View Full Version : Went to doctor , pragnosis suspect lung Cancer or some other cancer

24-08-11, 22:52
First of all I would like to say thank you to the people that gave support the otherday when I was feeling low. Ok, I went to the doctor two days ago and was nervous and panicy but I made it. The doctor gave me a good exam and put me on meds ,anxiety, also meds for urinary retention ,new beta blockers , etc , then came the blood work. They drew two viles of blood and took urine. The doctor seem to think I am just anxious so she didnt think anything about my feeling of short of breath. My oxygen level was 98 percent,she said for a smoker that I had exceptional lungs good and clear and that my heart sounded good.

Oh forgot, I was feeling so bad( from laringitis) why i finally went to the doctor that I had to go. My blood pressure was 150/100 . Said probably white coat syndrome.Well went home that day not feeling confident but very nervous and worried. I have been anxious for two days worrying about test.The doctor called today and said I need a chest xray because my sodium levels were low and that was. sign of cancer. She suspects lung ,but other causes for this is ,conjestive heart failure, cyrosis of the liver, kidney disease, among others ,now to rule out just what it might be.you can imagine how this has made me feel. I havent had a lung xray in 25 years or more and im a smoker. Although I really dont have symptoms any other than feeling like I cant breathe caused by anxiety,( hopefully) but I knew I shouldnt have gone to the doctor. My whole lifeis surrounding me now andim looking at things differently. Needless to say im terrified and scared everything I feel can be contributed to some type disease or lung cancer

I wasnt going to post anymore but wanted anyone. that wanted to know what happened . Im really worried but guess that hasnt done me any good in the past. I guess that I need to start making some type of plans in case. Thanks for the friendship from everybody here. Im not sure ill be getting back on here.

24-08-11, 22:59
I'm so sorry to hear all of that, I would be in a panic too so dont feel alone in your worries.
Remember they are ruling these things outnot saying that you have one of them.

Please do post back the outcome so people can offer you support. My heart goes out to you.

24-08-11, 23:01

I think the doctor's in the US give people the worst case scenario whereas over here they would never ever tell someone they thought they had cancer without tests and proof.

It was silly of them to tell you this in my opinion.

When do you get the x-ray done?

24-08-11, 23:03
Thank you ,I know they are ruling out but she canpme out and told me that most of their lung cancer patients hav low sodium levels so she expects it. She isnt the sugar coated doctor she tells you straight,anywy thank you for caring.

24-08-11, 23:05
Sorry Nic ,I didnt see your post. I have been smoking 42 years and no xray in 25 although I have no symptoms other than larigitis and swollen lymp nodes under the throat but the antibotics is making them go away so I dont know. She seems to have changed her tune and has gotten away from anxiety.

24-08-11, 23:06
Xray tommorow but results monday

24-08-11, 23:08
Good luck Michael - I will be thinking of you and wishing you all the best of health in the world.

Please let us know ok

24-08-11, 23:08
Just read Nicola's post and I agree, I cant imagine a Dr here telling a patient that it could be cancer based off a blood test result. Is this the same doctor who knows you have anxiety? If so it seems crazy that she even mentioned cancer to you.

I hope things turn out ok for you.

24-08-11, 23:13
She mentioned it even before I took blood.She said maybe prostate cancer because of urinary ans then maybe throat because of my laryngitis and h finally lung because I smoked 42 years. Even after contributing most everything to anxiety and laryngitis for the symptoms. I mean she doesnt seem like a mean person but concerned as her father ied of lung cancer I suppose.

24-08-11, 23:13
Keep us updated on the results.

24-08-11, 23:16
Ok will do ,thanks

24-08-11, 23:16
Michael, I am thinking of you and hoping that your fears are unfounded. Sure the blood tests can never be used as a definate diagnostic tool without other tests. She should not have told you this until they had done further investigation. Sometimes with a smoker they just assume and are more likely to suspect something sinister. In your case it may not be. Will continue to think of you and wish you the best outcome.

Gemma T
24-08-11, 23:27
Im so sorry to hear of what the doctor said.

To be honest she does kind of sound like a sadist. I mean saying that to you knowing you have health anxiety.

I also believe doctors in america are very quick to rule out worse case scenarios because of clinical negligence claims. Im sure this is on the forefront of her mind and thats why she is sending you for an xray.

Please let us know how you get on. You have my love and support x x x

24-08-11, 23:35
Hi Michael .I do agree with the previous poster ..Other things can cause this too .So I too hope this is all just merely the Dr putting 2x2 together and coming up with 5..Never heard of any Dr saying this here before other tests ,even when they are honest .Good luck with the X ray and result .Thinking of you :hugs:Well done for going to the Drs ,I know how hard it must have been for you .So much can be done for all the conditions /Illnesses you mention nowadays .So try to stay focused on the good scenarios and not the worst hun .I know its not easy but it will help you ,Please let us know the results, we are here to support you through this ..Dont forget that .Big hugs to you my friend ..:bighug1:luv Sue xx:bighug1:

25-08-11, 00:00
Aw I am so sorry you had to cope with that, you must be so scared : (
That was evil of her to tell you, knowing you have anxiety.
When will you be having your chest x-ray?

