View Full Version : Im really worried about DVT and PE

24-08-11, 21:25
Hi there over the last 2 days Ive developed this pain at the back of my leg just above my ankle and it is very painful walking on it. But I dont think it is that swollen and it is not red or hot but Ive got it into my head it is a dvt. Then this morning I was lying on top of the bed watching a film and I lay on my side and when I got up my back was sore and I knew I had been lying in a funny angle, but tonight it is sore when I take a breath in and now I am worried about pulmonary embolism. My mum says you can pull a muscle without feeling pain or knowing about it. But I am really uptight now.

30-08-11, 15:38
hi i have this fear too keep getting a pain in my left leg from calf down an alsways fear the worse.

30-08-11, 17:33
Gordie a DVT would give you pain, swelling with redness and your surface veins would be more readily seen. A pulmonary Embolism would give you chest pain on inspiration with rapid breathing and heart rate. You would also show signs of cyanosis such as bluish lips and you may get pulmonary oedema which is excessive secretions from your airway which is frothy and blood tinged so it appears pink.

31-08-11, 01:20
Wow I could have written this myself. I sit a lot during the day. I am paranoid there is something wrong with my legs when I am sitting. I already have pretty visible veins....ugh. I am terrified of DVT.

31-08-11, 17:21
Sleepless fog for a DVT you need the other symptoms as well as the surface veins swell because they are the collateral circulation to get the blood back to the heart so bypassing the main blocked vessel. I have surface veins as well but that's just a sign of ageing and because in my job before I was medically retired I had to do a lot of standing about.