View Full Version : Creative? Show me:-)

24-08-11, 21:26
Sometimes when I am feeling bad I can create my art much better, I am not sure if anyone els have had this but a way that I feel better is to create, So I would love to see some art work, anything it will help with distracting and getting the mind of things. So I will post a picture I have made and I hope to see pictures and anything you might have made.


paula lynne
24-08-11, 21:36
Hi, I made the soaps in the NMP shop :)
I do pencil drawings of fantasy art, but unfortunately, despite several people explaining, cannot work out how to scan them and store them, and post them, never mind.....
Thats a great image. Her red hair reminds me of a red stamen, her dress a pink flower opening, very nice :)

24-08-11, 22:10
you might have better luck taking a photo of your art work, on a bright day without the flash on : )