View Full Version : blips on Citalopram

24-08-11, 19:28
Hey there,
I am new to this and probably have this in the wrong forum or thread of whatever :S!!
I hope not!
anyway my name is rebecca and I am 20. for the last two months I have been experiencing severe anxiety.
It all happened when a ' friend' of mine when I asked for a ciggarette gave me one filled with cannabis as a 'joke' :S
I was in los angeles at the time living with my friends for 5 months of the summer but I had a MAJOR panic attack when I inhaled the cannabis and went to the ER. since then I have been on xanax and have had other panic attacks.
It got too much and I flew back to Ireland from Los Angeles and went to see a doctor who suggested that I needed to go onto cipramil to relieve the symtoms the first 2 weeks were indescribably bad but I stuck through it , week 3 I started to feel so much better ! a full week I felt almost normal and felt great with occasional anxious moments ( i am still taking xanax as a when needed basis )
However last night I started to feel upset and it just lasted all night crying and woke up today crying I actually dont even know Why I am crying and I felt high anxiety.
Is this normal ? I am on the meds 1 month tomorrow.
Thank you for any response I would be so grateful !!!


24-08-11, 20:22
hi rebecca, ive been on them for over 3 weeks (nearly 4) and i think its normal to have highs and lows.
i woke the last few mornings feeling like absolute crap. although the tearfulness bit seemed to be missing. im sure the meds numb this part!!

im still not 100% sure im on the correct medication due to this, im at the docs the first week in sept for a review.
ive been on 20mg since day 1.
its 8.20pm and ive felt ok for the last 3 or 4 hours. this seems to be the norm now for me. i will be ok untill the morning now..................weird!
its starting to really p*ss me off. because i just want to get back to how i was without this hanging over me.
its totally out of my control no matter how positive i try to be.

24-08-11, 20:40
I've had quite a few tears this week and yesterday was awfull couldn't stop crying thinking i cant seem to be getting any better coz I hate the mornings sooo much. I've been on the cits for 8 or 9 weeks now. Today apart from this morning has been good a few negative thoughts but managed them. I think the tablets the GP gave me yesteday has helped although I have only took one this morning so just gota keep on keeping on lol.

Cathy xx

24-08-11, 20:54
hi cathy hows you ??

why dont we start going to bed in a morning and staying up all night lol :yesyes:

i think ive found a cure!!

24-08-11, 22:15
Hey guys , I know its very frustrating feeling like crap. My main symptom is sadly the horrible depersonalisation although have the time I dont know if I have it or my body is terrfied of having it to my anxiety tells me I do. Very frustrating !
:( Hopefully the good days will level out !

24-08-11, 23:17
hi cathy hows you ??

why dont we start going to bed in a morning and staying up all night lol :yesyes:

i think ive found a cure!!

Ha Ha how funny you saying that I have just been thinking maybe I should just stay up all night as i feel good now, so if I don't go to bed I wont feel like s**t when I wake. But then no sleep wouldn't be a good idear. Oh well look forward to morning WHAT FUN!! :wacko:

Cathy xx

25-08-11, 00:06
Lol, here's hoping we eventually get over this and wake up feeling normal!
Im up at 6.20am for work and straight out. God knows how I will feel.

29-08-11, 07:21
I had depersonalizationism when I first started citalopram the first time. It freaked me out.