem to have taken their toll on my nose, as for the last few day i have been suffering with nose bleeds!! (i know they are supposed to be healthy to have but its not good to know that in the middle of one)

Hope you are all well

Take Care


Many People Will Walk
In & Out Of Your Life
But Only True Friends
Will Leave Footprints
In Your Heart

15-06-06, 13:59
hello girls..oh all your table settings sound beautiful,how lovely they will all look!Glad you all doing so well too.Mrs sb,you made me laugh,mother-outlaw[lol]wat IS her problemo??So glad it didn't spoil your day and i love the scene of you kicking off your shoes and boogyin on down,fab!I love pickin up on this site,i never had a white wedding ,so i am havin mine thru you!Also my son is engaged now and i am not being involved at all it's all Gemma and her mom,so i feel sad bout that!God hope i dont turn into mother- outlaw!!??Hey the hen party sounded fab,just nuff cheese,he he he he!love to you all.Mary-Rose.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

we are all in the same boat and can guide each other ashore

15-06-06, 15:42
Hey girlies,

Mary rose - glad you are enjoying our thread..i think it was a fab idea (well done me..lol)

Alex, sorry to hear you are having nosebleeds. I had a random one the other day.....never have them, it totally freaked me out. Googled....oh dear, and now i have leukimia!

Have a lovely time in devon.

Take care and speak soon.......only 25 days to go xxx

Hay x

15-06-06, 21:58
Hi All Married-Peoples and Pre-Married-Peoples! :D

Didn't see this thread down here before I posted my "is anyone getting married" thread above, but thought I'd join in here now I have. As I said in the other thread, Richard & I will be getting married on 6th August 2007 all being well, so still a looong time to go, but I'm really excited! :)

Here is the link to our wedding website, if anyone is interested to take a look-see:

Leah xx

--- Obstacles are what you see when you take your eyes off the goal.

Silly Blonde
16-06-06, 12:23
Hi ladies

I'm feeling really crap again today. Have got my stomach ache and lower back ache back again (wasn't too bad on honeymoon). I guess its just the "coming down" after all the stress and excitement - I suppose its normal for my IBS to be up the wall again!

Anyway - hope you all have good weekends!! I'm off to take my dress to the cleaners (soooo sad that it only gets worn once) and then we're going to sit in the sun (with the odd G&T) and write all our thank you notes.

My photographer is putting our photos on his website, so when I have the link I'll post it - so you can see me in action!!! (The outlaws shouldn;t be difficult to spot either!!)

Wish me luck by the way - my psychiatrist suggested that I try and wean myself off mirtazapine after the wedding. I was on 45mg and so went for it last night and only took 30mg - I can't wait to be drug free (which is surely a sign that I don't need em anymore!!!) - so decided to do it!! 30mg for a week, then 15mg then nothing.

Do you think that's gradual enough??? Don't want to get all the sickness again!!

Take care

Mrs SB xx

16-06-06, 15:20
Hi ladies- yet another lovely weekend - Steve is in Manchester on his stag do and I've had a bit of a bad week. I had to go for blood tests this morning for glandular fever - 3 weeks before the wedding! I can't seem to shake off this virus and amd downing lucazade like it was going off the shelf. Am on my 3rd course of antiobiotics and am DETERMINED to shake this ******* out of my system. THe main plus points though - I've lost about half a stone over the last week and not even thought about my anxiety - hilarious!! God I'm such a lightweight.
ANyhow - keep on moving I say - going through my list of things to do this weekend and hoping to make a full recovery so I can focus on becoming Mrs Sharp-EDge (my surname and his!)
Jo xxx

16-06-06, 15:22
p.s - SB - ref coming off tablets - do it as gradually as you can is my advice - I thought I was great coming off some a few years back and did it too quick - go as slow as you can to give yourself time to adjust.

18-06-06, 16:28
Hi girls,

I'm back. Had a few personal probs that I won't go into but things are getting better. It's been fun catching up on you lot.

SB your day sounded great: glad you didn't let the M-I-Law ruin your day. Luckily we don't speak to our in-laws: shame eh!!!

Anyway, I'll catch up with you lot properly later.

Take care

Shiv x

19-06-06, 09:10
Hi Guys.

Shiv, gald to here you are back...its been a while.
Jo, Such a shame that you have been feeling so rough. I hope you start to feel better very soon. Re: Sharp-Edge....excellent, just brilliant!