How are you coping so far? :hugs:

25-08-11, 00:11
Im very very sad ,scared, confused, worried. Im suppose to have it tomorrow. Trying to make a plan of some kind just in case,long trip somewhere for awhile extended cruise. After that well I dont know Mishel . I had a terrible feeling about this before they called but deep down I felt my luck had run out 42 years smoking, I guess if its cancer it was a good run ,but you know the odds are with cancer after that long smoking but the bad thing she told me at exam that my lungs were really clear for a 42 year smoker.I dont have any symptoms of lung cancer except the throat issue. I dont get it but maybe there is a chance ,small chance but a chance Mishel

25-08-11, 00:31
I hope it goes well tomorrow, well all the signs look good, like your lungs are clear and all that. But sure you won't know until the x ray, you should be getting the results too tomorrow?
What issue are you having with the throat?
It must be so awful to be mentally preparing for the worst
I wish I could say something to make you feel better but I'm a bit useless.

25-08-11, 00:31
Michael - you are not diagnosed yet!

I remember going to see the cardiologist and he said to me "well you have heat failure, your heart is irreparably damaged" and I was gobsmacked and shocked.

Then you have to work out what to do etc. I know my heart can't be repaired so I have to live with that.

Cancer is very treatable. My neighbours both went through cancer - one bowel cancer and one breast cancer. They are both in remission now.

My GP also told me that she can diagnose lung cancer within minutes of someone seeing her so there must be tell tale signs

I don't think you have cancer so don't start thinking of it as a death sentence yet ok?

25-08-11, 00:38
Trying very hard to be optomistic Nic. But weighing the fact I smoked 42 years,its stacked against me but still im hoing and praying. Thanks Nicola .....I just have to wonder. if she knew for sure. She told me when she checked me,she made me breathe really hard for six or eight times and she said I dont know how you could smoke 42 years and have such clear lungs.At the very least she has to be curious about what my lungs look like...Or maybe she felt something was wrong,ho knows. Anyway thanks for the moral support

25-08-11, 00:43
Did she definitely say it was probably cancer ?

25-08-11, 00:44
My dad has low sodium, it was caused by medication he was taking and restricted blood flow through his kidneys. There are numerous causes.
I'm thinking of you !!!

25-08-11, 00:49
Thanks, thats the one thing I think,its because of long term use of beta blockers I hope i hope but like I told Mishel the odds of having good xrays well ,they are against me but then gain miracles do happen and thankyou so much for your words! :)

25-08-11, 00:52
Michael - Firstly, well done for plucking up the courage to go to the doc. Anyone who knows you here will appreciate what a giant step this is for you.

Personally - but I'm not obviously a doc - I don't think your symptoms reflect that of cancer, and the fact that your lung function test and overall general health for a smoker is so good, also scores in your favour.

I know how hard this must be - I've been through all this before myself - but I really think you needed to do this to put your mind at rest and move on re your HA issues.

I'm sure you will come back here and tell us it's all OK, and wish you luck.

25-08-11, 00:58
My logic says no cancer/ my reason says very possible because. of circumstances. Hopefully my logic will rule the day and ill be happy to come back and tell you i dont have it and im quitting smoking lol. Thanks for he post.

25-08-11, 01:24
I am curious of something. My blood oxygen was 98 percent.Can someone with lung cancer have that good of oxygen levels?

25-08-11, 01:59
I don't know, I would assume your ok because your blood oxygen level is pretty good!
I tried google but could not find anything.
what time is your x ray at? It's 2 am here : )

25-08-11, 02:15
Im suppose to just to just go there sometime tommorow. Its 815 weds here

25-08-11, 03:04
others have said what i was going to say, so wont repeat, but i will be thinking of you, and wish you all the luck in the world, and pray for a good outcome xx

25-08-11, 03:09
Ah 8pm? I hope you manage to get some sleep later on in the night.
When I had my last chest x ray I had to wear a silly gown with nothing underneath, on the top half..
I was in the changing room with a curtain lol really paranoid about keeping decent : )
Then this guy comes along in a wheel chair and insists I sit in it for safety reasons , it was my first time in a wheel chair, felt rather silly as x ray was around the corner, after x ray I had to be wheeled back to the changing room : )

I really hope your x ray is clear :hugs:

macc noodle
25-08-11, 08:17
Looking for Answers - totally devastated at what the doctor has said - cancer would be an extreme reason for low sodium!!!!

Did you know for example that anti depressants can give a false low sodium reading?

Did you also know that underactive thyroid gives a low sodium reading (and in actual fact, could well explain why you feel so bad with your anxiety at the mo too)?

A bout of diarrhoea, being too sweaty and taking diuretics can all give low sodium readings.

So you see, there are a myriad of reasons why you can have a low sodium test without it meaning the Big C !!!

Callous doctor who needs replacing with a more sympathetic doc who understands Health Anxiety!

