View Full Version : Not happy unless I'm worrying - Tegretol

25-08-11, 01:38
Hi Friends,

Sorry if I should have added this post to my twitching thread...I wasn't sure whether to or not..apologies Nic et al.

I had a twitching lower left eyelid and a dragging/numb sensation in the left side of my face for 2 weeks and was referred to Moorfields Eye Hosp by my GP. They diagnosed Myokymia - involuntary muscle spasm and motor nerve probs. At the time I asked the doc if baclofen or carbamazepine might help it as I had heard they can help stop twitching eyes but he said they were a bit 'hit and miss' so sent me home with a 'it'll go in time'.

Anyway, last Saturday I woke up and the twitch was going crazy and the whole of my left face was dragging and numb so in desperation (and I don't recommend this to anyone) I took a carbamazepine (my Mum is on them for Trigeminal Neuralgia) and it was like a miracle drug.

I saw my GP on Monday and told him what happened and he prescribed a month of carbamazepine for me and the twitch has gone completely.

...but now I am a bit worried. I have read the leaflet in the tablet box and it says that one of the side effects can be severe skin problems, where the skin blisters and peels off.

My skin plays up as it is - I have mild eczema - and I am now paranoid about what is eczema and what is perhaps a side effect. I have noticed little blisters and red spots on my hand and wrist and I am now worried it is the meds.

I am usually not one for HA, but I am now in a quandry about this.

Does anyone have any experience with Tegretol (Carbamazepine) to advise me? I know the risks of that particular side effect are pretty slim, but I am stressing and getting angry with myself for it as I know I am being irrational.


macc noodle
25-08-11, 07:42

Sorry cannot help you on this one but to say if you think that it is different to your normal excema, ring your GP and ask his/her advice.

Good luck.

Macc Noodle
