View Full Version : I don't know what to do anymore

24-08-11, 12:18
I'm new to the site and would really appreciate some feedback from other sufferers.
I was diagnosed with anxiety disorder several months ago after having a baby. I have had 5 ECgs, X-rays, blood tests etc and seen a total of 11 doctors.
I am in agony and noone can help me.
I cannot believe that I was a fit happy person several months ago and now I have changed.
I have and have had chest Twinges, neck shoulder and back pain, left arm pain, tingling throbbing mainly in arm wrists And hands which leAves me weak. I also have a tender stomach which aches a lot. I have had a million and one tests all saying I am fine, but my mind cannot help but wonder why do I feel so bad.
I'm so afraid that I have some missed serious illness.
The symptoms started when I was put on Bp tablets (allergic reaction)at the end of my pregnancy. This was purely because of the pregnancy. I don't know if I really needed it because my nervous nature gives inaccurate readings. Anyway no more about bp as it upsets me so much but needless to say my bp went down after the delivery of my son.
I am so upset . I cannot believe this has happened. My family are fed up with me wondering if they have missed something or misdiagnosed me.
Why is this happening I am only in my 30s

My husband is at the end of his tether. each day I am suffering and weak. He doesn't know what to do and it's draining on him and other relatives.
I just want to be well again.
Please help me....

I have the Charles linden book and CDs which I am working through

24-08-11, 12:40
Hi Kas,
I am sending you a hug:hugs:with giving birth and having a baby, i imagine your body is all over the place, you must give yourself time and not be too hard on yourself!
Try to focus on other things rather than your health, it is very stressful having a baby and you should be proud of yourself, try to focus on your son, also do not worry about relatives, just focus your mind on the positives not NEGATIVES.
I am 38, and have suffered severe anxiety for several years. I too was a different person before i was thirty. Before i started taking meds for my GAD i was a mess, i had panic attacks which i had ecgs for counselling tests etc, and like you my husband got fed up with me, my business suffered. But now i still get anxiety and i always will, just try to take it day by day, and do not keep punishing yourself..

24-08-11, 12:49
Thanks Haynsey.
I guess it's just hard to believe that I have anxiety disorder which has caused all these symptoms.
Do you ever think you have been misdiagnosed despite having all relevant tests?
Really trying hard each day.
Contemplated a short break away but I'm so scared of these symptoms especially the weakening tingling and aching in left breast ( gp has checked and said all ok).
I keep thinking something terrible (stroke or cancer or heart problem)will happen to me and it's frustrating for all concerned. They say it makes no sense because all my tests are clear.I don't smoke or drink.
This suffering is horrific .
I'm trying to keep myself busy aside from looking after my son.
I wAnt to be hapPy again and be me.

24-08-11, 13:06
Can anxiety disorder cause weight loss? Bear in mind I have a six month old baby .

paula lynne
24-08-11, 13:17
Hi there, nice to meet you x
Anxiety can cause weight loss, yes. You are running on adrenaline 24/7....coupled with having a baby, no wonder youve lost weight bless you. Eating little and often can really help. In fact, for people with anxiety and panic, eating every 2-3 hours can help combat the anxiety. I cant remember the link sorry, but a doctor on Radio 2 said a few monthes back........"for those with anxiety and panic disorders, eating little and often is essential. If you dont eat...adrenaline is released, making anxiety worse....resulting in weight loss" So even a peice of toast, or a biccy and some fruit is better than nothing.x
Paula x

24-08-11, 13:26
Thanks Paula x