View Full Version : Can't trust myself and feeling stressed

25-08-11, 00:50
I am having a really hard time right now. My HA is back and pretty bad. I can't even trust myself to think that my symptoms are just anxiety. Actually, I can't tell if it's just anxiety or if I should really be going to the doctor.

Sometimes I think I am just anxious 100% of the time now and if I don't feel super amped up, I think I am relaxed but I am really not.

My job is pretty stressful right now. I am not doing a good job of coping and the stress triggers my HA even more. When I get panicky around my coworkers I can hide it but it feels like I am struggling in a quick sand pit while everyone is just standing around me.

Right now I just want to give up. I am checking the stupid mayo clinic website every other day for something. My newest obsession is my stomach problems. I have all the symptoms of acid reflux but the last 3 times I have had this issue an endoscopy has shown nothing and I get told I have IBS. I am terrified its my heart. I am 31 and I am so scared I am stressing myself into heart disease.

All the coping mechanisms I have learned from my CBT seem to go out the window, I am finding it really hard to stay rational. I freak out about the littlest things and I am back to having nocturnal panic attacks. I feel like I am killing myself slowly.

Does anyone have any tips for getting back on track? I don't see my therapist for another week and I need help. I am really depressed about this because my DH wants us to TTC later this year and I don't think I am mentally strong enough to go through it now.

25-08-11, 01:21
Hey , I get the same way I have trouble knowing if I am overreacting or not to my symptoms. It's very frustrating at times.

My way of coping is to tell my self I am just overreacting, that if it were anything serious I would be really ill.
I find it hardest to ignore symptoms I can feel.
what symptoms are you having at the moment?

What is TTC?

25-08-11, 01:51
TTC = Trying to Conceive. We want to have kids but because of my anxiety I keep putting it off. I don't think I can handle 9 months of freaking out every day.

When I eat I have chest pain. Well, at least thats when I notice it. Sometimes it is in the back of my chest...it really hurts...almost like in my back. I am freaked out that it is my heart because its in my back.

I also have had really abnormal BMs and I want to say its anxiety but its been a few weeks. When I eat I get extremely bloated even if I take my time eating and drinking. I have started eating a bland diet again.

I usually can rationalize that I am just overreacting but they always say women usually ignore their symptoms of heart issues until it is too late because it seems like indigestion.