View Full Version : help !!!

24-08-11, 11:46
so worried today. my stools are a really funny shape like curved. i,ve got myself into such a state about it this morning !!!! please help if you can.

tracey x

24-08-11, 12:43
sounds normal to me. we all get different shaped stools and different colours too.

If you are really worried though see your GP for reassurance.

24-08-11, 13:26
i work in a nursing home and we have to rate every poo we see on a scale, i can assure you, your poo is perfectly normal, it comes in all shapes n sizes and consistancy, depending of what youve eaten, oh also the colour, try n relax but like nic says if your worried see your doctor

24-08-11, 20:09
thanks for the replies. i've calmed down a lot know. its not always like that, it looked quite normal yesterday. the hubby just said he passed one exactly the same today :ohmy: anyway for know feeling better until the next time lol

tracey x

27-08-11, 15:51
Unless they are bloody or black colored like tar Then You are perfectly normal !! :D