View Full Version : eyes feel funny

11-05-06, 16:39
Hi All

Does anyone have trouble with their eyes on these bright days? Right from when I wake in the morning everything looks strange and my perception is heightened and if I go out in the sun I cant stand the brightness and I get bright flashes ect. Its actually made me panic today and I have been longing for summer, feel really down

Luv Barb xxx

11-05-06, 18:30
Hi darling, i think, maybe, we were twins seperated at birth? I have been the same lately and thought i was going completely mad, i thank you for posting cos it saved me doing it. I think our senses are so aware of every little change, light, dark anything really, and then off we go again. What can be done with us eh? As usual Barb, no real sound advice, but i can guarantee it is our panic rearing its ugly head yet again. xxjean

11-05-06, 20:16
Hi Barb, I know exactly how you feel hun. I also suffer with it in shops that have fluorescent (not sure if i spelt that right lol) lighting. I used to have to wear sunglasses all the time, otherwise i just couldn't cope with it. I have found that over the years though, it has eased somewhat.

Don't let it get you down hun.......it's all part of the panic symptoms. Try and let the feelings wash over you if you can. And with these lovely warm days, try and relax and just enjoy the sun!!

Take care. Lyla xx

11-05-06, 20:39
Aw thanks Jean and Lyla its so good to know your not alone with these awful anxiety symptoms. I really have felt like I was going mad. Tomorrow I will try to accept it.

Luv Barb xxx

april tones
12-05-06, 00:16
Hi, i get the shops thing too!! u suddenly feel and it looks like everythings to brught and you can focus

fibrochat) http://apriltones.proboards54.com

12-05-06, 09:23
My eyes are very sensitive to bright light, I hate shops and their flourescent lighting too. I have put my funny sight down to anxiety as someone reassured me on here once before about this, I get those horrid floaters that just seem to make it worse.

12-05-06, 12:01
Hi Barb,
I am struggling with the brightness too I'm going to invest in a good pair of sunglasses, I find the brightness really affects my vision, I'm not keen on bright artificial lighting either. I find that I cant see properly after being in bright light for a while my vision goes blurry. I've always loved summer but I do find with the hayfever, blotching ( anxiety and heat induced ) and eyes it can be not as good as I'd like.

I think it is a sensitivity thing but I didn't associate it with anxiety.

Definitely get some shades, go for the mysterious film star look![8D]

love Willow.x