SB. I am coming off my tablets very slowly. I was on 3 x 25mg amitryptiline a day. I took myself of too quick and hit rock bottom. so i went down gradual. I am on 1 25mg tablet every opther day now and have been for about 8 weeks! Hope to stop altogether after the wedding....fingers croosed. My advise is take it as slow as you can, dont be impatient!

Anyway no news, apart from that it is getting nearer, and my head pains seem to be back this morning.....Fab! oh and my car died yesterday....oh the joy!

Only 19 days to go................

Hugs and kisses xxxxx

Hay x

19-06-06, 09:11

Oh and hi leah......congrats on your engagement and welcome to our thread! xx

Hay x

20-06-06, 11:19
Hi All

Im back from our weekend break in Devon which was great but have got back to people wanting final payments for the wedding oh well has to be done LOL.

Meeting photographer for first time next tuesday he sounds very down to earth & a good laugh which will definantly help.

Hay, Hope your feeling a little better now hun replied to your post earlier. ((((((((((HUGS))))))))))))

Great to see you back Shiv wondered where you were hun. (understand now after finding your post. Thinking of you

Good to se you back to SB hope your feeling a little bit better now.

Jo, You made me laugh with the surnames Sharpe- Edge LOL. Hope your doing okay as well.

Leah, Welcome to the thread & congrats on your engagement too.

Take Care All


Many People Will Walk
In & Out Of Your Life
But Only True Friends
Will Leave Footprints
In Your Heart

20-06-06, 11:41
heys girls.

Well still feeling pants and was quite bad last night with panics and head explosion feelings.
I know its just because we are getting nearer and i had a few hiccups with the music last week.

Just feel knackered and edgy.....(as per my thread today)
anyway only 2 full weeks left at work and then it is wind down (or up) to the wedding!!!!

18 days to go .....


Hay x

20-06-06, 15:58
Afternoon All

Hope you are all okay.

Shiv, Still cannot believe what you have been through hun. Thinking of you.

Hay, Still sending positive vibes your way hun.

Take Care All


Many People Will Walk
In & Out Of Your Life
But Only True Friends
Will Leave Footprints
In Your Heart

20-06-06, 16:14
Hey guys....

Have been on and off the site all day today as it is the only thing that keeps me from doing a runner from work and curling up in a corner at home rocking.......

so much on my mind at the mo i just cant concentrate. I just hope it is not showing at work.....argh!

What i need is an early night (or a weekend away in devon - alex mate you have got the best ideas!!)

Ho hum.......battle on as they say.

Shiv - hope things are beginning to look clearer for you. let us know how you are getting on. Hugs your way.

Alex - Biq squeeze for all your support this week xxxx

Hay x

20-06-06, 20:55
Hi All
Hay - you ok hun, its all becoming quite real isn't it? I'm counting down with you - just over 2 weeks - I hope you feel more relaxed soon. I have this constant sicky in my tum and have been manickly listening to Paul McKennas 'Instant Confidence' cd thinking I will have renewed confidence on the day - lol - who am I kidding!
Got Ascot this weekend - even nervous about that - WHY THE HELL DO I GET SO NERVOUS ABOUT EVERY LITTLE THING - ARRRRGGGGH!!

Shiv - I hope things are ok too - just be kind to yourself and hope tings get better.
Alex - Devon sounds lovely - and hope you had the weather too. Its well gloomy here but spirits must remain bright!

Ah well - signing off - my name is actually Jo Sharp and Steve is Steve Edge but I will just be Jo Edge when I get married - couldn't stand the cheesey comments with the double barrel.

Lots of love and hugs all

21-06-06, 11:12
hey all!!
hope ur all ok and excited for ur big days!! just been catchin up on u all and wots been goin on! feel completely drained of energy at the mo! hope ur all good

21-06-06, 11:44
Hey girlies.

Feeling brighter this morning.

Having a no smoking, no dinking binges and no sex ban up until the wedding. It has been 1.5 weeks and it is a struggle...thought i would really miss the smokes (only have one when very stressed) but i dont. its the no sex that is the hardest!!!!!!! Had a very passionate kissing session this morning which was so yummy....but not great when you cant follow through......Hope you guys arent offended with sex chat!!!![:I][:I][:I][:I][:I][:I][:I][:I][:I][:I][:I][:I][:I][:I][:I][:I]

but apparently it will be worth it on the day!!!!
Is anyone else doing a sex ban before the wedding?