Good luck - let us know how it goes.................

Macc Noodle

25-08-11, 08:21
Did she actually say she thinks you have cancer, or did she just say the low sodium levels could point to this, and you have picked up on that ? or read it online somewhere ?

Reason I ask is there are many reasons for a low sodium level other than cancer ( dehydration and sweating too much as harmless examples ), and for her to say she thinks you may have lung cancer or prostate cancer or some other form, before even getting blood results is a bit odd. Medication for other illnesses can also cause low sodium.

In any case, I hope the results show nothing serious

25-08-11, 17:50
She's sending for an x ray to see if he has lung cancer, so she definitely told him it's a possablity, prostrate cancer though is highly treatable : )
I wonder if she did a urine test too .
Hope the x ray gave good results

25-08-11, 20:16
They did a full cbc blood workup and several different urine test. They took the xray but I want have the results till Monday. Im so worried and nervous. This is so scarry. I dont know why she would push me on this other than im a smoker.

25-08-11, 20:42
Wow you actually have to wait for the x ray results? Maybe you could ring your doctor or the hospital up in the morning to ask?

25-08-11, 20:52
They wont be back in until Monday.

25-08-11, 21:25
Your oxygen levels were excellent Michael ..Please read this .

The High Oxygen Environment

Nobel Laureate Otto Warburg demonstrated that normal cells would become irreversibly cancerous if the environment they rested in had their oxygen levels lowered by 35% for 48 hours.
Cancer Cells CANNOT Live in a High Oxygen Environment
A healthy individual has a blood oxygen level of between 98 and 100 as measured by a pulse oximeter.

Cancer patients routinely show very low oxygen levels in their blood, usually around 60.

25-08-11, 21:47
My blood oxygen was measured by a device that said my pulse was 71 and of course it was wrong .Could the blood oxygen level be wrong to? I ask the dr and she said no,is that possible?Also I have lost about ten pounds in six months ,is this cause for alarm? They put me on buspar,is this a good med?

25-08-11, 22:06
No Michael the oxygen levels will be correct .Your lungs also sounded good ..Buspar is a good med and doesnt cause sedation like Diazapam or Valium .It has similar effectiveness for Anxiety without the risk of addiction .I lost 21lbs in less than a month when my anxiety was bad so 10 isnt much in 6months .I was also sent for chest xray as I smoke too ..I had a bit of a crackle .It came back clear thankgoodness ..They send you for chest xrays when you smoke .But if you didnt they probably wouldnt bother .She should never have said what she did tho .I find that unbelievable .:mad:I do know what you are going through .Hope Monday comes round quick ..t/c luv Sue x

25-08-11, 22:09
Thanks Sue,

25-08-11, 22:14
I'm a non smoker and may i add u have better oxygen levels then me lol last time mine were 96 lol x hugs to you but I think ubwill Be ok I do think ue doctor has been honest with you though about what they were testing you for which is something I agree in BUT think that cos of your anxiety herbwords have stuck to you more than they would have. I bet you keep replaying what she said over and over again. Nothing else just the cancer part. Try to thinknpositive and think o well enjoy my weekend Monday ibwill no x thinking of you xx

25-08-11, 22:20
I lost 14lb in a few weeks with stress and anxiety. It literally falls off some people.
Letting you know I'm thinking of you !!!!!

25-08-11, 22:21
Thsnk you

25-08-11, 22:47

like the others I am appalled at the insensitivity of your doctor Michael.
Bit would like to reassure you that yes ......as smokers present or otherwise we will be sent for chest xray as routine .
your oxygen saturation level is excellent .........your chest is clear ....... all good indicators that the xray will be fine :)
as for prostate ........if your blood PSA came back ok [and I assume that blood test would be done ..... as older man being screened ] ..........the chances of it being that are minimal also ....... my husband has high psa and been through the cancer scare and the biopsy has proved clear thank god ......so even those are not infallible .

I know I cant say dont worry .......you must be very scared and my heart goes out to you ...............but at present time forum friend there is no indication that you have any cancer present at all ......think once we reach our age that docs do naturally more tests ..........just another worry we can do without .

thinking of you and sending a prayer that you have good results and get through the next days without too much distress .

25-08-11, 22:55
sorry hun for what ur going threw ...keep us posted ..take care

26-08-11, 00:07
Good luck Michael, I'll be thinking of you over the weekend. Try not to assume to worst - it does sound as if there may well be no need xx

26-08-11, 05:33
Low sodium levels are very rarely signs of lung cancer, but you wouldn't just have low sodium levels and no cough no spitting up blood no struggling to breathe etc, if you had cancer of the lungs your levels wouldnt be 98% and the reading isnt wrong either. It's very possible you've a thyroid problem which is an easy fix, try now to worry, it's very unlikely you have lung cancer


29-08-11, 18:43
Looking4answers, I've been thinking about you and praying all weekend. I don't know you personally but I read your posts this weekend. Really really hope you've had good news.:hugs:

29-08-11, 19:35
I thank ou and ask you read my other follow up post here dated after this one. Michael