View Full Version : Beta-Blockers & Alcohol......???? Help!!!

24-08-11, 11:54
Hi Everyone,

I suffer from increasingly bad panci attacks and anxiety. I am currently taking 20mg Citalopram, but now have also been put on 120mg Beta Blockers/day. I am actually feeling a lot better! And I really think these may stabalise everything......I have made a lot of decisions regarding lifestyle changes and I will not be drinking for the forseeable future, however.....I am having a bit of a party on saturday, a friend was killed recently and the funeral is next week....we wanted to have a few drinks in her name! I am wondering whether I can have a little bit of alcohol on these tablets, or what the risks are with stopping on friday and taking them again sunday?? Any suggestions......would I be in danger if I did?! My partner and I have aggreed this would be my last blow out if I am able to but obviously I don't want to if I am going to end up having a heart attack or something.

Any advise would be welcome......

Thank you

Stephie xxxx

24-08-11, 13:59
Ive drank on beta blockers and I was fine. My doc even said it was fine.
Just take it easy as it can go to your head xxx

24-08-11, 14:19
I phoned my doc when I was on beta blockers and he said I should not drink any alcohol. Selfishly I did anyway and it done me no harm. Maybe accelerated the effect a little but I'm still here to tell the tale.

24-08-11, 17:23
Hi there,

Thank you for your messages, I think I will just have a couple oif glasses, sipping them slowly and will see how I go!!
Fingers crossed I'll be ok...!!