Sharp Edge - It is getting very close and everything is coming together, even though i am stressing etc, i am sooooooooo excited!

Gem - Sorry to hear you are feeling whacked. some chocolate to energise me thinks!!!

Love and hugs to all

Hay x

21-06-06, 11:54
You're in good company with the no sex thing... I heard that Nicole Kidman & her fiancee were abstaining until their wedding night as well ;)

I'm definitely not going to consider it yet, with still over a year to go, but maybe nearer the time (knowing me I'll be too harrassed and stressed to be in the mood anyway!)

Leah xx

--- Obstacles are what you see when you take your eyes off the goal.

21-06-06, 12:44
Hi All

Trying to get into finding motivation from somewhere feeling shattered too Gem so i can understand how you feel hun.

Hay, Have been thinking of you hun sending more positive vibes your way (getting all excited for you & Jo (both not long to go now)

Jo, Yes Devon was fantastic it went by far to fast though, we were very lucky with the weather.

Shiv, Thinking of you hun. You know we are all here for you.

SB, Hope your okay.

Leah, Hope your doing okay today too.

Take Care



Many People Will Walk
In & Out Of Your Life
But Only True Friends
Will Leave Footprints
In Your Heart

21-06-06, 12:46
I thought i would be the same, with being to hassleed to bother. But i always find wheni am panicky or stressed, i want it even more as it always makes me feel good and better....it you get me. so Yep am missing it. A whole 4 weeks will be a struggle!!!!

Hay x

21-06-06, 22:36
Noooo! I've just had to reformat my hard drive, and lost ALL of my saved wedding links and e-mails to suppliers etc! :( Think I'd better go to bed before anything else happens today...


--- Obstacles are what you see when you take your eyes off the goal.

22-06-06, 09:16
Alex - Hey you hope you are feeling a little more energised today. I am shatttered...need coffee!

Leah - whoops, never mind, you have got plenty of time to rebuild your wedding folder.

Hope everyone else is ok

Hugs and kisses

Hay x

22-06-06, 10:44
Hi All
Well mailing this from work - I've had my blood tests back and I do have glandular fever - starting to feel tired again. I don't know whether to laugh it off or burst into tears (feel like the latter), I'm supposed to be at Ascot on Saturday and bloody married in 2 weeks!

My boss has been good - I don't feel too bad today (just tired) so working til 4pm) and then back to docs tomorrow. I have a feeling the next 2 weeks may be rest at home.

Sorry its all me me me, I just want to feel energized and excited but this is putting a cloud over things. Please give me all your positive vibes, I really need some upbeat and happy thoughts - feel so low today.

Jo x

22-06-06, 11:42
Ah Jo mate......so sorry about the fever. What crappy news.
I am sending all my positive vibes your way. I think rest maybe a good idea. You need all your energy for the week up until the wedding. See what your doc says, maybe he will sign you off for a week to recuperate.

Big hugs to you mate

Take care, dont cry, it will only drain you some more.

Lots of love

Hay x

22-06-06, 12:22
That sucks, Jo :( Sending definite positive vibes your way! My sister had Glandular Fever when she was doing her A-levels a few years ago, and she found that lots of bed rest helped her, so if I were you I would take some well-earned time off work and rest yourself for that big day. I'm sure you'll be so buzzing and excited on the day itself that you'll feel miles better anyway :)

Leah xx

--- Obstacles are what you see when you take your eyes off the goal.

23-06-06, 11:28
Hi All
Haven't been on the forum for a couple of weeks due to work pressures, and my impending wedding. Went to the conference I organised on Monday. It was a success (over 200 people from across Cumbria attended) and I got a round of applause at the end for all my work. I wanted to run screaming from the place when it was really busy, but I remembered my deep breathing and went for a walk when the speakers were doing their presentations, so managed to not panic too much. I really hate big crowds.

Big thanks to Hayley for her very kind PM. I think this thread is a great idea. Marriage is supposed to be a really wonderful thing but it can be stressful, and if you have anxieties in the first place, it can make things worse.

I am getting married on the 6th July to my lovely Derek, who is an absolute gem of a bloke. He would sit up all night with me when I was convinced that I was going to die/going to go mad, and still managed to go to work the next day. He has never told me to pull myself together, he has never trivialialised how I feel, he has only got upset because he doesn't know how to help me sometimes. And he tells me off (gently) when I start getting anxious about symptoms, etc, but all in a nice way (often with a hug!) Sometimes I wonder if he knows what he is marrying in to!

