View Full Version : HIVES! worried!

24-08-11, 11:19

I had a cough for which my dr gave me antibiotics (non penicillin) was taking them and then on day 5 of a 7 day course I broke out in a horrible case of hives, everywhere!! burning and itching away. Went to the docs this morning who said it was most likely a reaction to the anti b's and gave me Piriton (anti histamine) which has taken a lot of them away apart from one or two spots. But my problem is that with my HA I'm worried that there is something more sinister going on and obviously I bloody googled which said in rare cases chronic hives can be a sign of Leukemia, and of course I am focused on this.

I feel shocking so full of anxiety and worry that I have something majorly wrong with me.


Fi x