View Full Version : job interview tomorrow

24-08-11, 16:53
Hello every one,

Hope you have all been well.

I am just posting for a bit of a good luck if that's okay!!

I have a job interview tomorrow for somewhat of a dream job. I have been busy today preparing for it and have lots more to do tonight. I'm taking a portfolio/presentation of 'me' with me in at attempt to stand out, just in terms of my CV and articles I have written etc.

The thing is, because I want this so badly I am *so* nervous, already! I have a task to complete first, and then the interview. I am just hoping I don't muck up the task and it throw me off for the interview!

It's very early in the morning so will be extra jittery and could use a hug!

Thanks for listening :)


24-08-11, 16:59
Hi best of luck, keep us posted on how it goes, fingers crossed for u :-) will be thinking of u x :hugs: x

24-08-11, 17:51
Wishing you lots of luck, let us know how it goes! Sending u a huge hug xxx

24-08-11, 17:55
Good Luck allergy:hugs:

24-08-11, 18:50
Good luck, hope it goes well x

24-08-11, 19:03
:hugs::hugs:I hope that you secure the job of your dreams. EJ

paula lynne
24-08-11, 19:32
You will do fabulous Ambers! Positive thoughts!
Good luck xxx :hugs:

Vanilla Sky
24-08-11, 19:39
Good luck to you my darling, you,ll be fine :hugs::hugs::hugs: xxx

Hazel B
24-08-11, 21:28
:hugs:Best wishes, knock them all out with all your talent!

24-08-11, 21:51
I'd like to wish you good luck, let us know how it went.

I have an interview for a job next week which involves doing a presentation and am already starting to get anxious about it so I hope yours goes well and if you have any good tips let me know!

lucy devine
24-08-11, 22:07
sending you loads and loads and loads of hugs and lots of good luck, although i doubt you'll need it. Just let your passion for the job shine through, the interviewer will easily pick up on this and I am so sure you'll do great :)
let us know how it goes

24-08-11, 22:38
If its the job of your dreams - give it your best shot. Once you are in there your be fine. Remember you may feel nervous inside but they wont see it. Stay Positive and enjoy it. Good Luck x

25-08-11, 00:12
Good luck Allergy, just be yourself, let them know just how good you'll be in the job and how much it all means to you!

Tyke :hugs::bighug1::hugs:

25-08-11, 10:07
Thank you everybody :)

I was very nervous, but did the task and then went through to the interview!!

I feel i did my best, and tried to come across as enthuastic and passionate as possible. If they're looking for something different then so be it but i know i did all i could and i held it together fine! :shades:

I took with me a presentation handout type thing, which i talked through for the bets 5 minutes. i tried to keep it clear and simple and just show off what i was capable of really. i think they were impressed i had put something together something to show them.

i guess my tips are the usual take your time, and just have confidence in what you are saying. try to make your voice sound bouncy - that was my dads tip to show how enthuastic i was!

thank you for all your good luck and wishes, i thought of it all before i went in and it stopped my knees knocking :winks:

i'll let you all know if you like, i find out tomorrow so keep your fingers crossed for me!

All my love
Allergy x

Hazel B
25-08-11, 17:40
Well done! Let us know how you get on.:hugs:

expecto patronum
25-08-11, 17:42
Well done, sounds like you did a great job! Hope you get it :D

25-08-11, 22:23
Fingers crossed for you!!! What's the job doing? Sounds like you did a great job.

30-08-11, 14:56
hello all,

sadly i didn't get the job, i was the reserve choice - not sure if that makes me feel better or worse!

i know i did all i could, so i guess i have to try and take away the positives.

thank you for all of your support.

Hazel B
30-08-11, 21:14
You did your best, you did really well and can do it again if you decide to. Well done and thanks for telling us.:hugs:

30-08-11, 22:11
I got to this post a bit late lol but i'm really happy for you!! at least you went to the interview and gave it your best shot.. and definately take being the reserve choice as a positive they could've interviewed lots of people!! Especially as its something like 50 people going for one job right now! xxx