View Full Version : Strange thing I have noticed on Citalopram

24-08-11, 23:14
Hey guys Iv bene on citalopram for 4 weeks now. Some strange things I noticed are
when I started taking it I got INTENSE side effects and heightened anxiety attacks etc. My doctor told me it is the best anxiety medicine he can reccomend so try and stick it out and the height of it all about 13 days in I went back to him pleading for help. He told me I could come down off 20 If I wanted to.
I felt out of my mind and Im only just gone 20!
Anyway the next day I woke up and over the next few days they started to get a lot better. My original anxiety was there but the side effects lessened.
Then last week I was so anxious and hysterically crying and just as I came up to the three week mark I stayed in bed all day crying and the next day the cloud started to lift
I had a brilliant week and felt almost back ro myself.
now just nearly getting onto week 4 the same thing , today I cried a lot very very anxious and tomorrow I dont know we shall see!
Its very strange though Its like it all builds up then releases in a calm !

Has anyone else found this?

24-08-11, 23:28
Yes exactly what you say I have also felt this I am on citalopram 8 weeks now, the first week I took 20mg then wasn't good so she put me on 30mg then 4weeks ago i went upto 40mg . this week I have been panicy crying I had the same when i had gone upto 30. I had a really bad day yesterday even went doctors as i felt sooo much fear and couldn't stop crying. Today I have felt not too bad. the doc gave me something to calm me but I have only took one today. They are called Chlorpromazine and thy are not addictive. She told me not to stop taking the citalopram so I am hanging in there and hope thy start working.

Cathy xx

24-08-11, 23:54
Cathy are you on 40 my still?? When I go back to the docs it will be 6 weeks since I started 20mg. How will I or the doc know if I need to try say 30mg???

25-08-11, 00:03
Hi Yorkman

Yes I am on 40mg now and will stay on them thy worked for me last time but i stupidly came off them cold turkey at easter coz i felt gr8. You will know if you need to up them. If you think you are slowly getting better stick with the 20mg. However if you feel maybe 30mg would really make you feel good speak to your doctor it all depends on how you are feeling. You do sound as if you are getting there so maybe you will be fine on 20mg.

Cathy xx

29-08-11, 07:03
Yeah. It's supposed to 'get worse before it gets better'. It takes a while to synch with your body, and while it starts working to do what it needs to do, your symptoms of anxiety and/or depression or whatever are magnified.