View Full Version : my story...

24-08-11, 14:12
Hi, i have been giving citalopram on Thursday 18th after going into the doctors feeling hot and sick and basically just panicking...

I have been like this for a while now getting all worried, but its started getting worse now.,

i always think that there is something wrong with me, i always think about the worst thing that could happen...im always in doctors panicking cause i think somethings wrong.

I went A and E on thursday night after having these tablets as i felt short of breath, could feel my heart beat, felt sick and hot....

they did chest xray, trace of heart, bloods.....they all came back fine.... they did my heart rate and it were high she had to go get someone as the machine kept bleeping...

I cant sleep cause im sitting up worrying, ive woken up sweating once, i woke up and my legs felt like jelly...

i went back to the doctors yesterday as these tablets seem far to much for me, he said he dont know why they have started me on 20mg and hes put me down to 10mg....

ive also been giving some tablets to help me sleep better at night time

Everytime i feel hot and stuff my temperatures always been fine the docs have checked it twice my auntie checked it twice and hospital did and they all said its 36. something :(

i felt a burning feeling down middle part of body as well

ive started ignoring the phone to people i used to love chatting to cause im scared if they say anything that will make me worry.

ive started not answering my door to people

24-08-11, 14:24
Yeah, awful feelings but many people experience such symptoms while taking citalopram (the first few weeks, of course.). I've experienced that thing with the temperature but it's only your nervous system alarming you of your condition, nothing "physical". In such moments i was measuring my body temperature for tens of times but it was always fine (about 36.5 Celsius). So don't worry, all these symptoms are provoked by your mental condition and will go away as soon as the AD starts working for you. Till that time- you can only wait and try not to panic and worry so much, it's hard but it's the only thing to be done...