My anxieties are trying to get the better of me at the moment, so I am trying hard to fight back. I keep getting the good old "something bad is BOUND to happen to me before I get married!" thoughts. I have a swollen tonsil (only one, on the left side!) and went to see the doctor as there was a big lump in my neck. Then it was the usual worries: throat cancer/leukaemia/hodgkin's disease. I have some antibiotics and they are getting rid of it, but there's always that niggling rogue thought: what if...?

Well, good luck to everyone with their impending nuptuals, hang in there, you will all have a great day. I'm looking forward to mine even though I have a large and difficult family (we put the "fun" in dysfunctional!) and they are all coming. God help us!

Thinking of you all, and sending you all hugs.


25-06-06, 20:58
Just a thanks for the messages - am feeling fine today but it comes in waves at the moment, feel great then knackered. Been signed off sick for another week so sleep, sleep, sleep... I made it to Ascot though - wasn't going to let it rain on my parade, it was appaling there - like a cattle market but had fun, dares to do and hey! won £120 on one horse who was an outside chance to thoroughly enjoyed.

Tamsin, hope you doing ok, you're amongst friends and I just have a feeling now that I want to enjoy it cos I feel its going to go so fast. Let the bigger picture take over and roll with it, you'll be absolutely fine.

Take care all,

26-06-06, 11:07
Hi girlies.

Well I am still alive, and my Brain Tumour hasnt yet got the better of me!!!!!

Am so excitied, just doing all the tying up of the little things!
It is getting so close now, I cant wait! Plus the sex ban is an absolute nightmare, so cant wait for that to come to an end too!!!!

Jo - Glad you are resting up, you must be getting pretty excitied and hectic too, what with yours just round the corner too!

Glad you have joined the site. It is a life saver!!!!
Your derek sounds like a right gem, good job you have got your claws into him.
Hope all your arrangements are coming together.
Dysfunctional family eh....tell me about it!

Anyway best get on...

Lots of love and hugs xx

Hay x

27-06-06, 11:07
Hi All

Hay, Feeling a little more energised now, i think with the few days in Devon Chris & i found it hard to get back into the swing of things again.
Hope your doing okay hun.

Jo, Sorry to hear about the glandular fever thinking of you hun. Positive vibes being sent your way.

Leah, Hope your comp is sorted out now.

Welcome Tamsin (family on my dads side are the same as yours hun bunch of nutters LOL)

Take Care All


Many People Will Walk
In & Out Of Your Life
But Only True Friends
Will Leave Footprints
In Your Heart

27-06-06, 11:15
Just A quickie..........

Alex love, good to hear your rfeshly energised now.
I am doing Ok, cant concentrate on anything at the mo. Typically work is really busy for me, which i could do without, as just cant get into the swing of it.

Hope everyone else is doing ok.

Shiv - still sending positive vibes to you my love, and a few for you jo xxxx

Only 10 days to go.....yippee!

Love and Hugs xx

Hay x

28-06-06, 16:27
Hi all
Well - 9 days to go - bring it on!
Feeling lot better, lots of early nights - decided to go back to work tomorrow as climbing the walls a bit here. Last minute stuff to do next week, will be mad.

Hay - makes me laugh about your sex ban - think its a nice idea though. Bit like being at the beginning of the relationship again?

Steve and I have been bickering loads, don't know why but trying to have some quiet time for us to reflect a bit before it all takes over. Going to have a quiet weekend hopefully.

Alex - hope you feeling vibrant again - I think the weather (as lovely as it has been) can be quite heavy in the air and make us a bit sluggish maybe.

Well - leave you to it - bought some presents today for the best man etc... I am reluctant to give my m-in law to be flowers as she hasn't even phoned once to ask if we need anything or help - may cause waves but don't care.

Bye now

29-06-06, 09:49
Hey Jo,

Only 9 days for us....cant believe it!
It is going so quickly, am so excitied.
Am only at work fri, mon and tues so cant wait for that to go!

With the countdown so close am a little tense, my headpains come in waves and my neck is so crunchy. Trying not to think about it though and just throw myself into the preparations. Am pretty much all sorted now!

Jo - the bickering is just part of the course, with the stress and organisation. Me and Mart have been bickering too, sexually frustrated.....lol and fianances (we have paid for 80% of the wedding ourselves, so money has been pretty tight and overtime hours have been hideous. Ho hum, should all settle back down soon.

Alex - Where are you mate havent heard from you for a few days.

Shiv - lots of love to you still.

Hope everyone else is ok

Lots of love and Hugs

Hay x

01-07-06, 12:12
Hi all
Hope you've had lovely weeks - the weather is set to soar - hope it stays that way for next weekend.
Shiv, Alex, Tamsin, all - hope you're ok - let us know how you're doing and that you're well.
Hay - yep - not long now! Having a quiet weekend - got a list to do of everything we need to take up etc.. etc... Looking forward now - thought I would be a nutcase at this point but I seem to have a wave of calm which is great lately - I keep telling myself it will be so quick I want to enjoy every moment. I can deal with the social anxiety ok I'm sure - the worst that could happen is I pass out or something and lets face it thats not really that uncommon for weddings.
Enjoy the weekend all - I have come out in a lump of spots which is a mare but haven't really detoxed that well - keep craving crappy food - just had a bacon butty - just keep downing the water!
Take care
Jo x

03-07-06, 09:23
5 Days to go..........................
So excited.

Hope al is well xxxx

Hay x

03-07-06, 19:27
So excited for you all with your weddings coming soon! I wish my day would hurry up and get here! :)

Leah xx

--- Obstacles are what you see when you take your eyes off the goal.

06-07-06, 16:53
Well girls - this is it!!
Tamsin - I think you are getting hitched today from what I recall - I hope it has all gone really well for you and the weather cleared up. Congratulations.
My stomach is on full wasking machine cycle at the moment - got waxed and plucked last night like a chicken and just had a Fake Bake tan done which has bought much amusement to my betrothed!
All ready now - just nails tomorrow and last minute stuff - I must admit I am nervous but I keep telling myself this is all natural and to go with it. I think deep down once I'm there and settled in, the situation will take over and I won't be thinking about my nerves as much.
Hay - may I wish you all the very best for Saturday - weather looks set to be good and cooler which is great.
Take care all and I will return in a week or so

06-07-06, 17:57
Hey Jo.

Am already too.
Am so panicky. had upset tum for last 2 days.
Feel sick and feel like what if this is it and i dont make it and my tumour/ aneurysm gets me. am trying to be positive.

Dont want to ruin my day.

Hope all goes well for you my love.
Love and kisses and will speak next week xxxx

Hay x

Silly Blonde
07-07-06, 09:02
Hope you all have a fab time! Its easier said than done but try and take a step back and take it all in - my day just whizzed by!!!

Weather is going to be perfect - much cooler but sunny!

You will all be fine - I was crippled with IBS etc before mine, but on the day I felt great!!!

I've got my pics on the photographer's website now - so check out this link:-

Take care

SB xx

07-07-06, 13:13
Hi Hayles

Thinking of you today hun. Wishing you & Martin all the very best for saturday. Have also sent you a pm.

((((((((((((((((((((((((Hugs)))))))))))))))))))))) )

Jo,SB, Shiv, Gem & Leah hope you are all well.

I have been rushed off my feet every other day bills for the wedding are coming, in my head is quite addled with everything at pres ,but i made a huge achievement with the agoraphobia today which i will put on the success board in a mo.

Take Care


Many People Will Walk
In & Out Of Your Life
But Only True Friends
Will Leave Footprints
In Your Heart

17-07-06, 19:37
Firstly - how is everyone doing? I hope you're all well and haven't forgotten this little ditty.
Well - I did it!! And what's more - I loved it!!
We got wed on 8th July - got to the hotel and got dressed etc.. took my time and couldn't wait to see Steve. It was a great day (well evening - didn't kick off til 5.30pm).
I think on reading all the ditties upto the time, thanks for all your kind words of encouragement and SB - yes - I did sit back and try and take it all in - was well worth it. I think the thought of seeing Steve and holding his hand VERY tight throughout the ceremony pulled me together.
It was a lovely time.
Please try and keep this thread going as I'd love to give as much support as you guys have given me.

There are some photos on a website - bit tricky to get into it but this might work - who knows - don't worry about ploughing through them but just hope it inspires anyone else who was as scared as me about the whole prospect.


Anyhow - hope you are all well - please keep in touch and looking forward to hearing from Hayles too as I know she did the deed on the 8th too.

Jo x